
近日,三门核电1号机组的首批AP1000稳压器喷淋阀(PV63)在制造商美国fisher工厂完成组装,开始试验。试验共进行了水压试验、阀座泄漏试验、填料密封试验、动作试验等项目,结果合格。 据介绍,稳压器喷淋阀是核一级阀门,是反应堆冷却剂系统中重要的压力控制设备,在电厂运行时通过 与电加热器的作用维持系统压力在限值范围内。试验完成后,首批稳压器喷淋阀将于下月完成最终验收并发运。

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Recently, the Sanmen Nuclear Power Unit 1 of the first AP1000 regulator spray valve (PV63) fisher in the manufacturer, factory assembled and began testing. Tests carried out hydraulic pressure test, valve seat leaking test, packing test, action, tests, results qualified. According to reports, the regulator valve spray valve is a nuclear one, is important reactor coolant system pressure control equipment, the power plant run time role with the electric heater to maintain system pressure within limits. After the test, the first regulator spray valve will be shipped next month to complete and final acceptance.

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