

在Windows Vista下,我们可以用闪存来加速系Windows Vista的性能.其实在Windows XP下,我们可以通过eBoostr这款软件也让Windows XP系统使用ReadyBoost功能.
eboostr,依靠其高速随机访问能力,即U盘的随机访问数据延时比硬盘而言要小,利用这一点就可以把闪存中 的空间虚拟成缓存为系统进行加速.

What's new in this version
Here goes a quick list of the additional features with more details below:
# Memory caching (if you have plenty of RAM installed);
# Exclude list (the most requested feature);
# Power saving mode;
# More than 4GB cache file size (on NTFS file system only);
# One flash drive use on different computers;
# Unlimited number of files in cache;
# Build cache process improvement (including initial statistics used from XP prefetch information);
# Load balancing mechanism improvements;
# And many small fixes and enhancements;
# And finally 16 new languages added: Portuguese, Ukrainian, Finnish, Czech, Danish, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Polish, Korean, Swedish, Sinhalese, Lithuanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Japanese and Thai.

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