
阀门检修的一般程序:   1、阀门拆除时,用钢字在阀门上及与阀门相连的法兰上,打好检修编号,并记录该阀门的工作介质、工作压力和工作温度,以便修理时选用相应材料。   2、检修阀门时,要求在干净的环境中进行。首先清理阀门外表面,或用压缩空气吹或用煤油清洗。但要记清铭牌及其他标识。检查外表损坏情况,并作记录。接着拆卸阀门各另部件,用煤油清洗(不要用汽油清洗,以免引起火灾),检查另部件损坏情况,并作记录。   3、对阀体阀盖进行强度试验。如系高压阀门,还要进行无损探伤,如超声波探伤,x光探伤。   4、对密封圈可用红丹粉检验,阀座、闸板(阀办)的吻合度。检查阀杆是否弯曲,有否腐蚀,螺纹磨损如何。检查阀杆螺母磨损程度。   5、对检查到的问题进行处理。阀体补焊缺陷。堆焊或更新密封圈。校直或更换 阀杆。修理一切应修理的另部件;不能修复者更换。   6、重新组装阀门。组装时,垫片、填料要全部更换。

“ Valve repair procedures ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、、 、 、 、 、 、 等。


General valve repair procedure: 1, the valve removed, the steel on the word and with the valve in the valve connected to the flange, the lay repair number, and record the working fluid valve, working pressure and temperature, in order to select appropriate materials when repairing . 2, repair the valve, requiring a clean environment. First clean the outer surface of the valve, or clean compressed air blowing or kerosene. But mind clean plate and other marks. Check the appearance of damage, and for the record. Then all the other parts of the valve disassembly, cleaning with kerosene (do not wash with gasoline, so as not to cause a fire) to check the other parts of the damage, and for the record. 3, valve cover on the valve body for strength tests. In the case of high-pressure valve, but also non-destructive testing such as ultrasonic testing, x-ray testing. 4, red lead powder on the seals can be tested, seat, gate (valve Office) Consistent. Check for bent valve stem, whether corrosion, wear and tear to thread. Check stem nut wear. 5, the issue of the check to be processed. Valve repair welding defects. Seal surfacing or later. Straightening or replacement of the valve stem. Repair of all the other parts should be repaired; not wearers to replace. 6, re-assemble the valve. Assembly, gasket, packing should be replaced.

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