“半导体照明产业发展研讨会”在京举行« oursolo.net



“Semiconductor Lighting Industry Development Seminar” was held in Beijing

For promoting China’s semiconductor lighting industry, the construction of resource-saving society, the path of sustainable development, the implementation of the State Council on the relevant energy-saving emission reduction requirements and the Department of leadership instruction, the Ministry of Information Industry of Electronic Information Products Management Division on November 14 in the Beijing held a “seminar on the development of semiconductor lighting industry.” National Semiconductor Lighting Project Coordination Leading Group Office of Energy Research Institute National Development and Reform Commission, the relevant enterprises, research institutes, universities and trade associations, more than 60 delegates attended the seminar. MII Comprehensive Planning Division, by the Transportation Division, Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Center, and electronic information related to the development of Institute staff attend the meeting. Ding Wenwu, deputy director of Product into account and gave a speech, the experts made presentations on the current situation of China’s energy and energy saving policies, National Semiconductor Lighting Project progress, to do on the status of semiconductor lighting technology and development trends, market demand, industry status quo and development opportunities and key applications, such as special reports.

conference on China’s semiconductor lighting industry development policies, development strategy, technological innovation, and building the industry chain of vigorous discussions on industry development, content development goals and priorities, in order to promote the semiconductor lighting industry the development of good comments and suggestions. Ding Wenwu, deputy director made his concluding remarks, he will now consider the development of the semiconductor lighting industry are a critical period, we should grasp the opportunities for development. Ministry of Information Industry will do a good job in the semiconductor lighting industry’s overall deployment, organizational research, the development of industrial development strategy for industrial development to create a favorable policy environment, and guide industrial science, orderly and healthy development; actively promote the expansion of industry and further enhance the capability of independent innovation and intensify support; to build a more complete industrial chain, the formation of the upstream and downstream industries to interact closely with the application in order to promote development applications. MII will be in collaboration with relevant ministries, multi-concentration of resources, to jointly promote the development of semiconductor lighting industry. Meeting on behalf of said organization under the MII will actively cooperate with the good work. (07-11-28)

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