Last year, China's crude oil output reached 180 million tons ...

Petrochemical Association, predicted that industry-wide increase of 20%

Recently, the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association released the latest statistics show that in 2005 China’s crude oil output reached 180 million tons. Force in the international oil prices, the domestic petrochemical industry in 2005 showing a slight increase production of crude oil, refined oil output rose slightly slower increases in the prices of refined oil and other three characteristics.

association said that in 2006 growth in China’s petrochemical industry will reach around 20% lower than the 10 percentage points in 2005; oil prices will not be greatly reduced; synthetic resin prices will remain at the end of 2005 level; pesticides, inorganic chemicals and rubber products such as the domestic market, total supply is greater than the total demand pattern will not change. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, who declined to be named energy expert analysis, along with the implementation of China’s energy security strategy, China’s external dependence on energy development is gradually reduced, the progressive development of China’s economy, and slowly the hands of the initiative their own hands.





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