解密CY8C3244AXI-159,解密芯片,橙盒电子产品克隆专家- PIC芯片解密 ...
解密CY8C3244AXI-159,解密芯片,橙盒电子产品克隆专家 [原创 2010-05-13 14:55:39]   
The Universal Digital Block (UDB) represents an evolutionary step to the next generation of PSoC embedded digital peripheral functionality. The architecture in first generation PSoC digital blocks provides coarse programmability in which a few fixed functions with a small number of options are available. The new UDB architecture is the optimal balance between configuration granularity and efficient implementation. A cornerstone of this approach is to provide the ability to customize the devices digital operation to match application requirements.
To achieve this, UDBs consist of a combination of uncommitted logic (PLD), structured logic (Datapath), and a flexible routing scheme to provide interconnect between these elements, I/O connections, and other peripherals. UDB functionality ranges from simple self contained functions that are implemented in one UDB, or even a portion of a UDB (unused resources are available for other functions), to more complex functions that require multiple UDBs. Examples of basic functions are timers, counters, CRC generators, PWMs, dead band generators, and communications functions, such as UARTs, SPI, and I2C. Also, the PLD blocks and connectivity provide full featured general purpose programmable logic within the limits of the available resources.
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