

2010-05-13 16:04:35 阅读3 评论0 字号:

液压泵塞泵的使用及维修方法: 本文以直轴斜盘式柱塞泵为主,介绍液压泵塞泵的使用及维修方法。 1 液压泵的供油形式 直轴斜盘式柱塞泵分为压力供油型的自吸油型两种。压力供油型液压泵大都采用有气压的油箱,也有液压泵本身带有补油分泵向液压泵进油口提供压力油的。自吸油型液压泵的自吸油能力很强,无需外力供油。气压供油的液压油箱,在每次启动机器后,必须等液压渍箱达到使用气压后,才能操作机械。如液压油箱的气压不足时就担任机器,会对液压泵内的与滑鞭造成拉脱现象,出会造成泵体内回程板与压板的非正常磨损。采用补油泵供油的柱塞泵,使用后,操作人员每日需对柱塞泵检查1-2次,检查液压泵运转声响是否正常。如发现液压缸速度下降或闷车时,就应该对补油泵解体检查,检查叶轮边沿是否有刮伤现象,内齿轮泵间隙是否过大。 自吸油型柱塞泵,液压油箱内的油液不得低于油标下限,要保持足够数量的液压油。液压油的清洁度越高,液压泵的使用寿命越长。 2 液压泵用轴承 柱塞泵最重要的部件是轴承,如果轴承出现游隙,则不能保证液压泵内部三对磨擦副的正常间隙,同时也会破坏各磨擦副的静液压支承油膜厚度,降低柱塞泵轴承的使用寿命。据液压泵制造厂提供的资料,轴承的平均使用寿命为10000h,超过此值就需要更换新口。 拆卸下来的轴承,没有专业检测仪器是无法检测出轴承的游隙的,只能采用目测,如发现滚柱表面有划痕或变色,就必须更换。 在更换轴承时,应注意原轴承的英文字母和型号,柱塞泵轴承大都采用大载荷容量轴承,{zh0}购买原厂家,原规格的产品,如果更换另一种品牌,应请教对轴承有经验的人员查表对换,目的是保持轴承的精度等级和载荷容量。 3 三对磨擦副检查与修复 3.1 柱塞杆与缸体孔 柱塞泵零件的更换标准,所列的各种间隙超差时,可按下述方法修复: (1)缸体镶装铜套的,可以采用更换铜套的方法修复。首先把一组柱塞杆处径修整到统一尺寸,再用1000#以上的砂纸抛光外径。 缸体安装铜套的三种方法: (a)缸体加温热装或铜套低温冷冻挤压,过盈装配;(b)采有乐泰胶粘着装配,这咱方法要求铜外套外径表面有沟槽;(c)缸孔攻丝,铜套外径加工螺纹,涂乐泰胶后,旋入装配。 (2)熔烧结合方式的缸体与铜套,修复方法如下: (a)采用研磨棒,手工或机械方法研磨修复缸孔;(b)采用座标镗床,重新镗缸体孔;(c)采用铰刀修复缸体孔。 (3)采用“表面工程技术”,方法如下: (a)电镀技术:在柱塞表面镀一层硬铬;(b)电刷镀技术:在柱塞表面刷镀耐磨材料;(c)热喷涂或电弧喷涂或电喷涂:喷涂高碳马氏体耐磨材料;(d)激光熔敷:在柱塞表面熔敷高硬度耐磨合金粉末。 (4)缸体孔无铜套的缸体材料大都是球墨铸铁的,在缸体内壁上制备非晶态薄膜或涂层。因为缸体孔内壁有了这种特殊物质,所以才能组成硬—硬配对的磨擦副。如果盲目地研磨缸体孔,把缸体孔内壁这层表面材料研掉,磨擦更加的结构性能也就改变了。被去掉涂层的磨擦副,如果强行使用,就会磨擦面温度急剧升高,柱塞杆与缸孔发生胶合。 另外在柱塞杆表面制备一种独特的薄膜涂层,涂层含有减磨+耐磨+润滑功能,这组磨擦副实际还是硬-软配对,一旦人地改变涂层,也就破坏了{zj0}配对材料的磨擦副,修理这些特殊的柱塞泵,就要送到专业修理厂。 3.2 滑靴与斜盘 滑靴与斜盘的滑动磨擦是斜盘柱塞泵三对磨擦副中最为复杂的一对。 如果柱塞与滑靴间隙超差,柱塞腔中的高压油就会从柱塞球头与滑靴间隙中泄出,滑靴与斜盘油膜减薄,严重时会造成静压支承失效,滑靴与斜盘发生金属接触磨擦,滑靴烧蚀脱落,柱塞球头划伤斜盘。柱塞杆球头与滑靴球窝超出公差1.5倍时,必须成组更换之。 柱塞杆与缸孔柱塞杆直径φ16φ20φ25φ30φ35φ40标准间隙0.0150.0250.0250.0300.0350.040极限间隙0.0400.0500.0600.0700.0800.090柱塞杆球头 与滑靴球窝标准间隙0.0100.0100.0150.0150.0200.020极限间隙0.300.300.300.350.350.35 斜盘作用一段时间后,斜盘平面会出现内凹现象,在采用平台研磨前,首先应测量原始尺寸和平面硬度。研磨后,再测出研磨量是多少,如在0.18以内,对柱塞泵使用无防碍;如果超出0.2mm以上,则应采用氮化的方法来保持原有的氮化层厚度。 斜盘平面被柱塞球头刮削出沟槽时,可采用激光熔敷合金粉末的方法进行修复。激光熔敷技术既可保证材料的结合强度,又能保证补熔材料的硬度,且不全降低周边组织的硬度。 也顺以采用铬相焊条进行手工堆焊,补焊过的斜盘平面需重新热处理,{zh0}采用氮化炉热处理。不管采取哪种方法修复斜盘,都必须恢复原有的尺寸精度、硬度和表面粗糙度。 3.3 配流盘与缸体配流面的修复 配流盘有平面配流和球面配流两种形式。 球面配流的磨擦副,在缸体配流面划痕比较浅时,通过研磨手段修复;缸体配流面沟槽较深时,应先采用“表面工程技术”手段填平沟槽后,再进行研磨,不可盲目研磨,,以防铜层变薄或漏油出钢基。平面配流形式的磨擦副可以精度比较高的平台上进行研磨。 缸体和配流盘在研磨前,应先测量总厚度尺寸和应当研磨掉的尺寸,再补偿到调整垫上。配流盘研磨量较大时,研磨后应重新热处理,以确保淬硬层硬度。 柱塞泵零件硬度标准 柱塞杆推荐硬件hs84柱塞杆球头推荐硬度>hs90斜盘表面推荐硬度>hs90配流盘推荐硬度>hs90 缸体与配流盘修复后,可采用下述方法检查配合面的泄漏情况,即在配流盘面涂上凡士林油,把泄油道堵死,涂好油配流盘平放在平台或平板玻璃上,再把缸体放在配流盘上,在缸孔中注入柴油,要间隔注油,即一个孔注油,一个孔不注油,观察4h以上,柱塞孔中柴油无泄露和串通,说明缸体与配流盘研磨合格。 4 结语 柱塞泵使用寿命的长短,与平时的维护保养,液压油的数量和质量,油液清洁度等有关。避免油液中的颗粒对柱塞泵磨擦副造成磨损等,也是延长柱塞泵寿命的有效途径。在维修中更换零件应尽量使用原厂生产的零件,这些零件有时比其它仿造的零件价格要贵,但质量及稳定性要好,如果购买售价便宜的仿造零件,短期内似乎是节省了费用,但由此出带来了隐患,也可能对柱塞泵的使用造成更大的危害。

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Plug the pump hydraulic pump use and maintenance methods: In this paper, the main axis swashplate piston pumps, introduces the use of hydraulic pumps and repair plug method. A hydraulic pump in the oil form Swashplate axial piston pump directly into pressure from the suction-type oil-based two. Most of the pressure oil-type hydraulic pump with a pressure tank, also make up the oil pump itself with the slave cylinder to the pump inlet pressure of oil provided. Suction-type hydraulic pump from a very strong self-absorbing, no external oil supply. Pressure hydraulic oil tank, after each time you start the machine, must wait to use the pressure of hydraulic stains box only after the operation of machinery. Such as the lack of hydraulic pressure when the tank as a machine, and slip inside the pump will cause whip pull off phenomenon, the body will cause the pump non-return plate and the plate normal wear and tear. Using up fuel supply to the piston, use, operators need a daily check of the piston pump 1-2 times, check the pump operation sounds are normal. Found to decrease the speed of hydraulic cylinder, or boring car, you should pump up the disintegration of checks, check whether the impeller edge scratching phenomenon, space within the gear pump is too big. Since the suction type plunger pump, hydraulic oil tank shall not be less than the oil inside the standard minimum, to keep a sufficient number of hydraulic oil. Cleanliness of hydraulic oil higher, longer service life of hydraulic pumps. 2 hydraulic pump bearings The most important part is the piston bearings in bearing clearance if you can not guarantee that the internal pump friction pairs and three pairs of normal space, but also undermine the friction pair hydrostatic bearing oil film thickness, reduced piston pump bearings life. According to information provided by pump manufacturers, bearing an average service life 10000h, this value would need to be replaced over the new port. Disassembled bearings, no professional testing equipment is not detected bearing clearance, but to use visual, such as found in roller surface scratchesor discoloration, it must be replaced. The replacement should take the original bearing the letters and type, piston bearings with large load capacity of bearing most of the best to buy the original manufacturer, the original specifications, if the replacement of another brand, they should consult an experienced bearing The staff look-up table of the exchange, the aim of maintaining the accuracy level and load bearing capacity. 3, three pairs of friction Vice inspection and repair 3.1 plunger rod and cylinder bore Pump parts replacement standard, the wide range of ultra-poor gap, the method of repair according to the following: (1) copper cylinder Xiang sets installed, can be used to replace copper sleeve for remediation. First of all, to a piston rod diameter trimmed to uniform size, then # 1000 sandpaper polished outer diameter of more than. Cylinder sets of three methods to install copper: (a) install or copper cylinder plus warm set of cryogenic extrusion, assembly interference; (b) was adopted with Loctite adhesive assembly, It argues method requires diameter copper jacket surface of the groove; (c) cylinder hole tapping, copper sleeve OD threading, coating Loctite glue, the screw assembly. (2) melting and copper binding mode of the cylinder sleeve, repair as follows: (a) use of ground rods, manual or mechanical grinding repair cylinder bore; (b) with coordinate boring machine, cylinder re-boring hole; (c ) with fixed cylinder bore reamer. (3) The "surface engineering", as follows: (a) Plating: in a layer of hard chromium plated piston; (b) Brush Technique: Brush the surface of wear-resistant material in the plunger; (c) Thermal spraying or electric arc spraying, or spraying: spraying high-carbon martensite wear-resistant materials; (d) Laser cladding: the plunger surface, high hardness, wear-resistant alloy cladding powder. (4) no copper sleeve cylinder bore materials are mostly ductile iron cylinder block, cylinder walls were prepared in the amorphous film or coating. Because the cylinder bore wall with this special material, so to form a hard - hard matching friction deputy. If the blind hole grinding cylinder, the cylinder bore wall off this layer of surface material research, structural properties of friction even more has changed. Vice-friction coating to be removed, if forced to use, it will dramatically increase the temperature of friction surface, the plunger rod and cylinder Kong Fasheng glue. Also in the plunger rod in a unique thin film prepared on the surface coating, coating with less wear + wearable + lubrication function, this group vice actual friction or hard - soft match, if people change the coating, thus undermining the most good pair of friction material products, and repair these special piston pump, we should sent to the professional repair shop. 3.2 with the oblique plate slipper Slipper and the swashplate sliding friction is friction swashplate piston pump three pairs of the most complex, deputy pair. If the piston and slipper gap tolerance, high-pressure plunger chamber oil will head the ball from the plunger and the gap in the escape slipper, slipper plate with oblique film thinning, can cause severe static pressure bearing failure Slipper and the metal contacts swashplate friction, ablation Slipper off, scratch swashplate ball plunger. Plunger rod ball and slipper ball beyond the tolerance of 1.5 times, we must change the group. Piston rod and cylinder bore diameter of the plunger rod gap 0.0150.0250.0250.0300.0350.040 φ16φ20φ25φ30φ35φ40 standard limit space 0.0400.0500.0600.0700.0800.090 plunger rod ball and ball and socket standard slipper gap 0.0100.0100.0150.0150.0200.020 limit space 0.300.300.300.350.350.35 swashplate effect some time after the plane swashplate phenomenon appears concave, in the use of grinding platform before the first plane to be measured and the hardness of the original size. Ground, then measure the amount of how much ground, such as 0.18 or less, without hindering the use of the piston; if more than 0.2mm, the method should be used to maintain the original nitride nitride layer. Swashplate plane was scraped groove ball plunger when the alloy powder laser cladding can be used the method of repair. Laser Cladding Technology can ensure the combination of material strength, and guarantee up melting the hardness, and not all the peripheral tissue hardness. Also electrodes along with use of chromium with manual welding, repair welding over the inclined plate surface to be re-heat treatment, preferably nitrogen furnace heat treatment. In either case repair swashplate, must restore the original size precision, hardness and surface roughness. 3.3 port plate and the cylinder surface with flow restoration A flat valve plate assignment and two forms spherical assignment. Spherical Flow of friction pairs, face scratches in the cylinder with relatively shallow stream, through the grinding means to repair; cylinder with flow surface grooves deeper, they would first use of "surface engineering" means filled trench, then grinding not blindly grinding, to prevent the copper layer becomes thin or leaking out of steel base. Planar forms of friction with the Deputy can flow relatively high precision grinding platform. Cylinder and valve plate in the ground, before measuring the total thickness of the size and the size should be ground off, and then adjust the compensation to the mat. Valve plate mill is large, should be re-heat treatment after grinding to ensure that the hardness of hardened layer. Pump Parts hardness standards recommended hardware hs84 plunger rod ball plunger rod recommended hardness> hs90 Recommended swashplate surface hardness> hs90 valve plate recommended hardness> hs90 cylinder block and valve plate repaired, the following method can be used with the surface inspection of leakage, that flow in the disk coated with petroleum jelly, to discharge oil path blocked, the oil well valve plate coated flat on the platform or plate glass, the longer cylinder on the valve plate on the injection of diesel fuel in the cylinder hole , an interval of fuel injection, that is, a fuel injection hole, a hole is not oiling, observed more than 4h, the plunger holes diesel no leakage and collusion, indicating cylinder block and valve plate grinding pass. 4 Conclusion Pump length of life, and the usual maintenance, quality and quantity of hydraulic oil, oil cleanliness and so on. To avoid the pellet on piston friction caused by wear, vice is an effective way to extend piston life. Replacement parts in the repair should be used in the original production of parts, these parts are sometimes imitation parts prices than other more expensive, but better quality and stability, if the purchase price of cheap imitation parts, the short term appears to be cost savings, But this brings out the hidden dangers may be caused by the use of the piston pump more damage.

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