Metropolitan housing prices began to pick up stock and property ...

● The stock market slumped from 6000 to 3000 points, all the way around, which means that half of the assets has shrunk. Many people have been unable to extricate themselves bogged down in the stock market, there is simply impossible for any further funds to the Housing City cast. Therefore, it is said that “seesaw effect” is clearly still too early to say

● stock market would be a good time to have a role in real estate prices. China’s stock market to some investors to become “rich” opportunities. If someone in the stock market on profit, then he will invest in more profitable real estate market

stock market fell again and again in the next few days, just like a “hot potato”, the deeply harm the hearts of the shareholders. The contrast is that Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities housing prices began to pick up, the long-awaited “inflection point” gradually away from the line of sight. [An extension of reading: Canton bottom prices the next two months the "Buy It Now" is a rebound of symptoms]

for China’s macro-economic terms, can stock and property markets of the “seesaw effect” began to appear a? In this regard, our reporter interviewed two well-known economists, Let’s hear how they said.

Liu Yu-hui: mention the “seesaw effect” too early

“This is what the two are not necessarily linked, the relationship between them are complex, not like people say the ’seesaw effect’ or ’substitution effect’. “Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Director of the Center for Economic Evaluation of Liu Yu-hui in an interview with our reporter said that the characteristics of the stock and property markets, the stock market more volatile, while the housing market less liquid, if to take place as people have said the kind of “seesaw effect”, then the market must have sufficient financial support. [An extension of reading: Sui Corps expansion of the property market prices can stay down 40,000 luxury landscape]

“from the current China and the world capital market point of view, because by the U.S. sub-loan crisis, has been in a serious The lack of liquidity, investors have no financial resources to invest in real estate. “said Liu Yu-hui.

In addition, the central bank recently introduced a series of policies have been firmly curb domestic capital, which not only reduced the inflow of the real estate market funds and, more importantly, psychologically to give investors a warning: “The next step may be to stabilize housing prices, there is no fluctuation sure there will be no capital to intervene. “[extended reading: District II 10 Canton City property market scanning Tianhe Central than in February or 5230 yuan]

Liu Yu-hui said that the sharp drop in the stock market from 6000 to the present point of the drastic devaluation of 3000 all the way around, This means that half of the assets has shrunk, many people have been unable to extricate themselves bogged down in the stock market, there is simply impossible for any further funds to the Housing City cast. Therefore, it is said that “seesaw effect” is clearly still too early to say.

next step for real estate trends, Liu Yu-hui said that “We do not want the housing market has been volatile, volatility can provide opportunities to the capital, as the real estate market will always be an investment tool. The next step will be expected to stabilize the real estate market, from the present situation, countries in this round of macro-policy effect is also apparent. “

Chiang: City decided to price the value of

Chongqing University Construction Management and Real Estate Professor Ren Hong, Dean of receiving the Daily News reporter said in an interview that a city’s real estate prices should be the value of the city to decide, only the value of real estate prices and the City match the prices here and what is normal.

“the most recent period, although the stock market so that investors are not benefits, but only out of stock funds that point to change a city’s housing prices obviously unlikely. “Mr Allan believes that the stock market funds will not be returning to form climate.

“However, when the stock market would be a good role in promoting real estate prices. Some investors in China’s stock market to create a ‘nouveau riche’ opportunities. If someone in the stock market on profit, then he will invest in more profitable real estate market. “Chiang said.

Chiang said, Now, with the national introduction of a series of policies, some of the people “rich” has been the source of the containment, coupled with the recent stock market downturn, the stock market has lost & ldquo ; wealth function “, it is expected that the next step may be stabilized prices. “However, there is no obvious decline in the value of a city determines the trend in house prices, such as Beijing, Shanghai as the city, the degree of economic development determines its high house prices, house prices unlikely to drop significantly. “

Chiang stressed that the value of the city by residents of a city created by the high prices the value of the embodiment of the city, the key is to let these values through the redistribution of benefit to the people.

Chinese version:大城市房价开始回暖 股市楼市跷跷板效应显现?

● 此次股市从6000点一路狂泻到3000点左右,这意味着有一半的资产缩水。很多人已经深陷股市不能自拔,根本就不可能再有资金往房市上投。因此,现在说“跷跷板效应”显然还尚早

● 股市好的时候会对房地产价格有推动作用。中国股市给有些投资者创造了成为“暴发户”的机会。如果有人在股市上大赚一笔,那么,他会投资利润更大的房地产市场

股市在近日连连下挫,就像一个“烫手的山芋”一样,深深地伤害着股民的心。而与之形成鲜明对比的是,北京、上海等大城市的房价又开始回暖,人们期待已久的“拐点”渐离视线。[延伸阅读:广州楼价未来两月筑底 “一口价”是反弹之征]



“这两者没有什么必然联系,它们之间关系很复杂,并不是像人们说的‘跷跷板效应’或‘替代效应’。”社科院中国经济评价中心主任刘煜辉在接受本报记者采访时表示,从股市和楼市的特点来看,股市流动性较大,而房市流动性较小,如果要发生像人们所说的那种“跷跷板效应”的话,市场上必须有足够的资金支持。[延伸阅读:穗楼市降价兵团扩军 4万首付即可入住山水豪宅]


另外,央行最近出台的一系列政策已经牢牢地遏制住了国内游资,这不仅减少了流入房地产市场的资金,更重要的是在心理上给予了投资者警示:“房价下一步可能企稳,没有波动肯定就没有游资介入。”[延伸阅读:广州十区二市楼市大扫描 天河2月环比跌5230元]










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