SnapShot 小巧易用的磁盘备份工具- 第三酷软世界




Drive SnapShot 是一新的磁盘映像功能:
1.Snapshot Backup ——在windows运行时建立磁盘镜像
2.Snapshot View——款磁盘映像软件,用户可以方便安全的备份、恢复和察看硬盘数据。使用了WindowsNT驱动器技术,支持Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/PE平台,SnapShot为带来了两项以友好的方式浏览保存的磁盘镜像


SnapShot is disk imaging software that enables the??user to back up, restore and view backed up hard??disk data, easily and safely. Using WindowsNT driver? technology, Snapshot brings two new features to disk? imaging:?????????????????????????????????????????????
1. Snapshot Backup – create disk images while??Windows is running. This allows the user to work in?? his usual environment when backing up his data. Any?? device suitable for file storage can be used for the? image destination, like your local drive, a network?? drive or any removable drive. And – most important -? the image will be an industrial quality image, even?? though WinNT constantly writes to the disk. The user? may continue to work normally,while a backup??operation is in progress; the image will still be?valid and consistent. This enables one of the most??important things in backup business: backup often.? It is even possible to make an image backup for???servers, that must be online 24 hours a day.?????????
Snapshot Backup – Main use. Snapshot Backup is aimed? at the backup/disaster recovery market. There is??little use for on the fly disk image creation, if?you want to deploy hundreds or thousands of?workstations. We think however, that the possibility?to do on the fly backup is very important for the???? end user to regularly protect his data. At least,???this was our reason to create Snapshot. No need to??shut down and boot from floppy, no need to create?network disks, and no need to wait half an hour for??the backup process – we think that’s nice.???????????
2. Snapshot View – Explore saved disk images the??friendly way. The image file is presented to the??user as a virtual drive. This virtual drive can be??used like any other drive, using any Windows??program, be it Explorer, Norton Commander, or your?favourite MP3 Player.????????????????????????????????
Snapshot View – Main use. Snapshot View is a very??easy and powerful method to explore disk images.??This technique could be easily adapted to? disk?images created by other disk imaging programs.




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