
论文编号:ZD336  论文字数:35772,页数:54,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述

摘  要  近年来随着世界各国对环境保护越来越重视,SF6气体作为温室气体的使用和排放便受到限制,从而使电器领域内SF6断路器的发展也必将受到限制。同时,真空断路器在中压领域己经占据了主导地位。我国是真空断路器大国,在中压领域真空断路器的使用高达80%,其中又以10KV真空断路器发展最为成熟。目前它已基本实现国产化并且在有些方面在国际上以处与先进水平。10KV真空断路器发展对我国的电网发展极其重要,在中压断路器领域中有无可替代的地位。
关键词:真空断路器   真空灭弧室  触头  操动机构


The Design of High-voltage Vacuum Breaker

Abstract:  Recently, because various countries in the world pay more attention to the environment,SF6 which is as a greenhouse gas has being limited in the use and discharging, so the development of SF6 circuit breaker in the electrical equipment field also has being restricted. Meanwhile,vacuum circuit breaker has occupied the leading status in the  middle-voltage. China has numerous vacuum breaker and the use of it accounts for 80%, especially 10KV vacuum circuit breaker has developed the best. At present,10KV vacuum circuit breaker in the main has achieved products of nationalization. Even in some aspects it has reached the international advanced standard. 10KV vacuum circuit breaker plays a vital role in the  development of electrical net, which can not be substituted in the middle circuit breaker field.
 A vacuum circuit-breaker is designed and related checking computations have been carried on, by taking the ZN vacuum circuit-breaker as the reference. The design of vacuum extinguishing of arc chamber in this text has entered the research of the massive analyses. The contact uses the-vertical-blow-type extinguishing of arc contact made of CUCR material. The related moves and the thermostat ability, and the checking computations of temperature’s going up, are all up to the national standard. The vibrator unit uses the electromagnetism to hold the drive mechanism. In brief, this design in various respects satisfies the fixed duty and meets the design requirements.
【Key words】 the vacuum circuit-breaker    vacuum extinguishing of arc chamber    contact    the drive mechanism


摘   要  I
Abstract  II
第1章  绪 论  1
 1.1 高压断路器在电力系统的应用  1
 1.1.1 概述  1
 1.1.2 真空断路器与其他断路器比较  2
 1.2 真空断路器的发展及前景  3
 1.2.1 概述  3
 1.2.2 真空断路器技术发展  4
 1.2.3 中压真空断路器发展趋向  6
 1.3 真空断路器发展关键问题讨论  8
 1.3.1影响真空断路器截流值与开断能力的因素  8
 1.3.2真空断路器设计时要注意的问题  10
第2章  设计基本任务及要求  13
第3章  设计过程  14
 3.1 真空灭弧理论研究  14
 3.1.1 真空中的绝缘强度与击穿  14
 3.1.2 真空中电击穿学说  15
 3.1.3 扩散型和集聚型真空电弧  16
 3.1.4 真空电弧的其它特性  18
 3.1.5 真空电弧熄灭后的绝缘恢复特性和熄弧原理  19
 3.1.6 交流真空电弧的熄灭原理  20
 3.2   真空灭弧室的设计计算  21
 3.2.1 外壳  21
 3.2.2 屏蔽系统  22
 3.2.3 波纹管  24
 3.2.4 导电系统  24
 3.2.5 导向套  25
 3.2.6 排气管和排气保护帽  25
 3.3  触头设计  25
 3.3.1 触头结构  25
 3.3.2 触头材料  28
 3.3.3 触头动态参数选取  28
 3.3.4 触头直径及磨损率  31
 3.4  动、热稳定验算,温升验算  32
 3.4.1 动、热稳定性验算   32
 3.4.2 温升验算   33
 3.5  绝缘结构分析   34
 3.5.1 额定电压及{zg}电压  34
 3.5.2 额定绝缘水平及绝缘强度  34
 3.6  操动机构选用及有关计算  36
 3.6.1 对操动机构的要求  36
 3.6.2 弹簧操动机构  37
 3.6.3 电磁操动机构  40
 3.6.4 永磁机构  41
 总  结   46
  参考文献  47
  致  谢  48
 附  录  真空断路器总装配图设计,零部件图设计   49 


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