Non-ferrous metals and mineral resources tax to restore full ...

the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation recently issued a notice, from January 1, 2006, the removal of non-ferrous metals and mineral resources of the preferential 30% tax reduction to restore full charge. Adjust the resource tax on iron ore reduction policies, Zanan provided the standard 60 percent tax levy.

molybdenum ore resources tax has been adjusted: First Tax standards were adjusted to 8 yuan per ton, second 7 yuan per ton tax standards, third-class tax standard 6 yuan per ton, four - and other tax standard 5 yuan per ton, five other tax standard 4 yuan per ton. Manganese ore resource tax applicable to the standard deduction from 2 yuan per ton, adjusted to 6 yuan per ton.

It is understood that, since January 1, 1994 onwards, our right to suspend collection of metal mineral resources has begun to collect taxes. During this period, taking into account the time of taxable products in international market prices, the specific situation of the enterprises, the State was July 1, 1996 to begin non-ferrous metal mineral resource tax reduction of 30%, that is, according to the provisions of the standard 70% tax collection. The tariff for iron ore resources in accordance with the provisions of the standard 40 percent tax levy. Now, with the international market continued higher metal commodity prices, the relevant enterprise efficiency began to improve, so the state decided to adjust the metal mineral resources tax policy.

to adjust some of the resources for the current state tax policy, the experts said, in the past resource tax reduction for the relevant industries, as China’s sustained economic growth and increased demand for resources, combined with the use of domestic resources efficiency is generally low in mineral resources, the contradiction between supply and demand will be a very long period of time in the future exist, this adjustment will help promote the conservation and rational utilization of resources.






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