芯片解密MC68HC705B16芯片解密——MC68HC系列单片机解密- pcbftylt ...
芯片解密 MC68HC705B16芯片解密——MC68HC系列单片机解密 [原创 2010-05-12 19:01:29]   


MC68HC705B16以及FREESCALE系列(MOTOROLA系列)其他典型的IC芯片解密、单片机解密是芯片解密研究所的优势解密系列之一,本研究所不仅在国内率先突破FREESCALE系列典型单片机解密,,而且长期以来不断针对各种疑难型芯片进行技术 *** 研究,目前,我们能够提供MC68HC全系列单片机解密,且解密周期短、价格合理、解密成功率高、可靠性强,致力于为广大客户提供可信赖的技术支持,。







The MC68HC705B16 is a device similar to the MC68HC05B6, but with increased RAM and 15 kbytes of EPROM instead of 6 kbytes of ROM. In addition, the self-check routines available in the MC68HC05B6 are replaced by bootstrap firmware. The MC68HC705B16 is an OTPROM (one-time programmable ROM) version of the MC68HC05B16, meaning that once the application program has been loaded in the EPROM it can never be erased. The entire MC68HC05B6 data sheet applies to the MC68HC705B16,, with the exceptions outlined in this appendix.

  MC68HC705B16 Features

  15 kbytes EPROM

  352 bytes of RAM

  576 bytes bootstrap ROM

  Simultaneous programming of up to 8 bytes of EPROM

  Optional pull-down resistors available on all port B and port C pins

  52-pin PLCC and 64-pin QFP packages

  High speed version not available

  MC68HC705B16 EPROM

  The MC68HC705B16 device has a total of 15168 bytes of EPROM (including 14 bytes for User vectors) and 256 bytes of EEPROM.The EPROM array is supplied by the VPP6 pin in both read and program modes. Typically the user’s software would be loaded into a programming board where VPP6 is controlled by one of the bootstrap loader routines. It would then be placed in an application where no programming occurs.In this case the VPP6 pin should be hardwired to VDD.

  The execution of a program in the EPROM address range or a load from the EPROM are both read operations. The E6LAT bit in the EPROM/EEPROM control register should be cleared to ‘0’ which automatically resets the E6PGM bit. In this way the EPROM is read like a normal ROM. Reading the EPROM with the E6LAT bit set will give data that does not correspond to the actual memory content. As interrupt vectors are in EPROM, they will not be loaded when E6LAT is set. Similarly,the bootstrap ROM routines cannot be executed when E6LAT is set. In read mode, the VPP6 pin must be at the VDD level. When entering the STOP mode, the EPROM is automatically set to the read mode.


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