
  1、明确阀门的管理、责任、职能部门。公司设备部为阀门设备综合管理部门:包括台帐建立、阀门采购、入库验收、调拨及报废等工作;供水调度中心为管网阀门技术管理部门:包括确定技术标准、建立阀门档案卡、阀门选型、施工及验收等;各水厂、分公司为所辖范围内阀门的使用、保养和维修、管理等工作的责任单位;阀门检测中心是阀门检测职能单位。 2、明确阀门的采购单位。公司投资购置的DN≤400手动阀统一由供销公司订购,其它阀门由设备部采购,或由设备部委托供销公司采购,其他单位不得经销阀门。新建管网或管网改造、阀门更换等所需阀门必须采用公司同意选用的阀门。 3、管网中阀门需更换时,更换单位必须填写“深圳市自来水(集团)有限公司更换阀门审批单”,经相关部门、主管领导审批后凭此单阀门送检测中心检测,合格后方可由更换单位实施,更换后的旧阀门统一送阀门检测站进行维修。经维修后可正常使用的,由阀门检测站报设备部安排使用。确实不能使用的,须按规定办理固定资产报废手续。 4、阀门的保养 ①市政管网上的阀门,分公司每半年至少巡查维护、保养一次。 ②阀门的保养分一级保养、二级保养: 一级保养:完成对阀门传动系统零配件检查,保证其正常运行。每半年对阀门作一次开启,关闭操作,阀门井清洁无积水,并记录在每个阀门档案材料中; 二级保养:阀门传动进行清洁和填装黄油;确定阀门关闭与开启的正确位置,并调整锁定确定指示正确; ③应及时xx阀门井内的杂物及积水、保护管网水质。 ④现场操作阀门人员,如发现阀门不能正常使用,应及时报告。

“ Valve maintenance management ”是由提供的阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国截止阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 。

1, clear the valve management, responsibilities, functions. Equipment Department of the valve device integrated management: including the ledger set up, the valve procurement, warehousing inspection, transfer and retirement, etc.; water supply valve control center for the pipeline network technology management: including the identification of technical standards, the establishment of the valve file cards, valve selection, construction and acceptance; the water plant, branch within the jurisdiction of valves, maintenance and repair, management responsibility for the work unit; valve testing center is testing the functions of the valve unit . 2, clear the valve of procurement units. Companies to invest in the acquisition of DN ≤ 400 manual valve from the supply and marketing company uniform order, other valves by the Ministry of purchasing equipment, or equipment purchases commissioned by the Ministry of Supply and Marketing Company, other units may not distribute the valve. New pipe or pipe network transformation, the required valve replacement, the valve must be in the company agreed to use the valve. 3, pipeline valves in need of replacement, the replacement unit must fill out the "Shenzhen City tap water (Group) Co., Ltd. valve replacement approved list", by the relevant departments in charge of harbor has enabled the leadership of approval to send a single valve testing center, qualified by the replacement of units in the rear, replacement of the old valve uniform inspection station to send the valve repair. The normal use after repair, valve testing station reported that equipment by the Ministry of arrangement. Do not use, and disposal of fixed assets subject to regulations procedures. 4, valve maintenance ① municipal pipe-line valves, branch inspections at least every six months to maintain, maintenance time. ② valve maintenance sub-level maintenance, two maintenance: 1 maintenance: transmission parts to complete the check valve to ensure their normal operation. Once every six months on the valve for opening and closing operation, the valve shaft clean without water, and record the material in the files of each valve; 2 Maintenance: Valve drive to clean and fill butter; to determine the correct valve closed and open position, and adjust the lock to determine the correct direction; ③ wells should be promptly cleared of debris and water valves to protect Water Quality. ④-site operation of the valve personnel, such as the valve can not be found in normal use, should be promptly reported.

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