黑暗王座+餐椅(Dark Throne + Chair)
  • 最近很长一段时间,这BLOG都是放在GS放过的东西= =+
    算是为没有GSB的亲以及国外玩家提供福利吧= =+,买过的亲也不会在意时间差吧=3=
    除了古装限量之外我陆陆续续都会把旧物放这里的= =+,做墙纸的话我只堆这里=w=+
    该死的Multiupload又被屏蔽了,我只好滚去用微软大哥的Skydrive了。。。咬手帕= =+
    内个网盘什么都好,就是看不到文件被下载了多少次。。。唉我很想知道嘛= =|||算了,浮云了。
    王座需要2层楼才放得下~气势嘛=w=+,王座模型似乎是出自《霸王》,模型有问题修补好久= =
    Yay~ something "useful" this time, 2 fancy chairs in medieval and fantasy style.
    The medieval dining chair is located in...dining chair (1012 poly and cost 666).
    The dark throne is located in living chair, 2 floors height (2900 poly and cost 6666).
    Sorry for the over-edited preview, luckly I have 2 more pure background detail pics ^ ^

    Meshes are from free 3D site. The throne perhaps is from online game “Archlord”.
    Original throne mesh itself has so many problems, I worked very hard to fixing those horrible holes.
    Click the thumbs to view the original size, enjoy the update until the next time ^_^

    (for both chairs ^ ^)

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