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High-end watch industry tend to develop in the direction

After more than ten years industry watches the second round of development, China has become the world’s largest producer of watches industry, the forefront of production in the world; Product varieties also diversified and seriation, from dozens of past, developed to present several 100 kinds, basically to satisfy China’s demand for different consumer groups; improve product quality is also quite obvious, to create a number of brand names and well-known trademark, a number of watches among enterprises in the world-class ranks of qualified suppliers. However, the world watches

camp watch industry, has become China’s manufacturing power and clocks, but it is not the watch manufacturing power. Overall, with certain advantages at the same time, there remain many problems.

in the market positioning of domestic watches are still affordable products, in 1000 more than watch manufacturing companies, product quality difference is very small, almost the same as market positioning, consumer groups do not distinguish very obvious. Foreign watches in the industry, its products of high, medium, both low-grade, sport, leisure, and other functions妆饰complete, products and functions to distinguish very clearly.

technology in the manufacture of watches and clocks are generally lower degree of automation, a large part of enterprises to foreign enterprises are processing, the lack of independent product development capability, thus changing the face of watches and clocks at home and abroad market, obviously ability to resist risks still to be inadequate. Supply from the market, we also can see the obvious. Currently, China’s output accounted for watches 70% of the global market, but the total value of exports accounted for only 10% of the global market, but also in the domestic market, the China-made watches, although 70 percent share of the market share, but sales of market sales accounted for only 30 %, much lower than the foreign brands in China sales; and an annual output of watches in Switzerland account for only 3 percent of global production, but exports to the international market accounts for 40 percent of sales. We can see, my watch industry to maintain its future development, improve production from the transformation into the upgrading of technical content, thus gradually developing the market for high-end watches.

further strengthen watches production technology research and development, vigorously watches enhance the value of the products, which are products that enhance the competitiveness of China’s watches key. From the domestic market supply and demand analysis, domestic clocks, low-end product market already saturated, high-end market has been dominated overseas brand watches; from the international market supply and demand analysis, as in Europe, the United States, Japan’s purchasing power continued to rise in high-grade watches Products buoyant demand, the second largest market for future needs圴biased in favor of high-end products enhance the supply of shares. Therefore, China’s watches manufacturers to increase their own intellectual property rights necessary to develop and upgrade the technological content of products, thereby rapidly improve the productive capacity of the middle-grade products, consolidate and expand the domestic and international watch market.

further intensify efforts to nurture the brand, and vigorously promote the international brand watches Products building, which is to improve the international reputation of our watches Product key. Products manufacturing sector from the analysis of watches, my watches industry resources obvious advantages, such as professional labor resources, a complete package of resources and so on aspects of production. At the same time, China’s production of watches and clocks are equivalent to international standards used in the physical aspects of quality levels, with the Swiss, the Japanese are basically the same as similar products; in appearance, the world-famous brand watches are manufacturing in China, and its fine texture and processing the degree of the same, the only distance is well-known brands and its watches.因此. Manufacture of watches is imperative that China’s world-class products to build brand, create an international brand names, to make China-made watches in the true sense of the world and win the market. (07-11-28)

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