便利店出售功能饮料的未来许可证密钥« oursolo.net












Convenience stores to sell the future of functional beverages license key

November 24, Dongguan City, Food and Drug Administration sent law enforcement officers inspected more than convenience stores and supermarkets and found that many businesses in the sale of “Red Bull”, “force health care” and other functional drinks. Law enforcement officials said the sale of functional beverages must obtain “health food hygiene business permit”, the convenience stores are found operating without a license.

function has many convenience stores sell beverages

the same day, inspectors in some convenience stores and gas stations subsidiary “IKEA U.S.”, “Qualcomm and shops”, etc. found at chain stores, these stores years have been engaged in “Red Bull”, “force health” beverage sales and other functions. Convenience stores and people do not know that, because of such drinks as “health food”, obtain a special permit required only qualified for sale.

Drug Administration law enforcement officers孔威Lee said, has “Wei Jian fresh” are the number of health food, convenience stores sales of such foods to the Food Drug Administration need to apply for “health food hygiene permit ventures”, And to the Trade and Industry Bureau in order to increase the business license to sell. And Dongguan, in almost all convenience stores are the daily business license, non-staple foods and so on, does not contain a health food, are operating without a license.

people: Why do convenience stores without qualification every family to sell

yesterday, the reporter in the Garden Village area visited a number of department stores, convenience stores, found that almost everyone has a “Red Bull” for sale The store’s staff said that the sale of functional beverages heard but also additional processing. Only the day before yesterday a day supervision and inspection, law enforcement officers dealt with a 79 on the existence of illegal sales of functional drinks, medicines and other issues many taxis, general merchandise stores.

“Since the batch are health food, and Drug Administration also said that departments can not sell, how filled with illegal sales phenomenon?” just to kindergarten granddaughter bought a certain brand of functional drinks aunt to listen to the Hui to press on immediately won hands cans granddaughter.

“Even if a permit has been, and should not sell unprincipled chaos, or else what the meaning of a permit?” the right of a retired teacher, Uncle told reporters yesterday afternoon, the departments concerned in the control of potentially harmful food flow should do more, one can ask the manufacturers in the packaging prominently marked with the side effects of health food products; Second, should use public channels to publish information related to health knowledge for the public to grasp the principle of consumption.

hospital, Tongji Medical College, Dongguan nutrition expert Dr. Zhu Haiqing said that the drink functional beverages becomes habit, a long-term perspective on the human body has a lot of harm.

“functional beverages are common features of added minerals and vitamins and other nutrients, these ingredients when eating three meals a day as long as adequate intake, there would be no need for extra added,”朱海清said, “are the most critical functional beverages in the nutritional content of many goods are chemical synthesis, excessive intake of more harm than good. just like MSG, most are chemical crystals, lost nutritional value, but also harm to the body. “

said朱海清often drink functional beverages will not be quickly apparent side effects, but is similar to the “chronic poisoning”, which might in the future pathogenicity. Her example, extracted from food vitamin E on the human body are useful, but chemical synthesis of vitamin E will only be used for adjuvant therapy, should not that frequent eating, or else will be suffering from dementia in old age. (07-11-29)

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