Will the bars and nightclubs are the difference? « Industry info ...

there is the amount of layout KTV What does that mean?

bar is for guests drinks and drink service establishments, most of the bars will be noted in the guests need to provide some simple food. In general, we will bar is divided into six major categories, namely (1) Main Bar (MAIN BAR OR PUB): Most of the main bar decorated beautiful, elegant, chic, with a strong European or American style. Audio-visual equipment, well established and depend on the availability of sufficient counter bar stool, drinks, cups and cocktail containing other types of equipment are available, decent display, features outstanding. Another feature of many of the main bar is a band of their style or to guests Darts. (2) Lounge (LOUNGE): This bar forms of dance halls in the hotel lobby and is most prevalent, are generally not prominent decorative features to operate the main beverage, in addition to some delicious snacks. (3) Service Bar (SERVICE BAR): service bar is a setting in the restaurant bar and serves also the main dining guests, in which a relatively simple Chinese restaurant services, bar, drinks also made for multi-species. Western Restaurant Service Bar is more complicated, in addition to possess the full range of wine, the bartender should have a comprehensive knowledge of wine storage and service. (4) Banquet Bar (BANQUET BAR): this category is noted in banquet bar standards, form, size, layout and the guests and the hall decorations of the bar, temporary, mobile strong. Delivery Bar (CATERING BAR) is noted in the guests at a given location, such as embassies, apartments, scenic spots such as temporary bars, takeaway banquet bar bar attached to the scope. (5) multi-function bar (GRAND BAR): multi-function bar are mostly located in an integrated entertainment, not only for lunch and dinner dining guests dining wine service, but also to reward music, jumping, and singing , and fitness needs of guests of different types are available, different styles of beverages and other services. This type of bar combines the main bar, lounge, bar services, basic features and service functions. (6) Theme Bar (SALOON): the current popular Oxygen Bar (OXYGEN BAR), cafes (INTERNET BAR) Dengjun known as themed bars. The distinguishing feature of this bar is the truth out of the theme to this consumption, the majority of the guests come to enjoy the bar offers a unique service.
nightclub Well, my impression of them is a chaotic place, which is a bar, KTV, washing bath, there are some recreational activities in one of the leisure and entertainment.
bulk purchase discount of-purchase = =
discount to save money to buy bulk KTV-style KTV = = save money KTV

“hypermarkets” originated in France in 1963, similar to a very large supermarkets hypermarkets, and later the Japanese put this shopping business Yetai called hypermarkets, Japanese, the “hypermarkets” in that it means “a large number of wholesale supermarket, “superstore deduced operate that is transparent, self-help and parity consumption patterns. Appeared in 1983, hypermarkets in Taiwan. “Quantity” refers to the volume of goods, “Trafficking” is a low-cost sales, is a kind of quantity pricing and operational form. Present superstore in Shanghai, Wuhan, Chengdu, Zhengzhou and other cities to take root, where many large department stores through the success of the discount operations, marketing and capacity expansion to achieve scale.

hope my answer satisfied you.

bar just to drink, nightclubs, jump, can play.

bar purely drinking, chatting, leisure, entertainment places, and some bars can play billiards, there are some recreational facilities, my family had to open the bar, which I understand, but also bars foreigners Tingduo’s.
nightclub above it contain not only the contents can sing, the most critical thing is to have Miss sex services.
volume layout it is singing KTV place, a room in a private rooms, and generally charge by the hour, to that majority of young people singing.

nightclub inside their places a little more.

bar, is a foreign consumption patterns, originated in the seventeenth century Europe, eighteenth century, greater and greater influence. In China, the twentieth century, 30 years, Shanghai’s bar is already quite prosperous. After the founding, bars, as the bourgeois way of life disappeared in the mainland. The 90s of the last century, bar heat re-emergence of major cities in China, has become a fashionable way of life.

nightclubs and KTV on the same will give you a room, but in general TV is not for singing, is to see the show, usually also called a miss. Miss that allows you to do many things drop.
there is a discount-type KTV room, to see how much money you have out to the square of the number of different. Meet Sanwuzhiji generally go there to sing songs, discount type that is inside the drinks and snacks can buy.



酒吧就是为客人提供酒水及饮用服务的场所,大部分酒吧还会根椐客人需要提供一些简单食品。一般来讲,我们会将酒吧分为6大类,即(1)主酒吧(MAIN BAR OR PUB):主酒吧大多装饰美观、典雅、别致,具有浓厚的欧洲或美洲风格。视听设备比较完善,并备有足够的靠柜吧凳,酒水,载杯及调酒器具等种类齐备,摆放得体,特点突出。许多主酒吧的另一特色是具有各自风格的乐队表演或向客人提供飞镖游戏。(2)酒廊(LOUNGE):这种酒吧形式在饭店大堂和歌舞厅最为多见,装饰上一般没有什么突出的特点,以经营饮料为主,另外还提供一些美食小吃。(3)服务酒吧(SERVICE BAR):服务酒吧是一种设置于餐厅中的酒吧,服务对象也以用餐客人为主,其中,中餐厅服务酒吧较为简单,酒水种类也以国产为多。西餐厅服务酒吧较为复杂,除要具备种类齐全的洋酒之外,调酒师还要具有全面的餐酒保管和服务知识。(4)宴会酒吧(BANQUET BAR):这一类酒吧是根椐宴会标准、形式、人数、厅堂布局及客人要求而摆设的酒吧,临时性、机动性较强。外卖酒吧(CATERING BAR)则是根椐客人要求在某一地点,例如大使馆、公寓、风景区等临时设置的酒吧,外卖酒吧隶属于宴会酒吧范畴。(5)多功能酒吧(GRAND BAR):多功能酒吧大多设置于综合娱乐场所,它不仅能为午、晚餐的用餐客人提供用餐酒水服务,还能为赏乐、蹦的、练歌、健身等不同需求的客人提供种类齐备、风格迥异的酒水及其它服务。这一类酒吧综合了主酒吧、酒廊、服务酒吧的基本特点和服务职能。(6)主题酒吧(SALOON):现时比较流行的氧吧(OXYGEN BAR)、网吧(INTERNET BAR)等均称为主题酒吧。这类酒吧的明显特点即实出主题,来此消费的客人大部分是来享受酒吧提供的特色服务。








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