
电液伺服阀与电液比例阀{zd0}的差别在于电机械转换器。比例阀电2机械转换器采用比例电磁铁,因此不论其是否带检测元件(反馈闭环) ,它的控制电流较大,从几百毫安到1~2 安培均有。故放大器功率大、价格高,且相对容易烧管子。这抵消了比例阀机械部件精度相对较低带来的价格优势,综合可靠性较低。 伺服阀,不论是射流管式还是双喷嘴档板式,其控制电流只需几毫安到几十毫安,控制功率很小,一般为几十毫瓦到一、二百毫瓦。伺服放大器价格低廉、故障率低。动圈式伺服阀控制电流相对较大,从几十毫安到上百毫安。 加工精度比例阀结构相对简单,同时考虑到加工成本问题,加工精度要求较低,一般为10μ级,而且一般没有阀套,且其零位死区和滞环大,频响较低,比较适合用在控制精度不高的开环控制工业场合。伺服阀一般加工精度为μ级,采用阀芯、阀套、阀体的配合方式,阀芯和阀套为单配,间隙为2~4μm。阀芯和阀套窗口之间采用气动配磨或液压配磨方式,无死区,滞环小,频响高。 功率级阀芯驱动力 有前置级液压放大器的伺服阀,无论是射流放大器还是喷嘴挡板放大器,其产生阀芯驱动力都要比比例电磁铁大得多(高一个数量级) 。就这个意义上讲,伺服阀阀芯卡滞的几率比比例阀小。特别是射流管伺服阀的射流放大器因为没有压力负反馈,前置级流量增益与压力增益都较高,推动阀芯的力更大,所以伺服阀有更高的分辨率和较小的滞环。

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Electro-hydraulic servo valve and proportional valve biggest difference is that electromechanical converter. Proportional Valve Actuator Electric two proportional solenoid, so whether or not with detection devices (feedback loop), which control the current large, from a few hundred mA to 1 ~ 2 amps have. Therefore, amplifier power, high prices, and relatively easy to burn tube. This is offset by a proportional valve and mechanical parts caused by the relatively low accuracy of price advantage, integrated reliability is low. Servo valve, whether jet-tube plate or double nozzle profile, the control current of only a few milliamps to tens of mA, control power is very small, typically tens of milliwatts to a hundred milliwatts. Low cost servo amplifier, low failure rate. Moving coil servo valve control current is relatively large, from tens to hundreds of milliamps mA. Precision proportional valve structure is relatively simple, taking into account the processing costs of the problem, processing precision low, typically 10μ level, and generally no valve cover, and its zero dead band and hysteresis large, low frequency response, more suitable used in the control accuracy is not high open-loop control of industrial situations. Precision servo valve for the μ-class general, using spool, valve cover, valve body with the means, spool and valve cover for the single distribution, clearance for the 2 ~ 4μm. Between the spool and the valve cover windows with pneumatic or hydraulic mill grinding method with no dead zone, hysteresis is small, high frequency response. Power stage spool drive A pre-stage hydraulic amplifier of the servo valve, either jet or nozzle flapper amp amplifier, its generate spool drive much better than proportional solenoid (an order of magnitude higher). On this sense, the servo valve spool chance of catching smaller than the proportional valve. In particular, the jet jet pipe servo valve because there is no pressure on negative feedback amplifiers, front-stage flow gain and pressure gain is relatively high, even greater force to promote the spool, so servo valve has a higher resolution and low hysteresis .

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