I would like to purchase wild outbound network tents, the ...

I want to buy a double tents, when fishing in the mountains so that his wife and children to stay in tents to play, look online, too many varieties, do not know how to select, or attention to what?
have experience in this area, please help to show what a friend, be grateful!

election tents

three quarters of outdoor camping tent is the most important equipment, and not a tent, there will be no shelter. Many of my friends have the experience of stay in the car, personally think that
less than a last resort or camp conditions do not have to choose when to rest in this way. The smaller the space vehicle and poor insulation performance, activities are also very restricted space.

choose to buy a tent to be anti-wind and rain off three quarters of strong performance, but do not choose the single-level account of the beach. And professional account of the mountains and expensive due to smaller and does not apply to the use of self-driving.

have more than the current domestic production of mature and reliable vendor tents, 2 off the price of three yuan at 300-500, it is necessary to look for water index. Recommended brands

: Good Shepherd High flute, Eu rohike, Pureland, ANE, such as Juan MAQEN. Self-driving travel

prepared if some camping equipment will certainly add a lot of the fun of travel, three quarters of tents, sleeping bags, moisture-proof pad, camp lights, headlights, stove, fuel, utensils, etc. will let you self-drive tourism and public different. Therefore also need to pay attention to the following matters:

season sleeping bag selection

since the majority of drivers travel in the spring and summer autumn, so I chose to be a sleeping bag for the three quarters with a different temperature. High summer temperatures, a three quarters of the current account or even be able to sleep without a sleeping bag, but as a slightly lower temperature at night in some areas the use of weight and size can choose the Fleece sleeping bags are very lightweight, very low price: 100 yuan.

spring temperatures at night in general the whole area of not less than 5-10 degrees, you can choose to 0-15 degrees Celsius temperature scale cotton sleeping bags, commonly used material for the hole or newer cotton material, sufficient to meet the demand for camping in spring. Quality cotton prices in general in a sleeping bag 200 -500 per month.

lower temperatures at night fall, this time seems a bit of cotton sleeping bag too. Sleeping bags and down the high heat of the advantages are reflected in, select a charge down the middle and high fluffy sleeping bag will help you to drive away the cold, Cold Night, comfortable to sleep. Select -10-0 degrees Celsius temperature scale for the down sleeping bags, filling about 500-700 grams of cashmere, the price is about 500 - 1000 yuan. Recommended

Brand: Camp, High Rock, Pureland, VAUDE and so on.

can充气床pad with moisture

go for a drive when the weather since it is difficult to predict, and the camp is not so much the place to satisfactory, you may encounter uneven or rocky ground situation.

is the advantage of motorists do not have too much to consider the weight of equipment, you can choose the comfort of the equipment as much as possible. Here to recommend the moisture from the inflatable mattress pad充气床even to ensure a comfortable sleep.

self-inflatable and inflatable cushion to facilitate smaller, because of self-inflation, lying on top of moisture than the foam cushion more comfortable. More popular domestic AIRWAVES currently have a variety of sizes from moisture inflatable mattress, you can choose according to their own body. Prices in the 200-400 yuan.

充气床due to the size of a large pad, electric air pump inflatable needs, it is for the foot of ALICE is simply a fairy tale, and the self-driving course will be able to enjoy such a luxury. Note that instead of the standard pad充气床camping equipment, so manufacturers do not make the appropriate response to the design of outdoor use when in need of special attention and should not be cut off at the end of the stone. 200-300 headlights

yuan election

the Pathfinder as a result of the main functions of the field and replaced by a car, so the function of the headlights more lights are being replaced by camp. Large light-emitting halogen bulb lack of gravity, and energy saving light bulbs on the LED could not have been better.

currently on the market of more multi-LED headlights, but the uneven quality of about 20-500 products are covered. The headlights are generally inexpensive, as well as in the circuit are not waterproof clearance, it is not recommended to choose.

200-300 yuan, and the LED light source halogen headlights mixed rational design, power consumption is also very good. Recommended

Brand: BlackDiamond, Petzl, Princeton, Blackyak

. text /

favorite travel tips

will go for a drive with

● items

documents to ensure that no documents are available to bring their own unnecessary troubles, especially with a good credit card and vehicle insurance documents, and the province is critical自驾游. Pre-trip should be to understand the region as soon as possible whether there is a need for permits, so as not to affect travel.

● clothing and daily necessities

: timely outdoor clothing, sun hat, sunglasses, gloves, suitable for driving the soft clogs, umbrellas, lighting appliances, heat water bottles and tableware, photographic equipment, appliances洗涮, sewing kit and so on; food: easy to shelf-life of food, fruits, vegetables, drinking water, living water and food, etc.; other: plastic garbage bags, matches, flashlight, all kinds of batteries, such as the application of the tool.

recommendations: to use garbage bags of refuse taken away by a good vehicle to deal with, can not be run out of discarded batteries.

● communication and electronic equipment

car radio: there is no access to mobile phone signals in the region, multi-vehicle travel time, vehicle traffic in the radio link is the only effective means of communication. Car

power inverter: the process of travel and camping, 220V power of life is the only source inverter motor.

vehicle navigation: GPS for the effectiveness of the lowest you can never go back on the road, you can track the journey of their permanent records. Travel must be to choose the GPS durable.

● video recording equipment

camera, DV, spare batteries, film or memory cards.

recommendations: should check every day before the adequacy of the battery to prevent missed the beautiful scenery. We must pay attention to the anti-dust protection equipment.

● spare parts including

checked the spare tire, all kinds of wearing parts, all kinds of oil, coolant, plugging all kinds of plastic (the exhaust pipe, tanks, etc.), tape, banding, trailer rope, power wire, jacks, electric air pump to fight, tire pressure table, oil drums, shovels and so on.

ALICE not a professional, then buy the more simple structure as possible, with what’s on飘窗unnecessary, and simple good disassembly! Disassembly, the attention can only push the collapse of the supporting bar, do not go, so easily broken. To spend the night outside, the moisture pad is also essential.2008-04-28





品牌推荐:牧高笛、Eu rohike、Pureland、ANE鄄MAQEN等。

自驾车出游时如果能准备一些野营装备肯定会增添不少出游的乐趣,三季帐篷、睡袋、防潮垫、营地灯、头灯、炉灶、燃料、餐具等会让你的自驾车旅游与众不同。 所以还需要注意以下事项:




秋季的夜间温度较低,这时候棉睡袋则显得有点力不从心。而羽绒睡袋的高保暖性的优点则得以体现,选择一条中等充绒量和蓬松度高的睡袋会帮你驱走寒夜的阴冷,舒服地睡上一觉。选择温标为-10-0摄氏度的羽绒睡袋,充绒量约为500-700克,价格约为500- 1000元左右。

品牌推荐:Camp、High Rock、Pureland、VAUDE等。





























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