Canton City Board国土房管management of intermediary services, held ...

Canton City Board国土房管intermediary services, management held a news briefing yesterday to announce the city of Canton hosted the stock of housing capital projects have been opened. In future, the members of the public through an intermediary to conduct second-hand housing transactions, whether it is a deposit or paying back the principal, you can choose a bank custodian of funds, intermediaries can no longer take over the trading of funds. It is learned that the custodian bank does not charge any service fee business, intermediary in helping the two sides for hosting business, nor free of charge.

According to “Nanfang Dushi Bao” reported that the People’s Bank of China Guangzhou Branch of Payment and Settlement Department, the person in charge, at present banks are ready to start this business for The public can choose their own in Guangzhou China and Italy’s banks, for this business, and do not line up. It is learned that the banks will set up a second-hand back the principal custodian of the special account, all for second-hand housing transactions of funds have been hosted on this temporary “safe”, the length of time hosted by the buyers and sellers to decide.

City国土房管Bureau said存量房交易custodian of funds for the accurate analysis of the stock of housing price movements provides a detailed and accurate data, so that real estate in charge of the city of Canton sector to grasp the real transaction prices and supply and demand situation, more accurate grasp of the stock of housing market dynamics and development of the situation, so as to market analysis and provide the basis for introduction of relevant policies.

Chinese version:广州市国土房管局中介服务管理所召开新闻通报





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