
火力发电厂阀门带压堵漏技术 发电厂阀门主要用于控制各种设备及其管路上流体介质运行,阀门泄漏常发生填料、法兰密封及阀体上,阀门长时间泄漏可造成阀杆和法兰密封面冲蚀,最终可使阀门报废,加上介质流体损失,使电厂消耗增加,成本上升,经济效益下降。介质流体有毒、易燃、易爆、腐蚀性等发生外泄漏,则容易发生中毒、火灾、爆炸等伤亡事故和加快厂房设备腐蚀速度,缩短其使用寿命,严重时污染周边环境,破坏电力生产, 损害人们身体健康。泄漏存严重威胁着安全生产,使电厂非计划停机事故增多。以下介绍一些阀门泄漏原因及堵漏方法以及对阀门维修和维护方法,供参考。 2 阀门外漏形式及因素 2.1 阀门填料泄漏及原因 阀门操作使用过程中,阀杆同填料之间存着相对运动,它包括转动和轴向移动。开关次数增加,相对运动次数也随之增多,还有温度,压力和流体介质特性等影响,阀门填料是最容易发生泄漏部位。它是填料接触压力逐渐减弱,填料自身老化,失去了弹性等原因引起。这时压力介质就会填料与阀杆接触间隙向外泄漏,长时间会把部分填料吹走和将阀杆冲刷出沟槽,使泄漏扩大化。 2.2 法兰泄漏 阀门法兰密封主依靠连接螺栓预紧力,垫片达到足够密封比压,来阻止被密封压力流体介质外泄。它泄漏原因有很多方面,密封垫片压紧力不足,结合面粗糙度不符合要求,垫片变形和机械振动等都会引起密封垫片与法兰结合面密合不严而发生泄漏。另外螺栓变形或伸长,垫片老化,回弹力下降,龟裂等也会造成法兰面密封不严而发生泄漏。法兰泄漏还有不可忽视人为因素,如密封垫片装偏,使局部密封比压不足紧力过度,超过了密封垫片设计极限,以及法兰紧固过程中用力不均或两法兰中心线偏移,xxx紧现象等都容易发生泄漏。 2.3 阀体外漏和原因 阀体外漏主要原因是阀门生产过程中铸造或锻造缺陷所引起,比如砂眼,气孔、裂纹等,而流体介质冲刷和气蚀也是造成阀体泄漏常见因素。 3 带压堵漏原理及优点 3.1 带压堵漏原理 带压堵漏原理就是以液态介质动态条件下,固态密封材料密封机理为基本依据。方法是泄漏部位装设专用设备,利用密封部位和专用设备之间形成腔室, 采用专用高压注胶工具将密封胶注入腔室,并充满整个腔室空间,使密封胶挤压力与泄漏介质压力相平衡,建立一个新密封结构来堵塞泄漏孔隙各通道,阻塞介质外泄。 3.2 带压堵漏优点 (1)不需要停机或对系统进行隔离。 (2)不需要对系统进行泄压。 (3)节省大量能源和人力。 (4)大大减少了因设备隔离或停机而带来电量损失。 (5)减少了社会经济损失。

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Power Plant Valve Pressure Seal Technology Power control valve is mainly used for a variety of equipment and its pipeline fluid medium run, the valve packing leakage often occurs, and the valve body flange, valve leakage can cause a long stem and flange sealing surface erosion eventually enable the valve end of life, coupled with the loss of fluid medium, so that power consumption increases, costs rise, economic decline. Fluid toxic, flammable, explosive, corrosive and other external leakage occurs, then prone to poisoning, fires, explosions and other casualties, and accelerate the corrosion rate of plant and equipment, reduce the life of serious contamination of the surrounding environment, destruction of electricity production, damage to people's health. Leakage a serious threat to the safety deposit, so that power plants increased unplanned downtime incidents. Here are some of valve leakage and plugging methods and methods of valve repair and maintenance, for reference. Two forms of valve leakage and factors 2.1 causes the valve packing leakage and Valve operation during use, the valve stem packing with relative movement between the deposit, which includes rotation and axial movement. Switch, the number of times also will increase the relative motion, as well as temperature, pressure and fluid media characteristics influence is the most prone to leaking valve packing area. It is the contact pressure is gradually reduced packing, packing their own aging, loss of elasticity causes. Then the pressure medium will contact gap filler and valve leak out, blown away a long time that some of the filler and the stem erosion groove, so that leakage of magnification. 2.2 Flange Leakage Rely on to connect the main valve flange bolt preload, to achieve adequate sealing gasket than the pressure, the pressure to be sealed to prevent leakage of fluid medium. There are many reasons it is leaking, the gasket compression is less, combined with surface roughness does not meet the requirements, gaskets and mechanical vibration, deformation will lead to the Flange Gasket and seal loose and leak. Another bolt deformation or elongation, gasket aging, decreased resilience, etc. can also cause cracks and leaks Mifengbuyan flange. Flange leak there can not be ignored human factors, such as the sealing gasket mounted side, so that partial pressure of less than tight seal over power, over the sealing gasket design limits, and the uneven force during fastening flange or both flanges Center line shift, resulting in the phenomenon of fake compact and so prone to leaks. 2.3 body and cause leakage Mainly due to valve leakage valve production process caused by casting or forging defects, such as trachoma, pores, cracks, etc., and flushing fluid medium and air valve leakage caused by corrosion is common factors. 3 Principle and advantages of Pressure Seal 3.1 Principles of Pressure Seal Pressure Seal principle is that under dynamic conditions in liquid medium, solid sealing material sealing mechanism as the fundamental basis. Is part of the installation of special equipment for leaks, sealing parts and special equipment used between the chamber, with dedicated high-pressure injection plastic sealant into the tool cavity to fill the entire cavity space, so that sealant extrusion pressure and medium pressure leak equilibrium, the establishment of a new structure to plug the leak sealing the channel pore, block media leaks. 3.2 Pressure Seal advantage (1) does not require system shutdown or isolation. (2) without the pressure relief system. (3) save a lot of energy and manpower. (4) significantly reduced the isolation due to equipment or loss of power brought down. (5) reduce economic losses.

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