法国迪卡侬体育用品商店即将在厦门« oursolo.net



日报听证会是一种巧合的法国新总统萨科齐访问中国, ,大力推进两国经贸中国和法国,世界500强的体育产品的零售行业欧洲排名{dy}的合作背景的母公司,全球数字在法国迪卡侬集团二,最近宣布其在中国扩张来增加新闻,厦门也是对连锁店的名单新一轮扩张。今年刚刚升格为迪卡侬厦门采购分公司总经理刘志欣在接受记者专访昨日明确表示:迪卡侬将很快在厦门,一个有着几千年的专业体育用品商店平方米开幕。厦门











France Decathlon sporting goods store about to open in Xiamen

“The world’s second” want to come to Ha Dong exclusive shop

Decathlon Group was informed that France wanted to come to Xiamen’s largest sporting goods store opened

Daily hearing may be a coincidence, on the France’s new president Nicolas Sarkozy’s visit to China, vigorously promote economic and trade cooperation between China and France, the parent company of the world’s top 500 has a background of sports products retail industry ranked first in Europe, the global number two in France Decathlon Group, recently announced its expansion in China to increase the news, Xiamen is also a new round of expansion of the list of chain stores. This year has just been upgraded to Decathlon procurement branch general manager of Xiamen刘志欣yesterday in an exclusive interview with the reporter made it clear that: Decathlon will soon be opened in Xiamen, an area of several thousand square meters of professional sports supplies store. Xiamen

stores have been in the planning of the site

“Decathlon in China, enterprises in France are a microcosm of China’s development, we are very fast development in China.”刘志欣told reporters, the Government of France and French companies attached more importance to economic and trade exchanges with China, France’s new president Nicolas Sarkozy’s visit to China soon after assuming office Qigang, this performance of France the degree of importance attached to China.

Decathlon France and China is also the fastest growing global business market. With the upgrading of the quality of life, as well as promoting the Olympic spirit, a growing number of sports and sporting goods store brand shopping malls into Xiamen,刘志欣said: “Xiamen sports supplies a huge potential market, Xiamen Decathlon store has entered the planning and site selection stage. “

reporter has learned that the industry had previously rumored Xiamen” Decathlon is currently under construction in Xiamen, a large-scale commercial real estate projects to discuss cooperation, “the news, this time, this is not a groundless rumor. According to introduction刘志欣Decathlon is currently in China, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other cities, has opened 14 chain stores sports brand, apart from operating its own stores in 9 series of big sports brand, there are 50% Adidas, Nike and other sports brands.

procurement branch located in Xiamen

刘志欣also told reporters that in fact in the planning of Xiamen Decathlon sporting goods store before the Decathlon Group after already in 2003 set up in Xiamen the “procurement of office”, specializing in procurement Fujian Decathlon sporting goods to enter the system of global retail sales. At present, Fujian has 18 sunglasses, tennis supplies, bicycle tires, sports apparel items, such as enterprises, become suppliers Decathlon.

allegedly Decathlon in Fujian Province of procurement operations to 50 percent per year rate of rapid growth, this year is expected to exceed 30 million euros, on average each supplier has a 20 million yuan of purchases. Due to rapid business growth, at present, the office has been officially upgraded to a “law of long sports supplies (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Xiamen Branch.”

sporting goods store is expected to Xiamen’s largest

reporters learn that at present mainly in Xiamen sports supplies “store” existed in the form of, for example, Zhongshan Road, Jordan, Li Ning and other stores, and sell sports clothing, shoes and hats, sports balls and other related supplies, but it’s not big. Can be regarded as “sporting goods shopping malls”, and only the ground floor of the Meeting Place, a “Sports 100″, and to Blair as department stores, department stores in the “sporting goods area” and so few points, and these points are only to operate sports-oriented apparel.

and introduce刘志欣Decathlon sports supplies in China’s chain stores, the scale will normally be between 2000-12000 m2, which is equivalent to a medium-sized “Trust” supermarkets. Decathlon like operating supermarket operators as sports supplies, all products are in accordance with its functional use segments, such as “sports shoes are the same, but we will definitely not hiking shoes and basketball shoes sold together.” Therefore the industry is expected to open Decathlon Xiamen’s largest sporting goods store, it is bound to Xiamen will be the entire sporting goods market, a tremendous impact. (07-11-29)

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