Nanjing to impose water-saving toilets will be effective recycling ...

Recently, this reporter learned from the Nanjing Municipal Public Bureau, Nanjing urban water supply, water saving, “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” to determine the first draft. Among them, the Yangtze River designated nine major drinking water source protection areas; three new water plant; strive to make water-saving devices a penetration rate of {bfb}.

designated nine major water source protection zones

Eleventh Five-year water supply planning in the Yangtze River in Nanjing, as the region’s major water source, the Yangtze River designated nine major drinking water source protection areas to the Yangtze River in Nanjing The main water source, phase-out of river water, planning for major new water sources to be from the Yangtze River. At the same time, water water water should be gradually decentralized to centralized water from the transition area and administrative area designated water combination, taking into account the rational planning of water supply zones and administrative jurisdiction of the integrity, while the necessary integration.

new plants and booster stations

2010 will be extended to the main city of Nanjing and the peripheral areas of the five water plants, new water plant Longtan Science Park water plant, Riverside Water Works 3, urban public water supply capacity from the current 2.12 million tons / day, increased to 3.495 million tons / day. In addition, the expansion will be 13 new booster station, and the addition of Hexi area, city area, Qixia regional water supply points, as well as the Hexi Corridor, Ningxia, Yadong repair service center. In addition, will complete the old pipe network and the poor quality transformation of more than 100 kilometers pipeline network to complete the transformation of metering for each household for nearly 30 million.

industrial water use will be effective recycling

Eleventh Five-Year period, in the industrial water recycling, application of high-tech production techniques of the water demand for technical innovation and transformation, yields in the production process to reduce water consumption. In water recycling, sewage treatment plants, etc. will be East factory river water for irrigation, municipal green and so on, to ensure water after regeneration can be widely used in industry, agriculture, urban gardening and municipal landscape of water, an alternative high-quality fresh water resources improve the rate of urban wastewater reuse.

household water-saving appliances at home after five years

Eleventh Five-Year period, Nanjing will be research and development and promotion of the application of advanced water-saving sanitary ware, such as faucets, flush valves, toilet tank fittings, and high and low and shower products, and will strengthen the supervision and management of water equipment and implement water-saving appliances directory management, urban water management on a regular basis by the public according to national standards for production, quality and reliability of various models, different uses of water-saving equipment and utensils , to continue manufacturing products using those to be taken out of the economic administrative measures to combat it. To impose the use of water-saving appliances, water-saving devices during the Eleventh Five-year and strive to a penetration rate of {bfb}.











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