
5月7日上午,第八中学北侧正在施工中的重建街泵站顶管工作坑前,施工工人紧张忙碌。涉及7个标段、两个泵站和4个管道的北苑开发区污水处理管道工程已接近尾声,预计这项旨在重点解决开发区大项目生产和沿途棚户区生活污水处理的专项工程,将于今年7月前完工。 北苑开发区污水管道工程被列入齐齐哈尔中心城区污水管网扩建二期工程,包括北苑污水泵站和重建街污水泵站。据市排水处施工现场负责人介绍,两座泵站分别处于北苑开发区的上、下游,其间共铺设管线6.5公里,建成后可分别日处理污水20万吨和10万吨。工程建成后,将有利于解决北苑开发区内以蒙牛乳业为首的大型工业企业日常污水排放问题,为北苑开发区今后招商引资创造条件。 当天上午,记者在两座污水处理泵站施工现场看到,重建街泵站顶管工作坑已经封底,正在进行6.5公里长污水管道施工;北苑泵站已浇铸沉井6米,工程中涉及的7个标段、两个泵站和4个管道正在同时采取先进的泥水分离技术施工。 据悉,齐齐哈尔中心城区污水处理二期工程,正在全力进行生化池、排水泵房、污水泵池等13个工程单体的桩基础施工,拟新建、续建污水泵站8座,改扩建1座,新建污水管网全长98.6公里。

“ Qiqihar two pumping stations in July before the completion of pollution control”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

7 May morning, the eighth high school under construction in the reconstruction of the north side of street work jacking pit before pumping stations, construction workers hectic. Involving seven sections, two pumping stations and four pipelines Beiyuan Development Zone Wastewater Treatment pipeline nearing completion, is expected to solve the Development Zone, which aims to focus on project production and squatter settlements along the special sewage treatment works will be completed by July this year. Beiyuan Zone sewer project was the inclusion of Qiqihar city center Phase II expansion of the sewage pipe network, including the Beiyuan sewage pumping station and sewage pumping station reconstruction of street. According to the Urban Drainage Department person in charge of the construction site, two pumping stations were in Beiyuan development zones upstream and downstream, during which a total of 6.5 km pipeline laying, after completion of 200,000 tons of sewage each day and 100 thousand tons. After completion of the project, will help solve the zone to Mengniu Dairy Beiyuan large industrial enterprises, led by the daily sewage discharge, and to create conditions for investment Beiyuan Development Zone in the future. In the morning, reporters in the two sewage pumping station construction site, see the work of rebuilding Street Pump Station Pipe pit has been back, being 6.5 km long water pipeline construction; Beiyuan pumping station has been cast caisson 6 meters, projects involving The seven sections, two pumping stations and four pipelines are accompanied by the construction of advanced dewatering technology. It is reported that sewage treatment Qiqihar second phase of downtown, was in full swing biochemical pool, drainage pumping station, sewage pump tanks 13 single Pile foundation construction projects, to be built, continued construction of a sewage pumping station 8, Extension 1 , the new full 98.6 km of sewage pipe network.


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