临城县叫响水泵业的“临城制造” - 中国隔膜泵- 中国隔膜泵- 和讯博客
临城县叫响水泵业的“临城制造” [转贴 2010-05-12 16:21:16]   

连日来,位于临城工业园区内的河北迪特泵业生产基地项目工地上机器轰鸣,一派火热景象。该项目总投资1亿元,建成后年可产水泵10万台,可谓该县水泵生产企业中的又一“龙头”。  临城生产水泵的历史可以追溯到上世纪70年代,经过30多年的发展,生产企业达到40余家,年产各种水泵10万台,逐渐成为该县一大传统优势产业,潜水泵产量更是占到全国总产量的15%以上。 规模甚巨,效益如何?答案有些苦涩:“产值超亿元”。尽管多年来不断有新的发展,但横向与先进地区相比,小规模、大群体的落后生产模式,产品科技含量低、附加值低的“特色”没有从根本上改变。“产业升级迫在眉睫。”县委书记宋向党说。 针对症结所在,临城开出“xx”??培育龙头、打造品牌,叫响水泵业的“临城制造”,建成华北{zd0}的水泵生产基地。 xxxx的示范带动作用远非一般企业可比,且对产业集群的形成具有明显的先导作用。该县从政策、资金等方面扶持临泉、普乐、兴临等骨干企业,实施技术创新、管理创新,引导企业对接国内大型水泵企业,推行标准化、品牌化、专业化生产。优质产品,在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟。据了解,临泉水泵已和上海凯泉公司、海泉供水技术公司实现技术联合开发,生产高压电机和高楼供水设备,从而迈出了升级的新步伐。 分布于临城各乡镇的小型水泵企业、摊点,产品大都“贴牌”销售,质量、价格不一,无序竞争现象长期存在,“临城水泵”的整体声誉一度受到质疑。该县重新组建了泵业协会,指导企业规范生产、经营,并依托省xx商标“临泉水泵”,对产品进行统一研发,统一检验,统一销售,统一打造品牌,实现“联船出海”,形成产业规模。水泵业的“临城制造”,呈现出良好发展态势。临城还在县城新区规划了水泵工业园区,高标准配套水、电、路等基础设施,并出台土地、税收等多项优惠政策,吸引县内水泵厂家及国内外xxxx入驻。目前已有27家水泵企业加入了这一“集团”,迪特泵业就是其中之一。

“ Pump Industry Lincheng County called out the slogan "Lincheng create" ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

In recent days, in the industrial park Lincheng Dieter pump production base in Hebei project site on the machines roar with one hot scene. The total investment is 100 million yuan, completed, the annual production 100,000 units water pump, water pump manufacturer in the county can be described as another "leader." Lincheng production history dates back to the water pump the 70's, after 30 years of the development, production reached more than 40 companies, all kinds of pumps 100,000 units annually, the county has gradually become a major traditional industries, submersible pump production more is accounted for more than 15% of total production. Size, a large-effectiveness? Answer some bitterness: "output value of 100 million yuan." Despite years of constantly new development, but compared to horizontal and advanced areas, small and large groups in backward mode of production, products with low technological content, low value-added "feature" does not fundamentally change. "Upgrading imminent." Sung to the county party secretary, said. For the crux of the matter, Lincheng out "prescriptions" - developing leading, brand, called out the slogan pumps industry, "Lincheng manufacturing", built the largest water pump production base in North China. Demonstration effect, leading enterprises are far from comparable general business, and the formation of industrial clusters has obvious to the leading role. County from the policy, and funding support Linquan, Bullock, Xing-lin and other key enterprises, the implementation of technological innovation, management innovation, to guide enterprises to large domestic water pump docking business, promoting standardization, branding, specialized production. Quality products, in the fierce market competition foothold. It is understood, Linquan pumps have been and kaicong spring company, Ocean Spring water technology companies to achieve joint development of technology, production equipment, high voltage motors and high-rise water supply, which has taken new steps to upgrade. Distributed in small water pump Lincheng the township enterprises, stalls, product most "OEM" sales, quality, price varies, disorderly competition in a long time, "Lincheng pump" of the overall reputation of once being questioned. County reconstituted Pump Association, the guide enterprises to standardize the production, operation, and relying on Famous Brand "Linquan pumps", a unified product development, unified examination, uniform sales, unified brand, to achieve "joint ship to sea," industrial scale. Pump industry, "Lincheng manufacturing", showing a good momentum of development. Lincheng county is also planned for New Pump Industrial Park, matching the high standards of water, electricity, roads and other infrastructure, and introduction of land tax and other preferential policies to attract domestic and foreign well-known county water pump manufacturers and enterprises to enter. So far, 27 companies joined the Pump "group" Dieter pump is one of them.

郑重声明:资讯 【临城县叫响水泵业的“临城制造” - 中国隔膜泵- 中国隔膜泵- 和讯博客】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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