
May 9, Qingdao newspaper (Reporter Court Feifei) Recently, Laoshan District, the owners of the East Yue Haiyan garden reflects the elevator downstairs, the fire channel is artificially sealed, buried to their safety hidden trouble. Press survey found that the public corridor and a basement leased to the developer with by individuals, while the block is the safe passage of the Housing Community Network owners. In this regard, Laoshan District, the staff of public security fire brigade said there are fire exits can not be used for rental, they have informed the household sector within the time limit for its rectification. In recent days, who lives in the East Building 2 Mr. Wang Yue Haiyan Garden, as usual, to the corridor leading to the ground inside the garage door can be in front of that scene left him dreaming. "Yesterday was also through with, and today all been covered over with cement!" Mr. Wang said, originally had two doors, Building 2, as the fire channel and connected underground garage, and now the door is sealed with concrete, a door hanging large lock, secure channel to make him feel very uncomfortable stuck. 8 pm, this reporter went to see the Area Building 2, the situation turned out the scene as Mr. Wang said. Locked the door of which he wrote, "has leased the basement, no-go" message. Originally Gailou residents drove into quarters, may go directly to the buildings, so they have to pass unit from the garage out in front of Cai Xing. "There has been leased to developers, the Housing Industry Area Network users, we can do nothing." 9, East Yue Haiyan Jiang Jingli Garden Property Management Office in the interview but to say they go to the scene viewed, can be Du Men in the industries has not occurred, they both did not contact the right people to the wall removed. "But developers are currently in consultation with industry, households, urban management is also involved, I believe the results will soon come out." Answer for property owners who are very dissatisfied. "There are people upstairs, the total heating equipment valves, distribution boxes and other public facilities, and is still upstairs residents when a sudden disaster rescue channel, the developer how can the public access rented personal!" In this regard, Laoshan District Police Fire Brigade deputy captain Wanghong Long said, the reporter said, this office has conducted on-site access their survey, the channel is indeed blocked fire exits inside the building, developers have no right to rent to individuals. "We have issued a corrective notice, but so far not received feedback, as the next step had to team meetings to study how to decide." Vice-captain said.
原文来自: http://www.techflash.com/seattle/2010/01/innovation_and_startups_ten_lessons_from_my_days_at_valve.html

Innovation and startups: Ten lessons from my days at Valve;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考,以下提供站内导航搜索:


本报青岛5月9日讯(记者苑菲菲)近日,崂山区 东岳海花园的业主反映,楼下电梯间的消防通道被人为封死,给他们的安全埋下很大隐患。记者调查发现,该公共楼道与一地下室同被开发商租给了个人,而堵住安全通道的正是小区网点房业主。对此,崂山区公安消防大队的工作人员表示,该处属于消防通道不能用来出租,他们已通知业户在限期内对其进行整改。   近日,家住东岳海花园2号楼的王先生像往常一样,走向楼道内通往地下车库 的门,可眼前的一幕却让他以为在做梦。“昨天还通着,今天全被水泥封住了!”王先生说,本来2号楼有两扇门作为消防通道与地下车库连接,现在一扇门被水泥封住,另一扇门上挂了大锁,安全通道被堵让他感觉非常不安。8日下午,记者 来到该小区2号楼看到,现场的情况果然如王先生所说。其中被锁的门上还写着“地下室已出租,禁止通行”的字样。本来该楼居民将车开进小区后,可直接进入楼内,这样一来却得从车库走出来绕道单元门前才行。   “那里被开发商租给小区网点房业户了,我们也没有办法。”9日,东岳海花园物业管理处 的姜经理在接受记者采访时无奈地称,他们也去现场查看过,可堵门的业户至今未出现,他们既联系不到人也没权利将墙拆除。“不过目前开发商正在同业户协商,城管也介入了,相信结果很快就能出来。”对于物业的回答,业主们却 非常不满。“里面有楼上居民暖气总设备阀门、配电箱等公共设施,并且还是楼上居民遇到突发灾害时的救生通道,开发商怎么能将公共通道租给个人!”   对此,崂山区公安消防大队的王洪龙副队长表示,记者所说的这处通道他们已进行过现场调查,被堵的通道的确是楼内消防通道,开发商无权将其出租给个人。“我们已经下发了整改通知,但目前为止还没收到反馈,至于下一步如何还得队里开会研究才能决定。”王副队长说。


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