“Parking is free to buy a house,” he said “promises” now have been ...

years ago to buy a house, the sales manager vowed: buy a house can be life-long free parking. 6 years later, Ms. Yin owners are faced with the embarrassing situation: the property company calls parking fees, and had promised the sales manager has died, denied the existence of this agreement developers. In the street, area police stations to coordinate no circumstances, Ms. Yin intends to appeal the court, to protect “life-long free parking” treatment. Sales manager promised free parking

2002 years, Ms. Yin Honghu one street to a new real estate showings, the site offer more than 7000 yuan / sq m, so that she felt a little expensive. “Sales Manager, Mr. Michael told me that, if sincerely want to buy, you can give me life-long free parking card. “At the same time, wheat is also committed to mortgage managers time to drag the end of that year, so Ms. Yin could have ample time to prepare for paying back the principal, interest on a loan saved. In March 2002, Ms. Yin, after paying the deposit, such as wheat manager gave her about a “VIP.” Free parking as a result of the absence of a written agreement, Ms. Yin was also a bit worried. But Michael manager told her, “VIP” itself is a contract, if there is any case can be resolved with him. Ms. Yin relieved on hearing this. Management Office repeatedly calls parking fees

Ms. Yin said she has been normal over the past few years the use of this “VIP”, and another district where seven owners have this special treatment, but they developers are employees or relatives. Ms. Yin did not expect that the company last year, property developers have to see a written agreement, otherwise we must “lift the VIP contract”, 250 per month to pay parking fees. Unfortunately, the original commitment to the sudden death of Mr. Michael, and the developer, said Ms. Yin is not a company employee, it is impossible to prove that she issued free parking.

the year, the Management Office, Ms. Yin repeated requests to pay parking fees, the two sides to this end a dispute. January 9 night, finally intensify contradictions, was stopped at the door of Ms. Yin couple heated argument took place with the security, the two sides to do. Ms. Yin alarm, the area police arrived at the scene for mediation. For the owners to conduct litigation

side is Ms. Yin insisted that they have the right to life free parking, the other side of the property company that Ms. Yin deliberately default on the payment of parking fees, street, area police station several times to intervene coordination, the effect of not Jia. Yesterday, Ms. Yin told reporters that she intended to Lo the people’s court developers and property companies, and safeguarding their rights.

the Area Management Office Director Mr. Ye said in an interview that, management has never been recognized, Ms. Yin’s “VIP status”, in the past has let her pay, but the other is the non-payment. The key disputes between Mr. McDonell had oral commitments are and whether or not acts of individual behavior. If that is the company’s commitment, even if the death of Mr. Michael, the agreement should also be effective. But if that is their personal commitments made by developers does not endorse, Ms. Yin will not be able to provide free parking “legal evidence”, the property companies have to collect parking fees.

Chinese version:“买房免费停车”不算数 “承诺”如今遭否认








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