Tablet PC Introduction - yanzi - 博客大巴
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    Tablet PC Introduction

    A Tablet PC is a Laptop PC with more Features
    A Tablet PC is a full-fledged laptop PC, plus more features. The digitized pen can be used directly on its screen, with all the functions that can be performed by a mouse, such as selecting, dragging and opening files, or as you would use a keyboard, to communicate and to write notes. Some Tablet PCs are not touchscreen, hence work only with the special digital pen. Therefore, they receive information only from the tip of the pen, and not from your finger tip or any part of your clothing, which makes it comfortable for resting your wrist on the Tablet PC’s screen in order to write naturally.
    Using Tablet PCs is Easy and Comfortable
    The Tablet PC is more easy and comfortable to use because instead of using the keyboard and mouse as interaction tools, you can us the special pen to input directly on the screen. Unlike a desktop PC or a laptop computer, a Tablet PC does not require flat surface on which to use your computer, and if you are in a meeting it does not have a vertical screen to obstruct the view between you and the other person. Moreover, Tablet PCs can also be used when on the move or while standing up, which makes it perfect for people who are constantly on their feet such as sales managers, nurses, doctors, and so on.
    Different Styles of Tablet PCs
    There are many manufacturers that produce the Tablet PC which can differ in many aspects such as the size, the design, the processing speed, and so on, in order to meet individual requirements. Basically, Tablet PCs are available in three styles:
    The Convertible Style Tablet PC: This model looks a lot like a regular laptop computer because of the keyboard attached to it. However, the screen can be rotated and 180 degrees and can be placed flat on the keyboard, which makes it better for writing and reading.
    The Slate Style Tablet PC: Since this model does not have the size and weight of a permanent keyboard, it is an ultra-light and slim design. Some slate type of Tablet PCs do have keyboards that are detachable, but all of them have innovative solutions for docking, thus offering access to a mouse, keyboard, and a full sized monitor.
    The Sturdy Style Tablet PC: This is a rugged little mobile computer with a shock-proof hard drive and a shell that is of industrial strength. These sturdy models of Tablet PCs are ideal for those who need to use their computer in rough conditions, such as for military duty, during patrolling duties, in construction areas, or just used by people who want a mobile PC that is hardy and durable.

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