Start the New Year With a Free Iphone 3G门户:手机上网{dy}站,3G ...
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Start the New Year With a Free Iphone

Apple revolutionized the way cell phone industry with the launch of its iPhone. Cell phones will never be the same again, with all the features that you can imagine loaded in it; iPhone becomes the coolest cell phone.But it is a cell phone which is not for everyone, not every one can afford it. But now you can. Just read on and find out how?

There are a lot of ongoing contests, you can try your luck at one of them and if you are lucky enough then you get a free iPhone. You can also trade your old phone in exchange of a brand new iPhone, depending on the condition and model of your existing phone. You might also have to sign a contract but that wouldn't stop you from claiming a brand new iPhone for free.

If you don't want to leave everything to luck then you can explore websites which will require sign ups. There are websites like, etc. from where you can just log in and claim your free iPhone. For logging in you will need a valid email address. Once logged in, run through the offer available for trials and then refer people in your network to do the same. This is how the model works, plain and simple, more people from your network sign in; the more money/points will be awarded and will bring you closer to your free iPhone.

The process is fairly simple. Log in with your email id, and once it is verified by the website, you will be asked to complete an advertiser's offer, which will ask for a trial, free or for a paltry sum of money. This is not as intimidating as it may seem, there are well known and reputed companies providing offers, out of the several offers available pick the one that suits you and is convenient to you. Some might even ask for your credit card details, if you are not comfortable with sharing it, opt for free offers.

There are stipulated number of offers that need to be completed. Once through this step, there are some referrals that need to be made. The best thing to do here is to make your near and dear ones under your referral network. Once done this, inform people on the internet, there are a lot of people who would want a free iPhone. Make sure that there is only one account per household for this use your home computer and don't conceal information or fake any information.

Once you have completed all these steps, claim your free iPhone. It will be shipped free and will be delivered at your doorstep and that too at no extra cost. If you don't want to continue using it then you can even redeem it with its cash equivalent. Now you have also joined the elite class of iPhone owners and that too way too smartly than others.

About the Author:

To learn how to get a without any catch visit our website at where you can learn about the and you can also get one for free!

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