老舟» jQuery EasyUI 中文文档(Layout:Panel)

Many panel properties can be defined in <div/> markup. 许多面板属性可以定义在<div/>标记。

To create a panel

To create a panel with custom tools

To move panel to other position


Override defaults with $.fn.panel.defaults.

Name Type Description Default
title string The title text to display in panel header. 标题文本显示在面板标题。 null
iconCls string A CSS class to display a 16×16 icon in panel. 一个CSS类来显示在面板16×16图标。 null
width number Set the panel width. 设置面板的宽度。 auto
height number Set the panel height. 设置面板的高度。 auto
left number Set the panel left position. 设置面板左侧位置。 null
top number Set the panel top position. 设置面板的顶部位置。 null
cls string Add a CSS class to the panel. 添加一个CSS类的面板。 null
headerCls string Add a CSS class to the panel header. 添加一个CSS类的面板接头。 null
bodyCls string Add a CSS class to the panel body. 添加一个CSS类的面板身体。 null
style object Add a custom specification style to the panel. 新增自订规格样式的面板。 {}
fit boolean When true to set the panel size fit it’s parent container. 当true设置面板尺寸适合它的父容器。 false
border boolean Defines if to show panel border. 如果定义显示面板定义边界。 true
doSize boolean If set to true,the panel will be resize and do layout when created. 如果设置为true,该面板将做调整和布局时创建的。 true
collapsible boolean Defines if to show collapsible button. 如果定义显示可折叠定义按钮。 false
minimizable boolean Defines if to show minimizable button. 如果定义显示minimizable定义按钮。 false
maximizable boolean Defines if to show maximizable button. 如果定义显示maximizable定义按钮。 false
closable boolean Defines if to show closable button. 如果定义定义显示可闭按钮。 false
tools array Custom tools, every tool can contain two properties: iconCls and handler. 自定义工具,每个工具可以包含两个属性:iconCls和处理程序。 []
collapsed boolean Defines if the panel is collapsed at initialization. 如果定义面板是在初始化隐藏定义。 false
minimized boolean Defines if the panel is minimized at initialization. 如果定义该面板是在初始化最小化定义。 false
maximized boolean Defines if the panel is maximized at initialization. 如果该面板是在初始化{zd0}化定义。 false
closed boolean Defines if the panel is closed at initialization. 如果定义面板是初始化关闭的。 false
href string A URL to load remote data and then display in the panel. 一个远程的URL加载数据,然后显示在面板中。 null
loadingMessage string When loading remote data show a message in the panel. 当加载远程数据显示,在面板的信息。 Loading…
Name Parameters Description
onLoad none Fires when remote data is loaded. 触发时,远程数据加载。
onBeforeOpen none Fires before panel is opened. 触发前面板打开。
onOpen none Fires after panel is opened. 触发后面板打开。
onBeforeClose none Fires before panel is closed. 触发前面板关闭。
onClose none Fires after panel is closed. 触发后面板关闭。
onBeforeDestroy none Fires before panel is destroyed. 触发前面板被摧毁。
onDestroy none Fires after panel is destroyed. 触发后面板被摧毁。
onBeforeCollpase none Fires before panel is collapsed. 触发前面板崩溃。
onCollapse none Fires after panel is collpased. 触发后面板collpased。
onBeforeExpand none Fires before panel is expanded. 触发前面板扩展。
onExpand none Fires after panel is expanded. 触发后面板扩大。
onResize width, height Fires after panel is resized. 触发后面板大小。
width: the new outer width 宽度:宽度的新的外
height: the new outer height 高度:高度的新的外
onMove left,top Fires after panel is moved. 触发后面板是感动。
left: the new left postion 左:新左派的立场
top: the new top position 顶部:新的榜xx置
onMaximize none Fires after the window has been maximized. 触发后,窗口已经被{zd0}化。
onRestore none Fires after the window has been restored to its original size. 触发后,窗口已经恢复到原来的大小。
onMinimize none Fires after the window has been minimized. 触发后,窗口已经最小化。
Name Parameter Description
options none Return options property. 返回选择属性。
panel none Return the panel object. 返回面板对象。
header none Return the panel header object. 返回该面板头对象。
body none Return the panel body object. 返回该面板body对象。
setTitle title Set the title text of header. 设置页眉标题文字。
open forceOpen When forceOpen parameter set to true, the panel is opened bypass the onBeforeOpen callback. 当forceOpen参数设置为true,则面板打开绕过onBeforeOpen回调。
close forceClose When forceClose parameter set to true, the panel is closed bypass the onBeforeClose callback. 当forceClose参数设置为true,该面板已关闭绕过onBeforeClose回调。
destroy forceDestroy When forceDestroy parameter set to true, the panel is destroyed bypass the onBeforeDestroy callback. 当forceDestroy参数设置为true,该面板被破坏绕过onBeforeDestroy回调。
refresh none Refresh the panel to load remote data when href property is setted. 刷新面板的HREF属性时加载了设置远程数据。
resize options Set panel size and do layout. The options object contains following properties: 设置面板的大小,做布局。 The options object contains following properties:选项对象包含以下属性:
width: the new panel width 宽度:新的面板宽度
height: the new panel height 身高:新面板的高度
left: the new panel left position 左:新的面板左侧位
top: the new panel top position 顶部:新面板榜xx置
move options Move the panel to a new position. The options object contains following properties: 面板移动到新位置。 The options object contains following properties:选项对象包含以下属性:
left: the new panel left position 左:新的面板左侧位置
top: the new panel top position 顶部:新面板榜xx置


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