创辉rental stores创辉Huangjiang staff adhere to open self-help ...

● store from other stores have been closed the next day of business, the headquarters of a responsible person to encourage staff to do so

● store manager, said the sale of the business can still be stopped for leasing just signed a lease contract by the commission thousand

for us, but also a social exercise. People can not take advantage of others, since it is his own company, on the efforts over the years.

—–创辉video resolution 1061 HE Liang stores sales manager

Xinhuanet Canton January 23 Xinhua (HE Yong-Hua Liming) January 15 Japan, one night in Shenzhen, Dongguan创辉rental branch suddenly closed more than 100 stores, and even the division’s headquarters located in Dongcheng also closed doors. On the other employees have创辉accused创辉, to discuss non-payment of wages when创辉rental Huangjiang锦绣路at the first 1061 home store more than 10 employees still stick to the stores, the second day of the incident open the door as usual for customers to come to the consultation to help.

why the discussion to wage a hopeless situation for the company also continues to open stores? Why创辉unlike other employees of the stores visited, like everywhere? What are the differences between them?

The store sales manager Liang He said they can not rely on and so on, since the company did not collapse, it also can operate. On the day before yesterday afternoon, the store also signed a lease contract, won the last thousand dollars in commissions.

According to “Nanfang Dushi Bao” reported that from January 15, the rental创辉suddenly closed in around the incident, continues to this day. The day before yesterday afternoon, a press release on the repayment of rental创辉Notice interview, some staff, revealed to reporters in Dongguan branch创辉its more than 100 stores have closed the following day, in a store even Huangjiang open the door. In saying this, the employees seemed to be somewhat surprised. “companies are dragging the issue of wages, customers also chasing door discussion that how they can continue to do so open.” With these surprised reporters yesterday创辉employees in accordance with the address found this at this time has been relatively创辉alternative outlets.

see customers inside a warm hello

刚到Huangjiang Fairview junctions can be seen not far from the first red 1061 stores. Appearances on “创辉video” a few characters are particularly eye-catching. Store covered with glass to be sold second-hand housing and rental information. Stores with other difference is that the missing tunicoides closed the door on the store’s two glass doors and out of all open. A mention of the middle-aged woman with a plastic bag at a press conference before the door, from the information desk Department came out. Reporter went, two male employees in front of the computer table is still beating the word. Clients come to see, including a man and a very neatly employees stood up and asked reporters to rent Mody. While a second man got up immediately to pull over a stool, let’s sit down and say that.

“Anyway, why is such a positive point”

know if other stores创辉situation into here reporters have absolutely no idea this has happened before创辉suddenly closed matter. Look forward to an area of 60 square meters to the stores, the them 10 computers, the desktop is also very neat. In the meantime,创辉other stores in Dongguan are in a mess, the computer can only display, the host has long been removed. Carefully read the press under the store’s computer, all computers are complete. There are several computer screen page,创辉stays in the internal system. Interestingly, a computer screen or page创辉media reports of the incident.

“We are very concerned about the company’s development, every day to see the relevant reports, but the trouble is no use anyway so why not a positive point, continue to open shop”, Wang said a staff, the company is also in arrears of his salary and royalty, but the company does not have all of a sudden so much money, they certainly can not sit and wait.

the incident the next day open for business as usual

on reporters and two male staff chatting when one after another 45 employees to return to the shop, at this time also happened around 14 o’clock. “company happen, we also changed the timing to work.” According to the briefing, previously创辉staff going to and returning from the normal time is 9:00 am to 21:00. Since the sudden closing incident, work time had advanced to 7:00 am, noon is also ready to work.

Liang He said, “in Dongguan branch closed the day, many customers came to us here to discuss the money, we can only explain and ask them to headquarters, stores, after all, employees shall not pay for them. Customers can also understand this, then there will be no difficult for those of us ordinary people, so the next day we are open for business as usual. “

■ comment

wage no hair, could not guarantee the basic livelihood, how could die ah to the company. I would certainly not do so, enough fools.

—创辉Chen Dongcheng a store employee

I also have this way of thinking, but the store colleagues are not so united.

—创辉other employees

This is a way of self-employees. Companies encourage employees to do so.

— Shenzhen President’s Office responsible for创辉person in charge of publicity, Miss Cheung Man

branch closing, a store employee also open stores that this comparison rare. Shenzhen创辉has not declared bankruptcy, and its main corporate still can open the door operating.

— Guangdong Fu Zhang Yuan-cheng law firm lawyers Liuzhou

Q: Why did not pay to continue to open the door?

A: The school must first learn to do things in life before the

Liang He said that the need to affirm that the company only since last December did not pay, after the wage have completed payment for the arrears of royalty is not comprehensive, it is only a short time. Their stores to the 10 employees are more united, and not affected in the incident on the second day to continue to open for business as usual. “We all know that the company does not have a lot of money all at once, it can not rely on and so on, can only continue to open the door. This is for us, but also a social exercise, “Liang He said that this is a principle in life and can not take advantage of others, since it is his own company, on the efforts over the years. “Learning must first learn to do things in life before.”

Q: funding the company stores money come from?

A: The detention of some royalty subsidies plus employees

Liang He said that the wages of the employees as well as the percentage of rental stores, are each about 15 months from the headquarters audit issued.创辉in May 2007 entered Huangjiang suddenly opened seven stores, popular business. Later, business is down, and the remaining five, they now have one of these. “We negotiated an amount for each business, customers pay a commission at first deposited in the company accounts, the company on the 15th of each month based on a certain ratio of fat percentage to their employees. This occurred afterwards, we got into a commission, and in advance in accordance with the rate of detention under the royalty as well as some money for payment of rent, utilities management fees. ” If not enough, the staff of their own pockets.

Q: how to proceed with the next phase of business?

Answer: the sale of discontinued operations also for rental business

According to Liang He learned that real estate company has two main business, first introduced the sale of second-hand housing, II is the rental business. Procedures for the sale of second-hand housing must be to the housekeeping department to handle, but do not have to lease in the housekeeping department to complete the formalities. Therefore, the current stores closed a second-hand housing intermediary business, but continue to operate the rental business. Liang He said that on the day before yesterday afternoon, they finished only just signed a lease contract, there are thousand dollars in commissions. Store employees say they do not know how long it can persist, but have business to do so, certainly will continue to open the door to go under. “We continue to open the door is also one of the reasons is that many owners are still the key to us here, we let them take away the time, many of them not to take, and we have the responsibility of the owners of these.”

Chinese version:创辉创辉租售黄江门店员工坚持开门自救





新华网广州1月23日电(何永华 黎明)1月15日,一夜间深圳创辉租售东莞分公司的100多家门店突然关门,甚至连分公司设在东城的总部也关着门。就在其他创辉员工纷纷怒斥创辉,讨要拖欠工资的时候,创辉租售位于黄江锦绣路的第1061家门店里的10多名员工却依旧坚守着门店,在事发第二天像往常一样开着门,为前来咨询的客户提供帮助。 































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