忘关煤气罐阀门- 自吸磁力泵的日志- 网易博客


2010-05-07 11:15:16 阅读5 评论0 字号:

原文:Forget the gas tank valve off
Forget the gas tank valve off May 2 21 am, Chifeng City Keshiketengqi Public Security Bureau police station received a report by the shed, township Hong Kun District, Building 5, Unit 3 corridor, a heavy gas smell, residents suspected gas leak at home. Police on duty rushed to the scene, the residents one by one investigation unit 6, when the tenants came to the fifth floor of the house, police knocked on the door no one answer for a long time, posted the door listening, heard the faint sound of gas leaking. Police asked neighbors to know, this couple are not in town, nor did they contact. Police act decisively and immediately get professional lock personnel. To prevent the air in case of fire or electric spark caused by gas explosion, police officers requested lock action to light, not lights. Security doors to be opened, police quickly went into the kitchen and found a gas tank valve was not closed, gas is leaking out. Police immediately closed the valve, open windows, ventilation, a danger well excluded. Police investigation was informed later that night the couple something busy going out, because walking a hurry, forgot to turn off the gas tank valve.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

Forget the gas tank valve off ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海埃非凯阀门有限公司还生产 及电动调速蝶阀,气动通风蝶阀,美标波纹管闸阀,c,平行式双闸板闸阀,欢迎您的选购。)


5月2日21时许,赤峰市克什克腾旗公安局经棚派出所民警接到报警,镇区弘坤小区5号楼3单元楼道煤气味很重,怀疑有住户家煤气泄露。值班民警迅速赶到现场,对该单元6家住户逐一排查,当来到五楼住户家时,民警敲门很长时间没有人应答,贴门细听,隐约听到了煤气泄露声。民警询问邻居得知,这家夫妇俩均不在镇内工作,也没有他们的联系方式。民警当机立断,马上找来专业开锁人员。为防止空气中的煤气遇明火或电火花造成爆炸事故,民警要求开锁人员动作要轻,不能开灯。待防盗门打开后,民警迅速走进厨房,发现煤气罐阀门未关,煤气正在向外泄漏。民警立即关闭阀门,打开窗户通风,一场险情顺利排除。 民警事后调查得知,当晚这对夫妇有事忙着出门,由于走时匆忙,忘了关煤气罐阀门。

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