
闸阀 闸阀是作为截止介质使用,在全开时整个流通直通,此时介质运行的压力损失最小。闸阀通常适用于不需要经常启闭,而且保持闸板全开或全闭的工况。 不适用于作为调节或节流使用。对于高速流动的介质,闸板在局部开启状况下可以引起闸门的振动,而振动又可能损伤闸板和阀座的密封面,而节流会使闸板遭受介质的冲蚀。从结构形式上,主要的区别是所采用的密封元件的形式。根据密封元件的形式,常常把闸阀分成几种不同的类型,如:楔式闸阀、平行式闸阀、平行双闸板闸阀、楔式双闸板闸等。最常用的形式是楔式闸阀和平行式闸阀 截止阀 截止阀的阀杆轴线与阀座密封面垂直。阀杆开启或关闭行程相对较短,并具有非常可靠的切断动作,使得这种阀门非常适合作为介质的切断或调节及节流使用。截止阀的阀瓣一旦处于开启状况,它的阀座和阀瓣密封面之间就不再的接触,并具有非常可靠的切断动作,合得这种阀门非常适合作为介质的切断或调节及节流使用。 截止阀一旦处于开启状态,它的阀座和阀瓣密封面之间就不再有接触,因而它的密封面机械磨损较小,由于大部分截止阀的阀座和阀瓣比较容易修理或更换密封元件时无需把整个阀门从管线上拆下来,这对于阀门和管线焊接成一体的场合是很适用的。介质通过此类阀门时的流动方向发生了变化,因此截止阀的流动阻力较高于其它阀门。 常用的截止阀有以下几种: 1)角式截止阀;在角式截止阀中,流体只需改变一次方向,以致于通过此阀门的压力降比常规结构的截止阀小。 2)直流式截止阀;在直流式或Y形截止阀中,阀体的流道与主流道成一斜线,这样流动状态的破坏程度比常规截止阀要小, 因而通过阀门的压力损失也相应的小了。 3)柱塞式截止阀:这种形式的截止阀是常规截止阀的变型。在该阀门中,阀瓣和阀座通常是基于柱塞原理设计的。阀瓣磨光成柱塞与阀杆相连接,密封是由套在柱塞上的两个弹性密封圈实现的。两个弹性密封圈用一个套环隔开,并通过由阀盖螺母施加在阀盖上的载荷把柱塞周围的密封圈压牢。弹性密封圈能够更换,可以采用各种各样的材料制成,该阀门主要用于“开”或者“关”,但是备有特制形式的柱塞或特殊的套环,也可以用于调节流量。

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Gate Valve is used as a cut-off media, the flow through the fully open, then the pressure medium to run minimal loss. Valve usually does not require frequent opening and closing apply, and maintain the gate fully open or fully closed condition. Does not apply to the use as a regulator or throttle. For high-speed flow of medium, open the gate in the local conditions can cause the vibration of the gate, while the vibration it may damage the gate and the seat of the sealing surface, and cutting medium will suffer erosion gate. From a structural form, the main difference is that the sealing component used in the form. According to the form of seals, often divided into several different types of valve, such as: wedge gate valves, parallel gate valve, Parallel Gate Valve, Wedge Gate, etc. double plate. Themost common form of parallel wedge gate valves and gate valves Valve The stem valve seat sealing surface and the vertical axis. Valve stem to open or close the relatively short trip, and have very reliable cutting action, making this valve is suitable for medium-conditioning and cutting off or use. Flap valve when the valve is turned on condition, its seat and disc sealing surface is no longer between the contact and cut off the action with a very reliable and combine this valve is suitable for medium cut or regulation and throttle use. Once the valve is turned on, its seat and disc sealing surface contact between the longer, so it's sealing surface mechanical wear small, as most of the cut-off valve seat and disc easily repaired or replaced seals without having to remove the valve from the pipeline to which the valves and pipes welded into one of the occasions are very applicable. Medium through the valve when the flow direction of such a change, so a higher cut-off valve of the flow resistance in the other valve. Commonly used cut-off valve of the following: 1) The angle-type valve; in the angle-type valve, the fluid change only one direction, so that the pressure drop through the valve structure than conventional globe valves. 2) DC-type valve; in the DC-type or Y-shaped valve, the valve body and the main channel flow into a slash, so the damage flow state is smaller than the conventional cut-off valve, so the pressure losses through the valve accordingly smaller. 3) The plunger-type valve: This form of cut-off valve is a variant of conventional valves. In the valve, the valve disc and seat are usually designed based on the plunger principle. Polished into a flap valve connected between the plunger and valve stem seal is set in the plunger on the realization of the two elastomeric seals. Two elastic rings separated by a ring, and through the valve cover nut load exerted on the valve cover seals around the plunger pressure prison. Elastic ring can be replaced, you can use variety of materials, mainly used for the valve "open" or "off", but with a special form of plunger or special ring can also be used to adjust flow.

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