成都“科华重轴”可媲美进口轴承« Reuse world


的系列产品已成功在武钢1700热连轧机工作辊,3000中厚板轧机工作辊介绍,鞍钢1700半的F1 - 7轧机滚子轴承和F1 - 6工作辊,1700热连轧机工作辊轴承工作辊的辊冷轧1760;本钢1670冷轧机工作辊J1的- J4;首钢3300板,3500中厚板轧机工作辊;济钢3200中板轧机滚子轴承,工作辊;五厂2450厚钢板轧机轧辊轴承,韶钢2500中厚板轧机轧辊轴承,如钢铁企业大,中型工厂对关键零部件的关键。长寿命重型轴承的技术性能,使用寿命,都受到用户的认可和好评。

有关部委和东道国当局能查明,武汉市1700热连轧机的6重型轴承使用,50多个日本光洋轴承百分之平均预期寿命和生活比一些国内其他品种轴承两次以上。促进这些使用的是自制的新产品,钢铁企业用户带来了可观的经济效益。以武钢1700热轧机工作辊轴承为例77998E:1990年前的100-120 1990-1999年的长寿命轴承60-80国产台套年进口轴承使用。 1700年鞍钢机械半地位轧制条件下,对其他两个轴承家庭生活中使用40天,切换到“成都科华”长寿命轴承延长至80天。杭钢轧机轴承500窄带交换机成都长寿命滚子轴承,延长使用寿命的同时增加了一倍。

中国重型长寿命轴承的创始人,于1987年开始至1989年,四川省颁布了滚动轴承极限的研究课题,新的设计方法,大大提高轴承额定动载荷预期寿命的设计方法完成的6种和评级。冶金部当时的供重型轴承厂的成员发达的现代工厂选择配件供应服务中心。 1991-95重型轴承研究所成都的时间完成了该部的滚动轴承机械强度设计,试验性研究。 15年已推出4圆锥滚子轧机轴承5项国家专利。而在1992年和2002年被命名为xxxx部委和新产品的佣金的国家。

目前,推进国内{lx1}水平使用,有些达到国际在中国的长寿命重型轴承先进水平,恰逢加速装备现代化建设,备件减少与中国的钢铁企业消费,减少了时间成本。这,经过10多年的发展,普及和应用,可靠性,高长寿命轴承可以替代进口轴承。中国钢铁工业协会冶金设备配件中心,与该协会有关领导的指示精神,按照有这样的重型长寿命轴承在这个新产品,新技术,包括今年的工作重点之一,以促进这两个项目。 06.9.1

Chengdu “heavy Kehua axis” may be comparable to imported bearings

Chengdu Kehua heavy heavy-duty Bearing Co., Ltd. and Chengdu Institute of bearings and take the research and production in close connection with the road, the creation of China’s heavy-duty long-life bearings brand series of products to fill our country’s long-life bearings production blank.

the series of products have been successfully introduced in WISCO 1700 hot rolling mill work roll, 3000 plate mill work roll; AISC 1700 semi-F1-7 rolling mill roller bearings, F1-6 work roll, 1700 hot rolling mill work roll bearings and roll work roll cold-rolled 1760; Bengang 1670 cold mill work roll J1-J4; Shougang 3300 plate, 3500 plate mill work roll; Jigang 3200 plate mill roller bearings, work roll;五厂2450 heavy steel plate mill roller bearing; SISG 2500 plate mill roller bearings, such as iron and steel enterprises large and medium-sized key of the key parts of the mill. Long-life heavy-duty bearings technical performance, service life, are subject to the user’s recognition and praise.

by the relevant ministries and the host country authorities to identify, Wuhan 1700 hot rolling mill used in the six heavy-duty bearings, the average life expectancy of more than 50 percent of Japan koyo bearings, and some varieties of life than other domestic bearings twice above. Promote the use of such home-made new products, iron and steel enterprise users have brought considerable economic benefits. WISCO 1700 to a hot mill work roll bearings 77998E as an example: before the year 1990 the use of imported bearings 100-120 sets of 1990-1999 years of Chinese-made sets of long-life bearings 60-80. 1700 Anshan Iron and Steel Mechanic status of semi-rolling conditions, the use of the domestic life of the other two bearings 40 days, switch to “Chengdu Kehua” long-life bearings extended to 80 days. Hangzhou Iron and Steel Rolling Mill Bearing 500 narrowband switch Chengdu long-life roller bearings, to extend the service life of the same doubled.

Chinese heavy-duty long-life bearings founder, started in 1987 to 1989, Sichuan Province issued the completion of the six types of rolling bearings limit design method of research topics, the new design method substantially enhance the bearing dynamic load rating Life expectancy and rated. Metallurgical Department at the time the supply of service centers of selected accessories for modern mill developed by the members of heavy-duty bearings plant. 1991-95 heavy-duty bearings Chengdu Institute completed at the time the Department issued the rolling bearing mechanical strength design, the pilot study. Fifteen years has made rolling mill with 4 Tapered Roller Bearing five national patents. And in 1992 and in 2002 was named the country on the key national ministries and commissions of new products.

At present, promote the use of in the leading domestic level, and some reached the international advanced level in China’s long-life heavy-duty bearings, coincides with China’s iron and steel enterprises to accelerate the modernization of equipment, spare parts to reduce consumption, reduce costs at the time. This, after ten years of development, popularization and application, reliability, high long-life bearings can replace the imported bearings. China Steel Industry Association of Metallurgical Equipment Parts Center, in accordance with the instructions of the leadership of the Association relating to the spirit, has such a heavy-duty long-life bearings included in this year focus on new products, new technologies to promote one of the items. (06-9-1)

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