wdpinosk » Blog Archive » 丈夫每日投0.1克亚硝酸盐欲毒死妻子

Financial Reform Report Card: Banksters 37, People 10, Partisans 53

The financial reform process is providing definitive proof as to what the true priorities are for each Senator. 10 Senators have emerged as American heroes, 37 Senators have revealed themselves as puppets of the Financial Oligarchy.

Take Action! How We Can Save OUR Economy

AmpedStatus has joined a new coalition to fight for economic justice. We are sick of reporting upon the crimes of Wall Street and watching our future go up in flames without any accountability or measures being taken to defend against blatant criminality. The Wall Street Elite have controlled our political process for too long! The following is our first announcement and call to action.

The Financial Oligarchy Reigns: Democracy's Death Spiral From Greece to the United States

Democracy is devolving into fascism before our eyes, the "iron law of oligarchy" is once again asserting itself. You cannot have a concentration of vast wealth and Democracy at the same time, and we currently have the greatest concentration of wealth in history...

High Frequency Terrorism: How the Big Banks and Federal Reserve Maintained Their Death Grip Over the United States

By David DeGraw & Max Keiser
The stock market plunge on May 6th was an act of domestic financial terrorism in America. A day that will live in infamy.

On the Edge with Max Keiser & David DeGraw: Goldman Sachs, AIG, Hank Paulson and Market Manipulation [Video]

Keiser and DeGraw discuss the unreported underlying elements of the SEC's case against Goldman Sachs, Hank Paulson's background and role in causing the economic crisis, the Federal Reserve's illegal activities, the epidemic of accounting fraud on Wall Street, and expose clear examples of trillions of dollars stolen through market manipulation.

How the SEC and Congress Can Bring Down Goldman Sachs and Expose the Financial Coup

Not only did Goldman Sachs profit on betting against CDOs they designed to fail; more importantly, they insured them through AIG which led to a $182 billion taxpayer bailout.

[Audio & Transcript] Part I: David DeGraw's Speech to World War II Veterans on the Economic Elite Vs. the People of the United States

David DeGraw recently gave a speech to World War II veterans summing up his recent reporting: "The Robber Barons of the Gilded Age have now been displaced as America's most despotic and depraved ruling class."

Shocking Censorship at Google News and the Future of Net Neutrality

For those of you who want to know what the internet will end up like when the Comcast, AT&T, Verizon and Time Warner interests take it over, you need to look at this shocking new case of censorship by Google News.

David DeGraw Interviewed on Ring of Fire & RT

Mike Papantonio talks with David DeGraw about the REAL America, the one that those of us who aren't CEOs of major corporations live in. David also appeared on RT TV and called for "a mass movement to restore the rule of law."

Is It Time for Law Abiding American Citizens to Stop Paying Their Taxes and Start a New Government?

The evidence is now overwhelming. The United States government has facilitated the theft of trillions of dollars of national wealth and 99% of the US population no longer has political representation.

The Best Way to Rob a Country, Own a Bank [Video]

The best way to understand the theft of trillions of our dollars, listen to William Black on The Real News Network...

WAKE UP MEDIA! Lehman Report is Further Evidence of the Financial Coup [Video & Audio Roundup]

How much more evidence of a financial coup and the theft of trillions of dollars do we need before the media and our politicians do something, anything, to restore a rule of law in this nation? What is it going to take?


  2009年11月10日,苏州大学附属第二医院收治了一位“食物中毒” 的女病人,从症状上推断,可能是误食工业用亚硝酸盐中毒。但是苏醒后的病人称自己以往身体很好,没有任何遗传病,最近也没有在外就餐,在家吃饭用的盐是从超市买的。她还告诉医生,最近明显感到体质下降得厉害,之前在家中已经晕倒过一次。




























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