造纸原料杨木湖死亡« oursolo.net


两个月前,本报报道,大规模的破坏九江规模水平杨树湖行动,那么平摧毁杨树湖区已达到11352英亩。 11月,鄱阳湖{gjj}自然保护区管理局冠华刘副主任告诉记者,到现在为止,在鄱阳湖核心区已基本xx杨树,但这一事件并没有结束白杨湖,如何还原到杨树鄱阳湖湿地的影响仍是一个迫切需要解决明年春天一个新课题。


已xx被毁,强劲的工厂,鄱阳湖湿地杨树颇费周折历时数年。 “中国湖泊水到{zh1}一个,”在鄱阳湖管理和发展生态环境,才从杨树的“健康”到“死”,一个政府反映和生态变化的概念群众。杨树












事实上,在整个杨树经济的发展,鄱阳湖自然保护区管理局等相关部门已发出了反对的声音。 “我们是在2004年6月发现这个问题最早的,那么这个报告,省林业厅,为此根据该信件的目的地方政府其他部门,严格禁止在18米以下的吴淞高程杨树厂湖。 2005年,当时几乎已停止工厂周围的杨树,但在2006年开始回升。“冠华刘建超说。

{zh1},这个国家和省已作出重大的决定,要求切实保护好鄱阳湖生态环境,使之永远成为“一湖的水。” 4月25日,江西省政府召开了鄱阳湖电视电话会议,全面改善生态环境,决定在4月下旬开始,利用一个月的时间,“沉重的,所以硬招”,在鄱阳湖区,进行出快速生态反对任意行为栽树,省政府的要求,从会议开始:环境整治行动,他们也不能吴淞鄱阳湖湿地海拔在地面以下17任何植树米为保护区核心区,缓冲区种植杨树,有必要在大约一个月,以xx所有的时间,在试点地区,海拔17米以下种植杨树吴淞,三年必须砍伐,今后不得增长。




事实上,从最初的种植,以吸引投资,现已被毁杨树平的平行动中被摧毁的困难,不可避免地产生。从4月份九江市政府出台了近5个月的通知后,在9月下旬实施的星子县终于双手平损害。 “植树造林的xxxx尚未作出明确反对砍伐森林,以确保活动顺利进行,县政府花了很大的努力。”参加行动的中国渔政管理局星子县分局长丁光宇分支说。

坚决反对面临造林业务,企业情绪不稳定的情况下,在9月23日,政法部门星子县10项政策组分赴鼓吹要做好鄱阳湖湿地保护区的工作,而沙虎山造林的56人已被砍伐现场蠢蠢欲动,政法部门要砍伐的变化,从皇家岛的临时工作站点,以公平山沙湖的维稳工作和砍伐树木将由工作分开,将切离现场维稳树区。 “砍伐同{yt},从各职能部门和乡镇工作人员,超过几千越来越多借道永修县,城镇从吴起飞渡轮湖泊,切一整天。”丁光宇说。除星子县,永修县,莱克县,新地区已进行了这样平毁,九江,鄱阳湖保护核心区,缓冲区平摧毁了6948亩杨树面积。平








Paper-making raw materials Poplar Lake death

At present, there are tens of thousands of migratory birds come south to winter in Poyang Lake. To these birds for a good “mood”, Lake core areas, buffer zones have been felled 4,500 acres of poplar, as migratory birds move house.

two months ago, this newspaper has reported that large-scale level in Jiujiang destroyed Poplar Lake action, then ping destroyed Poplar Lakes has reached 11,352 acres. November, Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve Authority Guanhua Liu, deputy director, told reporters that up to now, the core area of Poyang Lake has been fundamental to remove the poplar, but the incident did not Lake Poplar ends, how to Poplar restore to the Poyang Lake wetland impact is still an urgent need to address next spring a new topic.

“鄱湖birds, Color, flight cloud cover and day to do, down the lake when no grass.” This is the Poyang Lake wetland of international importance for migratory birds and the portrayal of the Kingdom, in recent years, Lake counties City in the Poyang Lake wetland plant Poplar substantial. At the end of 2006, the actual planted area of Poyang Lake area of 19.83 million mu of poplar, involving 12 counties and cities in the Poyang Lake area of 11. At the same time, reflecting the large number of poplar wetlands destruction of wetlands plant ecology voice never stopped, some experts pointed out that the substantial change of wetland plant poplar nature, so that the wetlands of drought and the adverse movement of migratory birds safe. Ping

now fully destroyed, when strong plant, Poyang Lake wetland poplar颇费周折incident lasted a few years. “China Lake water to the final one,” the ecological environment of Poyang Lake Management and Development before the poplar from the “Health” to “die”, a reflection of the Government and the masses of the concept of ecological change. Poplar

of Health

Right now, the Poyang Lake into the year the best viewing season for migratory birds, a growing number of photography enthusiasts come here to see migratory birds, tens of thousands of migratory birds in lakes in play. Lake County in Xingzi Typhonium Schott Chau, lakeside wetlands often to see the birds, but in a few months earlier, there is still a dense forest Yang. Wu from Yongxiu County towns ferry over to enter the core area of protected areas of Poyang Lake County Xingzi Shahu protection stations, can be seen to be destroyed after the endless ping Yang stumps, which could imagine Yang had large tracts of forest.

Xingzi county government said the officer, the local plant poplar are starting in 2003, mainly concentrated in the Shan Shahu area, and wetland plant poplar place almost around the Lake District on the whole. Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve Authority Guanhua Liu, deputy director, said Lake District, many counties and cities have adopted ways to attract foreign investment, in the Poyang Lake wetland plant a substantial Poplar, involving 12 counties and cities in Lake District 11 months. Wetlands

Poplar trees soaring more important reason lies in its enormous economic benefits. In the new county, Xingzi County, reforestation business cooperation with the local government model is a fixed annual payment per acre rent, lease term is generally up to several decades, the plant cost per acre, however Populus 100, and low cost compared to Poplar to the benefits of reforestation are enormous, not to mention the paper industry at the moment the demand is increasing.

On the other hand, local governments, the development of Poplar considerable economic prospects. Lake District in a fast growing poplar plantation (Xingzi base) of engineering construction investment projects, the experts consider to provide the community with a large number of temporary job opportunities, is conducive to the transfer of rural labor force will help improve the income of local farmers, the project completed will be for the county forestry industry’s rise and the county’s economic development has played an important role in promoting.

counties and cities in the region’s investment on reforestation way, in the Poyang Lake Shores, poplar has become increasingly dense. Wu urban local residents told reporters that in the former lake does have a continuous wetlands Yang Shulin, the impression is deep compared with Yang after the woods, to see fewer and fewer birds, if we want to see some of the more rare the birds even more difficult.

Poplar risk

However the contrary, in the Poyang Lake wetlands more substantial plant poplar are brought on the ecological damage. China Xingzi County fishery sub Authority Branch丁光宇also Xingzi County, Jiangxi Province, Poyang Lake sub-Secretary for the Authority, he said that the destruction of poplar on the fisheries, at least in three respects, first, Yang Shulin hindered water plants, reeds and other native plants and plankton growth, while the grass carp and other fish living on grass, no grass will not be able to lay eggs, fish breeding deadly blow; Second, Yang Shulin sediment deposition will make the lake area change small, “width of any diving Lake” will also no longer the same; three of the migratory fish are made to narrow the channel, a negative growth of fish.

protected areas at the same time Shahu Lake Protection Station, said the person, poplar easily lead to pests, plant some business practices are “found that spraying to control.” bulldozing, trenching on wetland is a destructive reclamation. Poplar forest after the fire for the needs of the grass under the tree will be cut off, so that even more devastating. In order to enhance economic efficiency, and some enterprises are still poplar plant when carried out under a tree intercropping of wheat, which is the destruction of wetlands is even more serious. It is more worrying is that pest control spraying syrup, if the injured birds will lead to disastrous consequences.

in ecologists seems substantial even in the wet ground will cause excessive damage to plant poplar, which is to be expected, because poplar hi wet, fast-growing root system is heavy, will be absorbed substantial evaporation of the lake, easy to make soil compaction, so that the wetlands dry, and on other organisms highly destructive, thus changing the nature of wetlands. At the same time, Yang Cheng-chip woods will touch ups and downs of migratory birds wintering on the safety of movement of migratory birds influential.

Liu, deputy director of Guanhua For example, in the 1999 to 2002 between Hubei Province poplar planted on some of the Island to carry out monitoring, found in plant poplar, the Island near the aquatic plants almost of extinction of combat, “Yang Shulin lace Value is not conducive to the habitat of birds, wetlands can be turned into woodland, but can not be turned into birds waterfowl, can not grow.” he said. In addition to tree


In fact, throughout the development of poplar in the economy, the Poyang Lake Nature Reserve Authority and other related departments have been issued by voices of objection. “We are the earliest in June 2004 on the discovery of this problem, then this report, the Provincial Forestry Department and other departments for this purpose under the letter to local governments, is strictly prohibited in the lake 18 meters below elevation Wusong poplar plant. In 2005, when virtually ceased around the plant poplar, but in 2006 began to rebound. “Guanhua Liu said.

Finally, this country and the province has made an important decision, the requirements to properly protect the ecological environment of Poyang Lake, to make it always be “one lake of water.” April 25, the Jiangxi Provincial Government held a comprehensive improvement of ecological environment of Poyang Lake video and telephone conference, decided to start in late April, using a month’s time, “a heavy, so hard strokes”, in the Poyang Lake region to carry out rapid ecological environmental remediation actions against arbitrary acts栽树, the provincial government demands: from the beginning of the meeting, they are not allowed Wusong Poyang Lake wetland elevation 17 meters below the ground planting of any tree; protected areas for the core areas, buffer zones planted poplar, it is necessary to In about a month to eradicate all the time, in the pilot areas and 17 meters below elevation Wusong planted poplar, 3 years must be felled, the future not be allowed to grow.

Jiujiang city government immediately launched a comprehensive improvement of ecological environment of Poyang Lake special action, the establishment of comprehensive improvement of ecological environment of Poyang Lake Special Operations Command, the city forestry, water conservancy, and other departments are responsible for more than 10 staff members, and in Urban Forestry, Water Conservancy Bureau, such as the establishment of special rectification, respectively, the working group, action requires strong governance栽树chaotic behavior, the introduction of “three-year plan to gradually cutting”, within three years of deforestation must be completed. Take into account that the work involves a wide range of tasks, the implementation of remediation work, and quick progress of poplar planting units or individuals, can take “以奖代补” the form of adequate compensation.

tree-felling in the aftermath

Wu洲滩town pier on the opposite side, piled up a large number were destroyed after the Ping Yang trees, a lot of poplar trees appear to grow only about three years. Pier nearby residents said that from the beginning of September, after felling, poplar removed all of a sudden can not, they piled up in here recently to see the car to have removed, but too much of poplar and it has not all removed.

In fact, from the initial planting to attract investment to the now destroyed Poplar-ping, the ping action destroyed the difficulties inevitably arise. From Jiujiang city government in April issued a notice of nearly 5 months later, in late September Xingzi county finally implemented hands-ping damage. “Afforestation in the investment returns that have not yet made a clear objection to deforestation, in order to ensure that activities carried out smoothly, the county government spent a great effort.” Participated in operations in China Authority Xingzi County fishery sub-branch of the Secretary丁光宇said.

was firmly opposed to facing the reforestation business, enterprises emotionally unstable circumstances, in the September 23, Xingzi county departments of Political Science and Law 10 policy groups to go to preach to do the work of Poyang Lake Wetland Reserve, and the sand Hushan reforestation to 56 workers have been felling the scene ready to make trouble, Political Science and Law Department to make temporary work site of the Royal Island from felling change to Fair Hill Shahu, the维稳work and tree felling will be separated from work, will cut away from the scene维稳Tree Area. “Felling the same day, from various functional departments and the township staff for more than a few thousand more and借道Yongxiu counties, cities and towns from the Wu-off ferry lake, cut a whole day.”丁光宇said. Except Xingzi County, Yongxiu County, Lake County, the new districts have been carried out so flat destroyed, and Jiujiang, Poyang Lake to protect the core zone, buffer zone Ping destroyed Poplar area of 6948 mu. Ping

poplar was destroyed after the loss of afforestation is not a small business, how to resolve the aftermath of the local government has become a headache. Xingzi County Propaganda Department of the Office of张主任that in Xingzi County, reforestation is a major provider of Singapore Investment Corporation, and its large number of claims, in accordance with the county’s financial difficult to resolve this matter now how to resolve how to pay compensation for financial approach is unclear.

In addition, the poplar was felled in the wetlands also left numerous stumps,丁光宇worried that if the coming year, the spring re-sprouting these poplar growth, is bound to bring a new round of wetlands in the impact. The Guanhua Liu said, how to restore the healthy development of wetlands, this is a new topic, but also a process of unremitting efforts.

concept of variable

from the beginning was the introduction of substantial damage to the final was ping is to short-term economic benefits, or to the ecological environment, Poplar’s “die” exactly describes the Poyang Lake ecosystem management concepts a process of change. Ecological Society of Jiangxi Province

Nianhua wearing the Secretary-General said that during the period from 2003 to 2004, continued investment development of cities and counties Lakes wetlands Yang, but it did not conduct a scientific certification, resulting in substantial planting trees from one end to felling of the other side. Fortunately, the people of wetland ecosystem management is the concept of continuous improvement, “the protection of Poyang Lake wetland is a total system, it is necessary to the development and utilization of it, it is necessary to its function has enough understanding of what places suitable for planting trees? What kinds of trees suitable for? What are the places to be protected? and to listen to the views of various departments, to do a good job positioning the development of objective science. substantial plant poplar, manufacture high-density, single species artificial Chunlin, from the perspective of ecological diversity , will not do any good. “

Xingzi County, Jiangxi Province, Poyang Lake sub-Authority Secretary丁光宇said栽树green are the same token, however, plummeted into the lake the tree, it is surely inappropriate of. Recalling the events before and after the Poplar, he was helpless to say: “Since the discovery, we have been prevented, attitude very clear, but some departments are given the green light.”

China has another major freshwater lakes of Dongting Lake a similar situation, since the 90’s at the end of the last century onwards, large-scale paper-making enterprises in the forestry-paper integration under the impetus of some counties and cities the rise of the Dongting Lake region of a species of poplar hot, the whole plant poplar Lakes area continued to expand. Final survey found that the lake plant poplar, reed growth should not, under the huge canopy Yang can not even grass of Health, the original community has been totally changed the ecosystem.

Lake as a wetland of international importance, the Yangtze River in China is playing an enormous flood storage and protection of biological diversity and other special ecological functions, but also is the world’s largest bird sanctuary. David Love said that protecting the ecological environment of Poyang Lake system, the best approach is to reduce interference from human activities, it a natural evolution of this behavior is more effective than artificial. How to restore the current level of poplar after destroying the ecological environment problems, also should be guided by this principle, a good deal of Poyang Lake fish, birds, water, etc. harmonious relationship between various factors would be indispensable. (07-11-29)

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