



Globe Chinese Program Admission Brochure

Mastering Chinese, Winning future; welcome to the most efficient Chinese-learning institute in China.


●Co-organized by Wuhan University, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, and Globe Chinese Flagship, the Globe Chinese Program is an educational program targeting at foreign students who plan to study Chinese language and Chinese culture in China. The prospective students of this Program include high school students and other foreigners who are interested in learning Chinese all over the world. No requirement of proficiency in Chinese or English language is needed. The Program adopts intensive training which lasts 10 months, 6 months, and 3 months, respectively. The core value of this Program lies in the fact that after 3 months to 1 year’s intensive Chinese learning, students can successfully pass the corresponding level of HSK test so that they can be recommended to study for major degrees as sophomore or junior students in first-class universities in China.


国际中文旗舰留学项目采用武汉大学语言文字教育研究中心与格鲁伯教育集团语言文化研究院联合历时8年开发的科学对外汉语教学法Globe Chinese Method,该教学法立足汉语口语和汉字固有的规律,大幅度节省了外国学生掌握汉语口语流利听说和中文阅读和写作的时间,比传统汉语教学方法节省50~60%的时间,让学生最快在3个月以内达到HSK4级以上。



●Advantages of the Program

The Program adopts the Globe Chinese Method which is developed by Language Teaching & Research Center,Wuhan University and Globe Language and Culture Institute. This method, based on the internal rules of Chinese spoken language and Chinese character, dramatically saves the time which is needed for the foreign students to master the four Chinese basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing and enables students to pass band 4 of HSK test after 3 months’ learning.

The Program is responsible for recommending the overseas students to study for undergraduate degrees in first-class universities in China, including: Peking University, Qsinghua University, People’s University of China, Nanjing University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of Science and Technology of China, Wuhan University, Zhejiang University, Xiamen University, Zhongshan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Huazhong Normal University and Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine etc.

The Program offers the scholarship with the percentage of 20% of the total students’ number to sponsor distinguished students and students who have financial difficulties.










●Besides teaching, we also provide the following services:

1 Applying for visa to China

2 Picking up the overseas students who are first time to China at the railway station or the airport (communication expense will be paid by students themselves)

3 Arranging accommodation (meal and accommodation costs will be borne by students themselves)

4 Giving guidance in study

5 Helping students apply for HSK test and providing specialized test info & guidance

6 Assisting students to apply for the first-class universities in China

7 Assisting to arrange tour activities and culture exchange activities




●Admission objects:

1 Foreign high school students and college students who signed the relevant agreement

2 Or other free applicants in good health and ages of all applicants need to be between 15-40 years old




●Estimated cost of living in Wuhan (For your Reference)

1 Accommodation: approximately 400yuan per month

2 Meal and others: approximately 600yuan per month


1 2010-05-13 21:43 |



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