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Let the warmth of home lighting winter cold refraction materials can be gentle

In each chilly winter night, lighting like torches, bring a bright and warm hearts. Perhaps behind every lamp lights are moving story. Lighting for the winter homes, to increase the temperature of warm light source is to use the more common practices. Let the warm light filled every corner of the home, and then ice-cold soft material will be a reflection of light.


of soft lighting is soft lighting design features of the bedroom. Bedroom lighting to warm yellow for warmer tone. General lighting must be noted that the lighting should be soft, warm, has changed, avoid using only the central interior lamps, not too light or too white, because this light often appears dull bedroom not angry. If I choose to when the ceiling chandelier, you must have warm photometric selection of lamps, and with the appropriate shade, otherwise bulky lamps hanging from the ceiling, light projection poor interior atmosphere greatly. Can be embedded on the bedside downlight or wall lamp can also be embedded in装饰柜Medium downlight, so that a more romantic and comfortable interior warmth. In addition

interior decoration according to style and personal preference, choose a suitable light source color, in winter, yellow, red, purple is the most suitable, but need to be reminded of is that the high color temperature light source will show fresh and bright theme, the use of high color temperature light source in the case of illumination will make the room appear pale.

In addition, since Night Light is often more thoughtful than the dome light. Bedroom in the family, since the significance of Night Light at night may be hanging in the crystal bedside lamps more useful. Night use, are accessible in order to sleep without affecting the atmosphere.

lighting the living room light canopies canopies

optical lighting reflects the charm of artistic lighting, lighting and decoration with a dual role, as there is no open source and lamps, the entire interior space seems incomplete and non - glare, light canopy light distribution in space in a uniform soft, it will be able to create a warm feeling.

need to pay attention to light canopies are generally along the ceiling or walls around the stand, and it would create around the bright, dark ceiling upward extension of the visual effects. This light, even more short of the ceiling will not seem to suppress, but also to ensure that the entire space are enveloped in soft light years, giving a warm feeling.

such lighting There are two main forms: first, the use of parallel with the wall do not block light transmission plate to the wall brought the art of lighting effects; Second is to allow light canopies open up, so that lamp by reflective roof down to the roof to the feeling of floating. Candle shape lamp


light brighter allow room space, especially in the psychological sense, as light and temperature of Health can also increase the warmth. Therefore the use of lighting and candles, the warmth of home is also the focus should not be ignored. Space in the home, lighting has become a furniture layout with a bridge. On the texture, the long transparent lighting also make a comeback, a large number of beautifully designed crystal, glass lamps. White texture can enhance the performance of edge lighting, and glass, crystal light refraction will enable exciting. In addition this year there are many imitation modeling Candle lighting, whether or desk lamp chandelier, in the image on the more reinforced the feeling the warmth of candlelight. In addition, the candle lighting, floor lamps, table lamps can be used in the bedroom, and if too much light dimmers can be installed to control their brightness and switch, as long as necessary to determine the light quantity in accordance with it.

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