To ask the question of public transportation IC card « China trip ...

car ride today, I was holding a credit card ticket conductor. I should be the original price of the fare is 3 million, a result of playing with IC card discount for each purchase of fare should be 2.4 yuan. Credit card machine but the conductor’s voice is my brush 4.8 yuan, equivalent to brush my money two of the cars. I would like to ask the conductor should be returned to me 3 yuan or 2.4 yuan this? Comparison of delirium is paid in cash if it is not discounted fare, conductor Furthermore there is no way the money returned to my card, only cash back.

ternary should retire. because it is a mistake conductor. I have seen this situation first. 1.6 yuan should be closed. However, a 2.4 deduction. final denunciation is 3 yuan.2006-05-17


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