[转载][转] 漂亮的华德福娃娃_李桃杏_新浪博客


Using vintage lace napkins.


Baby doll

Child's first doll made from flannel.


Blossom Fairy


Made with plant dyed cotwold fibre.

16'' dressbale doll.

Close up of Ruby's face so you can see her lovely boucle hair.

Made from an old velvet curtain that doesn't have as much stretch as the velour.

Made from velour with a hand dyed waiscoat (think it was cherry bark).

Waldorf dolls head but the body was made from a felted cardigan. The hair alpaca.

Squishy and cuddly. Her hair is made from boucle wool.

The wig is a crocheted cap and then each strand is painstakingly hooked in.


Blonde doll

Went through a phase of making dolls with boucle hair.

Boucle hair again. The skirt was from an old pair of coulottes from Monsoon.


Musical doll

The body is made from handmade felt and the hair is a piece of knitting. She has a musical box inside her.

We couldn't bare to part with this one.



Velour tails and sparkly bikini tops.

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