

2010-05-08 21:10:32 阅读1 评论0 字号:

是集制造、贸易、科研、信息、服务等多功能于一体的高新技术股份合作企业。公司专业致力于研制生产机械/化工制药机械设备//// 、吸粉式分散均质乳化混合机、吸粉式混合泵、/钛白粉研磨机/釉料精磨机┃/)/浓浆螺杆泵活性炭筛过滤器硅藻土过滤器                                                  

    温州昊星机械设备制造有限公司综合了自己的技术优势和客户需求,制造出了简单易用和坚固耐久的JM多功能研磨机colloid mill胶体磨(立式胶体磨、分体式胶体磨、卧式胶体磨、封闭式胶体磨、管线式胶体磨、钛白粉研磨机)系列、胶体泵ZB系列、乳化均质机SRH系列、单螺杆泵GS系列、乳化分散WRL系列、混合机THJ系列、自动吸粉式分散乳化混合机SSC系列等产品。质量超群、性能{zy1},久享盛誉,价格合理深得海内外客商的青睐。拥有实用新型、外观等中国专利多项发明、属国内xx,实用新型,外形新颖,环保节能,体积小,效益高,交货快,价格合理等特点,让你的系统更可靠,更静,更省电。实验室专用机如采购设备单位:中国石油大学(华东)(北京)、北京农学院、清华大学、山东大学、山东农业大学、河北省农业大学、上海医科大学、首都医科大学、南京医科大学、武汉化工学院、武汉生物工程学院、广东药学院、山西师范大学、长江师范学院、广东大学、湖南农大、吉林农大、武汉理工大学、中国人民解放军总后勤部建筑工程研究所、北京友谊医院、厦门大学食品工程,生物科学学院、南方医科大学、厦门大学附属中山医院、宜昌人民{dy}医院、中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所、中国原子能研究所、苏州非金属矿研究院、新疆中基xx纯化高新技术究所、天津化工研究设计院、黑龙江省化工研究院、南京蓝本科研所、海南省xx研究所、广东省造纸研究所、湖南造纸研究所有限公司等单位。

昊星超高速研磨机colloidal mill双冷却胶体磨SSJM-XXX-2系列各型,钛白粉浆料泵JP系列、采用特殊动密封(采用多项专利技术),可在无物料情况下干转,不会损坏动密封性能和机械性能,维修率低,摩擦功耗小、研磨、分散细度均<2微米,效果好,效率高等优点。该机主轴转速高达每分钟2000-3500转,磨盘线速度每分钟高达1200-5100米。主要用于细度要求高、难研磨,分散的物料,xx可取代三辊机、滚珠式研磨机、均质机等设备,我公司研制新产品钛白粉研磨机SSJM-W250Ac-2SSJM-W320Ac-2SSJM-W400Ac-2,其磨盘采用特殊材料制成,韧性、耐磨性、耐温性及硬度和钛白粉浆料泵JP-250Ab,JP320AB等系列均适合于钛白粉的生产制备,本系列专用机型是目前{wy}代替进口研磨机而应用于钛白粉-氧化钛新工艺流程上,其生产效率是上述类似产品的数倍,可大幅度的降低生产成本费用,而且颗粒均匀、清洗换色方便、无研磨杂质。可广泛应用于:化学工业,食品工业,日化工业,制药工业,钛白粉工业,陶瓷工业,生物工程等领域。采用生产机器单位如:重庆一坪润滑油有限公司、上海泽龙化工、广州文盛化工、重庆钰鑫集团、广州立白集团、厦门古龙集团、徐州恩华药业集团、昆明中友集团、康恩贝集团、四川地奥药业集团、扬子江药业集团、信义集团新材料分公司、大港油田集团、浙江医药股份公司新昌制药厂、仙居制药厂、浙江震元药业、浙江惠松药业、联盛集团贵州药业、协和华东干细胞基因工程、浙江大德药业集团、晋新双鹤药业、集成药业、信谊药业、北京双吉药业、上海双基药业、河南新谊药业股份有限公司、三九医药股份有限公司、金威啤酒、金狮啤酒、燕京啤酒、漓泉啤酒、青岛啤酒股份公司、上海展颜新材料科技公司、深圳金刚源新材料科技发展公司、河北常山生化药业、河北维尔康药业、东方药林药业公司、东营万得植物蛋白科技公司、山东禹王实业公司、瑞睿集团山东金翼生物科技公司…、新大泽螺旋藻有限公司、华迪集团、奈米科技桃园农药、富农化工公司(马来西亚)、瑞典利乐拉代集团(利乐包装)、香港沐林食品工业集团、杰克姆工业公司(越南)、艾墨特公司(美国)、上海哈勃公司、慧达工贸股份有限公司(台湾)、江苏力保建材工业有限公司、广州慧达化学工业公司、上海慧润胶粘剂有限公司、国民(广东)淀粉す业公司、福建三山淀粉有限公司、上海华宝孔雀香精香料有限公司、重庆亚原生物技术公司、菲律宾国际制药公司、韩国宇星株式会社、韩国庄起产业、S.A.R.Varese(意大利)、GFP Limited(坦桑尼亚)、瑞驰医药(香港)、哥伦比亚医药公司、一九单位07研究所、无锡豪普钛业有限公司、兴盛钛白粉业、沈阳强力陶瓷有限公司、沈阳市合家乐陶瓷有限公司、红梅陶瓷有限公司、湖北兴盛陶瓷有限公司、豪普钛业、漯河兴茂钛业、攀枝花钛海科技、山东东佳集团、金浦集团钛业等以及高安、淄博、景德镇及闽清县等地陶业、蛋白粉和钛白粉,用户已遍布全球,产品xxxxx市场。

Wenzhou Hao star Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has always been at home and abroad pay attention to the quality of titanium dioxide titanium dioxide titanium dioxide manufacturer of grinding machines have an advanced screening equipment, improved technology, to improve the production environment, ground equipment installations technical innovation, quality and ability to cross the border to the titanium dioxide has played an important determinant of titanium dioxide pre-production work if done well, if the left the grinding equipment such as participation, the quality will obviously be greatly reduced titanium dioxide, which in turn affects the titanium dioxide "worth" and the manufacturer of terminal sales. In fact, domestic producers are aware of this fact, while the original capital invested in recent years really are willing to spend post-processing equipment, titanium dioxide is only a few relatively large domestic manufacturers, such as the use of Wenzhou Hao Xing Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. manufacture of new products, titanium dioxide patented technology Grinding Machine HSJM-W250AC-2; HSJM-W250Ad-2; HSJM-W320AC-2 and so on pipelined dedicated machine, pipe-line connections, can be sealed through the pipeline system of uninterrupted take titanium dioxide, the first to use mechanical equipment Hao Xing Grinding Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. of titanium dioxide are Dong Jia, Hao P, Ti sea, Hing Mau, South titanium, in Kuo, Lung-based, titanium, titanium dioxide production of Viagra and other domestic leading enterprises, their previous grinder mainly from the introduction of Germany, about 40 units, respectively, grinding cylinder volume of 500 liters 1000 liters each half to produce the follow-up due to maintenance and spare parts consumption of large and inconvenient. Most of the other companies on to the basic domestic titanium dioxide primary grinding equipment, or even eliminate the post-processing costs of enterprises, the current strong market conditions proved that, after grinding through the fine production of titanium dioxide fine after more than a simple cursory treatment on the titanium dioxide products sold should be Qiaoxiao much more. After the economic crisis, high-quality titanium dioxide 8000-10000 yuan / ton and ordinary titanium dioxide 800-3000 yuan / ton world of difference between the market treatment to a lot of manufacturers believe that the quality titanium dioxide was the last word, forcing them from price competition to quality competition means strategy, in that many manufacturers began to focus on titanium dioxide product quality improvements, including a lot of titanium dioxide industry, "New Horizons", such as titanium dioxide company also joined the new Fu quality innovation wave. It is understood that major national manufacturers titanium dioxide production period and the result of the financial crisis, hardship cases, the new Fu Dioxide Company "by the brain innovation" is committed to increase value-added products, its a way for the upgrading of titanium dioxide products of special quality and excellent performance . In order to make the product better dispersion performance, the new good fortune Company specially imported from Germany worth more than 2000 million yuan grinding equipment, and spared no expense to send R & D and technical personnel flew to the DuPont titanium dioxide and other advanced business study tour, after grinding and other processing techniques, we can see, not only Titanium leading enterprises, domestic enterprises have also begun to focus on small-scale titanium dioxide through the post-processing equipment to improve the grade of products to enhance the market competitiveness. However, this technological transformation operation does not cause the suspect to the enterprise itself, the cost of follow-up on the commission, and grinding equipment, great maintenance costs while reducing their competitiveness.
As a result, Wenzhou Hao Xing Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. HS Titanium grinding machines and other post-processing equipment will be more concerned about the titanium dioxide manufacturer, can be quite optimistic about its sales prospects. With the domestic titanium dioxide special grinding equipment manufacturing technology continues to break the market opportunity to show his face more and more. According to China's own technology development potential and momentum point of view, before long time, I post-processing equipment, grinding titanium dioxide plant is expected to achieve dramatic improvements in terms of quality, or even to a certain extent, to replace the imported equipment. At that time, Wenzhou Hao Xing Hao Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The Star Titanium Grinder HSJM-W-2 series, the titanium dioxide colloid pump HSJM-P-2 series, titanium dioxide into the after-treatment devices will be widely applied prospects.
Hao star machinery and equipment / food equipment / food machinery / chemical pharmaceutical machinery and equipment: colloid mill / wet grinder / rubber mill / Titanium grinding machine / High Shear Emulsifier / Homogenizer / homogeneous Pump / Mixer / colloid Pump / pulp pump / rotor pump / screw / MC Pump / Health valves tube
Laboratory High-Pressure Homogenizer High Shear Emulsifying Machine (both high-shear milk machine _ a high-shear liquid _ high shear homogenizer mixer, high-shear dispersing emulsifier, batch high shear emulsifying machine, pipeline-type high-shear emulsifying machine, kettle at the end of emulsifying dispersion machine, heterogeneous machines, emulsifying machines, suction powder dispersed homogeneous emulsifying mixer, powder mixing pump suction, colloidal colloid mill / Multi Colloid Mill / Vertical Colloid Mill _ Split / Horizontal Colloid Mill / total stainless steel Colloid Mill / closed Colloid Mill / Full enclosed colloid Mill / Pipeline Colloid Mill / Titanium Colloid Mill / Pharmaceutical Colloid Mill / chemical colloidal / emulsion Colloid Mill / Asphalt Colloid Mill / Chicken Colloid Mill / ceramic Colloid Mill / large Colloid Mill / lab mini-Colloid Mill / Grinding Machine / wet grinder / ultrafine particles refiner / Titanium Dioxide grinder / mill glaze fine High pressure homogenization / ultra-high pressure homogenization / homogeneous pump / sterilization emulsion homogeneous pump pot horizontal stainless steel beverage pump / (centrifugal pump milk beverage pump _ _ Health and pump) split gouache Mixer / Vertical Gouache mixing pump (liquid mixer _ _ gouache gouache mixers Mixer Mixer _ _ liquid feed mixture liquid feed pump) stainless steel Consistency Pump / Cam Rotor Pump (10000 Pumps shoes with pumps _ __ _ clover pump pump colloid colloid pumps) single-pole screw / screw thick paste _ sand core sand bar screen filter (filtration equipment ) activated carbon filter sieve microporous membrane filter drum-type double-filter-type diatomite filter live next Clamp Elbow / Tee / straight / Stone quick connector / live Access / Flange / blind plate / compensator / valve automatic tank washing device / fixed washing ball / spin washing ball / wash tank ball

温州昊星机械设备制造有限公司是集制造、贸易、科研、信息、服务等多功能于一体的高新技术股份合作企业。公司专业致力于研制生产////// 、┃/





我们特别在近几年以来,我国制药、食品级钛白粉制造业渐步进入出口涉外的行例,钛白粉厂淘汰了硫酸反应法采用高效研磨分散法来制备xx次钛白粉,昊星机械设备有限公司董事长杨剑英先生自从04年以来开始通过科技攻关并申请获取国家知识产权局专利局多项国家专利证书,并率领本公司技术部门人员进行科技创新,采用了特殊合金材料制成的超硬质多功能研磨机(管线式钛白胶体磨)、钛白浆料输送泵等钛白后处理设备,其中大型超高速研磨机和特殊硬质合金钢磨体胶体磨colloidal mill取得很大科技硕果,拥有自主知识产权多项专利新产品:多功能研磨机采用特殊动密封、动静磨体构件、泵体特殊结构均采用多项专利技术,可在水冲式冷却循环情况下无物料干转,不会损坏动密封性能和机械性能,维修率低 ,摩擦功耗小、研磨、分散细度均<2微米,效果好,效率高等优点。该机主轴转速高达每分钟2000-3500转,磨盘刀片线速度每分钟高达1200-4500米。主要用于细度要求高、难研磨,分散的物料,xx可取代三辊机、进口研磨机、均质机等设备,本公司研制新产品钛白粉研磨机(管线式钛白胶体磨)HS JM-W250AC-2HS JM-W250AD-2HS JM -W320AC-2HSJM-W400Ac-2等系列专用机型是目前{wy}代替进口研磨机或砂磨机而应用于钛渣制取钛白、研磨制备xx钛白粉-二氧化钛(活性钛白粉)的后处理设备工艺流程上,特点是上述类似产品比较在其生产效率的数倍,可大幅度的降低生产成本费用,而且颗粒均匀、清洗换色方便、无研磨杂质。可广泛应用于:化学工业,食品工业,日化工业,制药工业,钛白粉工业,陶瓷工业,生物工程等领域,率先采用昊星机械设备有限公司生产的钛白粉浆料的湿式超微粒专用研磨机器:钛白粉研磨机(管线式钛白胶体磨)HS JM-W250AC-2HS JM-W250AD-2HS JM -W320AC-2HS JM-W400Ac-2;钛白浆料泵HS JP-W250AC-2HS JP-W250AD-2HS JP -W320AC-2被豪普钛业、兴茂钛业、攀枝花钛海、东佳集团、金浦集团南京钛白、攀钢集团重庆钛业公司等中国钛白粉厂商xxxx所使用,并得到用户的好评。

我公司一向注重钛白粉品质的国内外钛白粉制造商纷纷筛选先进钛白研磨机设备,改进技术,改善生产环境,研磨设备的装置技改,给钛白粉品质能否过关起到一项重要决定因素,钛白粉前期生产工作即使做得好,如果离开了研磨等设备参与,钛白粉品质显然会大打折扣,这又影响了钛白粉“身价”以及生产商终端销售额。国内生产商其实都明白这个道理,而近几年来真正舍得花血本投入钛白粉后处理设备只有国内比较大几家生产商,如采用昊星机械设备制造新型专利技术产品的钛白研磨机(管线式钛白胶体磨)HS JM-W250AC-2HS JM-W250AD-2HS JM -W320AC-2HS JM-W400Ac-2;钛白浆料泵HS JP-W250AC-2HS JP-W250AD-2HS JP -W320AC-2等管线式专用机,管道在线连接,可封密通过管路不间断地连续制取xx次钛白粉,率先使用我厂钛白研磨机的有xx、南钛、攀钢集团、龙化、钛威、豪普等国内钛白粉生产xxxx,他们先前曾引进砂磨机主要来自德国,大约有40台,研磨筒体容积分别为5001000升各占一半,主要普遍反映使用引进砂磨机因以产生后续维修和零配件消耗很大,而且很不方便。其他大多数钛白企业用基本国产初级研磨设备,甚至有企业省去这项后处理费用,当前市场行情有力证明了经过精细研磨后钛白精品比生产后简单处理就草草销售钛白产品要俏销得多。经济危机发生后,优质钛白粉8000-12000/吨与普通钛白粉800-3000/吨天壤之别市场待遇让很多钛白生产商相信了质量才硬道理,迫使他们由价格竞争手段转向质量竞争策略,于,很多钛白生产商开始注重产品质量改善,包括很多钛白行业“新秀”,如新福钛白粉公司也加入了质量革新浪潮。据了解,全国各大厂家钛白粉生产因金融危机期而陷入困境情况下,新福钛白粉公司“借脑创新”致力于增加产品附加值,其一个途径就提升钛白产品特殊品质与优异性能。为了使产品分散性能更良好,新福公司专门从德国引进价值2000多万元研磨设备,并不惜重金派研发技术人员飞赴杜邦等国外先进钛白企业考察学习研磨等后处理技术,可见,不仅龙头钛白企业,国内小型钛白企业也开始注重通过后期处理装备改善来提升产品档次与市场竞争力。但是,这样技改操作不疑给企业本身造成成本上提成和研磨设备后续维护带来很大开销而削减竞争力。

由此,昊星钛白研磨机(管线式钛白胶体磨)、钛白浆料泵等系列钛白后处理设备将得到更多钛白厂家关注,其销售前景可谓相当乐观。随着国产钛白粉专用研磨设备制造技术不断突破,市场上露脸机会将越来越多。根据我国自主技术开发潜能以及发展势头来看,过不了多久时间,温州昊星机械设备制造有限公司钛白粉研磨后处理设备有望实现品质上巨大改进,甚至能相当程度上取代进口设备。那时,昊星钛白研磨机HS JM-W…-2系列、钛白胶体泵HS JM-P…-2系列等钛白粉后处理设备将走进广泛应用的美好前景。

商务热线:+86-577-86999999 86830999
真:+86-577-56848111 86827859
号:739 000 120 198 999 999




一、   我公司所生产胶体磨(钛白粉胶体磨、研磨机)等产品均属专利新产品,专利权人:杨剑英。另温州市七星乳品设备厂自2004年以来与我公司杨剑英签订《专利实施许可合同》已于20091130日全部合同满终止,故此从200912月以后本公司杨剑英与温州市七星乳品设备厂没有签订《专利实施许可合同》,所以无任何关系了,如温州市七星乳品设备厂今后生产胶体磨、研磨机等产品和配件含该专利技术,属仿冒伪造。

二、   希望广大用户采购相关产品和配件时,必须注意考虑其相应后果,请与我公司联系。否则,今后本公司将对其相关产品维护等方面无法予以支持。

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