我个人感觉非常的棒!在唱片里不刻意的追求过多的抒情与诗意阿里巴巴 ...

以一曲“Unwritten“驯服全世界,拿下全美单曲榜{gj},英国金榜{gj}和格莱美题名的Natasha Bedingfield的{zx1}作品,。充斥着新世代女生独立自主的个性。

Pocketful of Sunshine这张专辑,我个人感到非常的棒!在唱片里不刻意的寻求过多的抒怀与诗意,,充斥的阳光与活气弹性将会依然使得她的声音一直缭绕在你的耳畔,。阳光总是让人在各方面觉得满足,假如不是这样,它(Pocketful of Sunshine)至少能让你在音乐上觉得满足.并可以让你的全身得到放松!

On Pocketful of Sunshine, Natasha Bedingfield sounds like Joss Stone only bouncier. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, the brightness and buoyancy of this record will keep it spinning long after CDs that shoot for hipster credibility--with funked-up bells and fancy production whistles--have been deposited back into their jewel cases for all eternity. Check it out: "Love Like This," with Sean Kingston, puts its hands in the air for puppy love--the kind that'll bring you back to your "middle school kiss"--and a couple of other songs follow the youth-themed suit. "Backyard" time-travels to an idyllic childhood, while "Freckles" fleshes out, for the benefit of the insecure, the beauty in imperfections. Elsewhere, Bedingfield is her indomitably upbeat self. Opener "Put Your Arms Around Me" reeks of reassurance and tenderness. "Happy" implores would-be gloom-and-doomers to snap out of it, and while the title track doesn't wander all that far lyrically, it benefits from a chanted verse brimmed in (positive) attitude. The vibe, overall, is beach-blanket warm and blue-sky ready. Sunshine earns a pocketful, if not more, of pop-music props. 相关的主题文章:

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