730 polluting enterprises was outlawed in the remaining half of ...

[] (’s gliding) reporter learned yesterday from the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau: As the city’s “Qing-free,” one of the special operation, water source protection zones uncertified and unlicensed corporate clean-up rectification work has achieved initial results. Thoroughly through on-site investigation, the city’s water sources were found in the protected areas of undocumented 730 unlicensed polluting industrial enterprises, of which 376 have been cleared according to the law banned, the rest will also classify the near future to ease or clean-up, improve drinking Shenzhen water security.

730 Jia undocumented threats to water security

enterprises under the city’s “no clear” action work plan, the Urban Environmental Protection Agency from late November 2005 to carry out a comprehensive source of drinking water protected areas, industrial enterprises (including the other two Class marine environment function zones along the three production projects) uncertified and unlicensed acts of clean-up rectification work.

in order to fully grasp the drinking water source protection zones, Shenzhen, uncertified and unlicensed status of sewage of enterprises and municipal environmental protection department has embarked on a full sounding survey focused on the three western part of Shenzhen Reservoir - Xili Reservoir, Iron Kong reservoir , Shiyan Reservoir water source protection areas, watershed involving an area of nearly 200 square kilometers. Principal investigator for the district within the content of unlicensed operation of industrial enterprises, as well as sewage pipes network and the construction of pollution control facilities of service providers.

the survey, the three major water source protection zones have not registered environmental protection examination and approval formalities with illegal immigrant industrial enterprises totaled 730, which is located in Xili reservoir basin of undocumented 360 enterprises, 88% are located in the line of control in basic ecological , 3 is located in a water protection zone; Iron Gang - Shiyan reservoir basin of undocumented 370 enterprises, 21% in the basic ecological control line, the 42 is located in a water protection zone.

water source protection areas to be improved sewage pipe network

Shiyan Street, Bao’an District, Village of material and linen village located in the Iron Gang Reservoir - Shiyan Reservoir water source protection areas, the two old villages A total of 15 enterprises located in a water protection zone. As Shiyan Street (town) in the previous plans were not the sewage will be included within the scope of these two villages, which the village is still not supporting pipe network, which part of the sewage discharge of industrial enterprises alone an artificial wetland and a small ground buried-type sewage treatment plant after treatment, self-discharge into the Shiyan Reservoir. From the outfall, networks and treatment facilities thoroughly investigate the circumstances, a large number of similar cases. Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, according to the person in charge, at present there is water source protection zones of industrial enterprises operating without a license key q One of the reasons is that part of the Regional Sewer water district not perfect, in the region of sewage pollution of drinking water sources hazard.

It is understood that in order to improve water resource protection zone of the sewage treatment capacity, and some complete sewer network and treatment facilities of the project now have been planned, the city water source protection zone of several major focus of the sewage situation is expected this year, effectively improve within. Xili reservoir basin in which the new pipes and cutting pollution CRI dry decontamination works have been partially started in June this year after the completion of the sewage can effectively improve the facilities in the basin is currently undocumented in the basin can be incorporated into the basic business deal with management nets. Iron Gang Reservoir - Shiyan Reservoir watershed trunk of cutting pollution and sewage treatment facilities projects will be completed within this year, when will effectively improve the streets and Shiyan Street Xixiang some regions of the sewage facilities, water source protection zones to reduce the environment pollution.

clean up polluting enterprises Wu Zhengzhao 376

for sounding survey found more than 700 undocumented unlicensed industrial pollution of water environment, the Urban Environmental Protection Agency from December 2005 of organizing municipal and district environmental protection departments have jointly launched a special “Qing-free” operation, effectively increase water resource protection zone enforcement, focusing on the fight against uncertified and unlicensed polluting behavior. Up to now, the special water resource protection during the operation had cleared the area of undocumented 376 polluting enterprises without a license in time to stop at the water source protection zone fruit tree spray pesticides and use of chemical fertilizers harmful to the environment act and prosecute a number of underground Laundry plants, printing plants, food plants. It is reported that the recent environmental protection departments will continue to be classified on the approval of the rest of polluting enterprises to divert or clean-up banned.













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