

2010-05-12 16:41:08 阅读4 评论0 字号:

蝶阀: 这类阀门应该是凸耳或国际管道标准I.P.S.管状连接端口阀体,并按照美国阀门和管件制造商标准化协会MSS-SP67标准制造;通径DN50~DN300额定工作压力是200 psi非冲击冷水,DN350以上是150 psi。用于保温隔热绝缘的阀体具有2英寸的加长管径,材质是铸铁或球墨铸铁。蝶板材质是铝青铜合金,配置丁纳橡胶-N阀座和密封;或丁纳橡胶-N涂层蝶板,配置聚合物涂层阀体。阀杆应该是400系列不锈钢,不能将阀杆暴露在蝶板紧固件上。通径DN65至DN150应该配置具有10个位置节流板的操作手柄;通径DN200以上的蝶阀应该配置齿轮操作机构。凸耳结构和开槽结构蝶阀应该能够用作隔断阀,而且不需要下游法兰也可以在全压力下用在管道终端。手柄操作阀门应该适用于锁定在开启或关闭位置。 可采用的阀门: 凸耳阀体, 电镀球墨铸铁蝶板的美国尼伯科LD3110-3蝶阀(手柄操作机构);LD3110-5蝶阀(齿轮操作机构) 凸耳阀体,铝青铜蝶板的美国尼伯科LD2100-3蝶阀(手柄操作机构);LD2100-5蝶阀(齿轮操作机构) 管状阀体,橡胶涂层蝶板的美国尼伯科GD4775-3蝶阀(手柄操作机构);GD4775-5蝶阀(齿轮操作机构) 止回阀:(注意:如果空气压缩机是往复型,则止回阀应该位于接受槽的下游位置。) 通径DN65以上的止回阀应该采用平板式(对夹式)结构,并配置不锈钢弹簧,青铜阀瓣板,丁纳橡胶-N阀座,符合美国材料试验协会ASTM A 126级别B标准或A 48标准的铸铁阀体,配置125磅级或150磅级法兰。 可采用的阀门: 美国尼伯科W-920-W,KW-900-W或W-910-W弹簧驱动升降式止回阀

“ Selection of compressed air system valve ”是由提供的阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国止回阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 等。

Butterfly: Such valves should be convex ear or international standard IPS pipe tubular port body, and in accordance with U.S. valve and pipe fittings Manufacturers Standardization Society MSS-SP67 standards of manufacture; Path DN50 ~ DN300 rated working pressure is 200 psi non-shock cold water, DN350 above 150 psi. For insulating the body with 2-inch longer diameter, material is cast iron or ductile iron. Disc material is aluminum bronze alloy, the configuration Duenner rubber-N seat and seals; or Nitrile rubber-N coating the disc, the configuration of polymer coating body. Stem shall be 400 series stainless steel, not exposed stem butterfly fasteners. DN65 to DN150 path should be configured with 10 operating handle position throttling plate; over Butterfly Valve DN200 diameter gear operator should be configured. Lug butterfly valve structure and the slot structure should be used as cut off valve, and the need for downstream flanges can also be used in all pressure in the pipeline terminal. Handle operation of the valve should be applied to lock in the open or closed position. ACCEPTABLE VALVES: Lug body, plated ductile iron disc NIBCO LD3110-3 valve (lever operator); LD3110-5 Butterfly (gear operator) Lug body, aluminum bronze disc NIBCO LD2100-3 valve (lever operator); LD2100-5 Butterfly (gear operator) Tubular body, rubber-coated disc NIBCO GD4775-3 valve (lever operator); GD4775-5 Butterfly (gear operator) Valve: (Note: If the air compressor is reciprocating type, the valve should be located downstream receiving slot.) Path DN65 valve should be used overflat (wafer type) structure and configuration of stainless steel spring, bronze disc plates, Duenner rubber-N seat, found the United States Society for Testing and Materials ASTM A 126 or A-level standard B 48 standard cast iron valve body, the configuration 125 pounds or 150 pound class flanges. ACCEPTABLE VALVES: NIBCO W-920-W, KW-900-W, or W-910-W drive lift check valve spring

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