Shenzhen old real estate communities become more and more leakage ...

At present, access to the old real estate community, more and more water leakage into a universal concern. Recently, this newspaper’s hotline received more than real estate on the housing of complaints about water seepage. Press the past few days in respect of such complaints have been concentrated interview and asked lawyers commented, hoping to distinguish between owners of housing for leaking the responsibility to solve the problem satisfactorily, harmonious neighborhood relationships play a role. Leakage in these disputes by journalists and some coordination problems have been solved, and some close to being resolved, some still further coordination among.

incident: the third floor of the fourth floor of leaking长霉

Nanyou, Nanshan District B, 47 302 owners reflect Miss Peng calls, as the upstairs house leaking ceiling in her home霉斑serious.

receives a telephone call, the reporter then came home an interview with Miss Peng. Miss Peng said that the house was bought in April last year, when there are tenants because of the house, at the beginning and there is no showings, then her husband saw a room, because the old house, found no霉斑wall. Bought a house, the tenant moved out in August, they began to proceed with the renovation. September, decoration master at painting the walls and found a slight leak, but then did not care about Miss Peng. October 1 last year, Miss Peng, a move into the room later, she found a small bedroom ceiling began to have small traces of mycophenolate later trace mycophenolate growing. She Area Management Office to reflect the problem. Miss Peng themselves have also been to a 4th floor several times, but only to the tenants, they said the landlord in Hong Kong, has refused to provide owners of phone calls to Miss Peng.

Miss Peng reporter saw at home, living room with a toilet wall between a large霉斑from the kitchen into the study, the wall has obvious mycophenolate three blocks.

Subsequently, the reporter went to the management offices, in charge of the maintenance work carried out in paragraph Area workers told reporters that Miss Peng reflect the problems, management at October 22 last year to the 4th floor owners sent a letter co-ordination I hope that as soon as possible for the ground water project, but did not respond. In December last year, a management office sent a letter once again, have not received any response. Paragraph workers said that because the district was built in the 80’s at the end of the last century, the age for nearly 20 years, a number of related issues have been reflected in more than 10 owners leakage problems, management offices are actively coordinated.

In recent days, reporters once again contact Miss Peng, she said that the owners of the upper floors has been commissioned to handle the matter on behalf of a relative, a management office also sent a maintenance worker will be prized open the ceiling of her house to check and found that the water there is convergence tube cracks in the floor upstairs bathroom also has water leakage. Miss Peng said, such as determining the relevant costs, owners will begin maintenance upstairs, she said that he was very grateful to our reporter on the issues and coordination.

incident II: upstairs downstairs leakage decoration

Honggang Mr. Tung’s easy to call the newspaper real estate complaints hotline, reflecting the serious leaking ceilings house问题. January 9 afternoon, this reporter went to the East Village Honggang 17, in the leadership of Mr. Yi came to his house located on the 4th floor.

reporter saw, kitchen wall tiles high muster, in many places severely cracked wall paint; the ceiling of a toilet block霉斑especially black eyes, near the pipeline where it is rust stains, easy to use aluminum alloy plate himself sink built to divert water to avoid dripping people.

Mr. Yi said that the district was built in 1986, he came to live in 1989, found no water leakage. Early last year, he repainted the walls of the house again, but less than half a year on paint found to have cracked walls, kitchen vanity top of the ceiling also has leaks. Easy to understand that, 5th Floor, sold in May last year, the new owners of their decoration, taking into account the decoration may be caused by leaks, Mr. Yi himself leaking ceilings informed the owners upstairs. Later, Mr. easily feel the kitchen no longer seems to leak, it did not pursue. But soon, he found the toilet ceiling began dripping down the kitchen wall tiles also drum up the very beginning, he thought it was caused by its own pipeline leak, but the open aluminum alloy ceiling, only to find water seepage from the wall out, even under the ceiling lamp shade also has a half of water, light bulbs have been immersed in the water.

Mr. Yi 5th Floor owners numerous experiences of finding consensus, but the 5 floor, the owners said that the wall of water leakage to the Management Service is responsible for maintenance. Honggang Estate Management Office Mr. Ren told reporters, after inspection, Mr. Yi’s leakage is not the reason the wall.

reporter then knocked on the door 5th Floor owners, the owners introduced the very fact that they buy a house last year after only a little paint on the living entered, only to flush toilets to squatting toilet, it is impossible to undermine waterproof layer. However, reporters saw a flush toilet in the reform process, the squat toilet ground than the original ground increased. The very fact that the original charge of the decoration to please the master to identify, “If it is my responsibility, I can be responsible for maintenance. If not, I do not want money out of innocence. “But the very fact that on many occasions contacted the renovation master, he is very busy, has no time to come.

At present, the two sides are to hold further consultations on this matter as soon as possible, please identify maintenance instructors.

three events: the former owners are owners of the decoration was missing

Yantian Miss Xu Sha Tau Kok last year bought a set of second-hand housing , found after living into the living room ceiling was leaking.

Miss Xu introduced in March last year, she signed a contract with the former owners, by the end of June to get the key. After living in. What did not find any abnormality, but in September, Miss Xu found the living room ceiling next to a watermark. She Management Office, the Management Office, said that it takes pressure upstairs observation. But after pressure did not find any problems.

Management Department will soon retrospect, the former owners installed lights, the ceiling had been from the water pipes broke.

It is understood that the occupation of properties for sale in 2005, Miss Xu bought from a Hong Kong this house. Miss Xu aware of this situation, many times with the former owners, but they do not answer the phone, send text messages and not returning, are currently not linked to his.

desperation, last week, invited Miss Xu had no choice but to repair their own masters, will be prized open leaks and found to be due to a water main break a nail a hole, the original decoration workers only glass glue to paste on the hole. Over time, hardened plastic glass can not be a good waterproof.

in can not contact the owners approached, the Miss Xu please master of their own money here the maintenance, installation of brass. She said that the current works have been completed, but also observed a few days, so it will not leak sealing place. It is understood that the maintenance costs of about 500 million between -1000. Miss Xu was a bit unjust, “just bought a house on the water leakage, but also can not find the responsible party. Although the maintenance cost is not much, after all, I am not responsible. “She asked the reporter to help out the ideas and how to deal with that in the end.

lawyers say

distinguish the responsibility of the reasons for that

Recently, Housing, water seepage problems in a press interview on the Guangdong Xingchen rigidity law firm. He said that the Housing leakage (leakage) not only shorten the life of the building, but also to the landlord brought great inconvenience to daily life. However, due to leakage caused by complex factors, completely avoid leaking housing is not realistic. Therefore, when the leak occurred in housing disputes, the reasons should first distinguish the leakage can be the basis of the responsibility to deal with disputes.

rigidity analysis, housing leaking There are three main reasons: First, the quality of housing itself, and the other is the owners improper use or decoration, and the third is the normal use, the aging. Leakage caused by different reasons, the relevant responsible parties are different.

According to the Ministry of Construction promulgated the “guarantee the quality of housing construction methods” and Article VII “Residential quality guarantee” the provisions of roofing projects, there are waterproof bathroom requirements, room and outside the walls of the anti-leakage , warranty for 5 years. Such as housing in the warranty period, the developers should bear the responsibility of free maintenance. According to “real estate contract for the sale of the Supreme People’s Court to hear disputes on the law applicable to a number of cases the question of interpretation” in Article XIII, developers refused to fix a reasonable period of time or delay the repair because the owners can repair themselves or to entrust to others. Repair costs and repair other damage caused during the commitment by the developers.

upstairs as a result of (other) owners decoration or other misconduct, resulting in housing water seepage, causing losses to the owners, under the “General Principles of Civil Law,” the provisions of Article 117, damage to property, it should be restitution compensation or discount. In addition to stop the infringement side as infringement (such as: redo waterproof layer) apart should bear liability for damages. After the expiration of the warranty, housing facilities in the normal use of water leakage caused by the owners themselves responsible for the maintenance by the owners to bear the cost. If the leakage caused by the loss of other owners, under the “General Principles of Civil Law” Article 83, to the adjacent side of obstruction or loss should be to stop abuse, remove obstacles, compensation for damages, the owners should also pay damages. Belonging to public facilities caused by leakage from the property management companies the responsibility for maintenance.

this, the rigidity suggested that housing the leakage, as the adjacent two sides should be mutual understanding and mutual coordination, professional bodies to identify and distinguish the responsibility to solve the problem satisfactorily; in housing maintenance, adjacent people (upstairs downstairs neighbors) should be given with the Housing Authority shall not impede the maintenance of an excuse. As the housing renovation easily lead to leakage, it is best to hire a legal entity to assume the decoration companies, and clear in the contract problems to deal with. As a result of “second-hand housing” have generally been used, and the existence of the second decoration, the buyer the potential for housing quality problems should have a reasonable judgments. Although the seller intentionally concealed as well as the seller caused the housing leakage (quality defects), the seller should bear the liability, but often delayed because they can not get the seller, therefore, second-hand housing (especially for a very long number of years have been used for housing ) to set the sale of the necessary maintenance was necessary.

Chinese version:深圳老社区楼盘越来越多 漏水成为普遍xx问题
























近日,记者就房屋漏水问题采访了广东星辰律师事务所律师梁刚。他表示, 房屋漏水(渗漏)不但缩短了建筑物的使用寿命,也给业主日常生活带来了极大不便。但由于引起漏水的因素比较复杂,xx避免房屋漏水现象是不现实的。因此,当发生房屋漏水纠纷时,首先应分清漏水原因,才能根据责任来处理纠纷。






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