保靖更大的陶瓷产业为重点« Reuse world

8月21日,我来到保靖光大陶瓷公司,看到十几卡车装运前处理“服务员”陶瓶,与“位卑字刻翁小辉河南服务员葡萄酒集团的销售额都很忙翁小辉要点,因为香农纯粮酒“引进瓶说:”我们和中国光大公司半年,光大诚实守信的公司,产品质量,是一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,我们有500 10,000所有对下半年的订单瓶光大公司。“像陶瓷企业光大公司正在蓬勃发展,在保靖有多家公司。
陶瓷传统产业,历届县委,政府的优势,提出了保靖到西南的“陶器”,但没有生活作为制度,管理混乱的结果,科技含量低因素,进入上世纪90年代中期,保靖的陶瓷生产下降的趋势。 2000年以来,县委,政府采取措施,以发展的三大陶瓷生产。{dy},增加国家的陶瓷行业结构调整的努力,国有企业。 2001年,全县完成了陶瓷厂工作的转型。 2005年5月,四方陶瓷有限公司从湖南酒鬼的重组改革,取得法人资格。的两个改革后的核心业务的成功,为30万套生产能力的陶瓷产品的一半,产量占全县恢复保靖陶瓷,陶瓷生产发挥了重要作用。二是要加大科技创新和合作。自2002年以来,全行业投资1500.00万元投资实施恒温炉燃烧技术,大大提高了产品的合格率。今年6月6日,四方陶瓷公司签订科博会与香港的投资2500万元,合资兴建三聚氰胺型陶瓷项目合同,该项目预计达到57000.000万元,利税,解决就业400人,正在建设中。三个行业自律,努力加强。 2005年8月,保靖成立了陶瓷工业协会,该协会的成立,有利于工业维修,恶性竞争的控制起到了很好的作用。
保靖县党委书记柳州清说,县将成立一个陶瓷工业园区,发挥了统一的品牌陶瓷,土家族,苗族的特点和文化的陶瓷制品,陶瓷产品,以提高文化素质,内部质量。陶瓷生产预计今年全县将超过5000万台(套),产值达数十亿美元。经过精心建设5.0亿元产值,利税5000万的大“陶器”将在世界面前展示元5-10年。 06.8.24

Baojing bigger focus on the ceramics industry

8 on 21, I came to Baojing Everbright ceramics company, see a dozen trucks are pre-shipment “waiter” pottery bottles, Henan waiter Wine Group sales are busy翁小辉points with翁小辉engraved with “位卑character is, since Shannon纯粮wine” bottles of introduction said: “We and China Everbright company for half a year, Everbright honest and trustworthy company, product quality, is a trusted partner, we have the second half of 500 10,000 bottles of all orders to the Everbright company. “Everbright companies like ceramic business is booming there are many companies in Baojing home.
It is understood that, as of June 31, the county a total of 13 enterprises producing ceramic ceramic products 31760000, the output value 48,750,000 yuan, up 25.6%, employing up to 3019 people. Baojing
ceramics are the advantages of traditional industries, successive county party committee and government have put forward to Baojing into the Southwest’s “Pottery,” but do not live as a result of the system, management of disorder, the scientific and technological content and low factors, access to the last century, the mid-90s, Baojing downward trend of ceramic production. Since 2000, the county party committee and government to take initiatives to develop the three major ceramic production. First, increase the ceramic industry restructuring efforts of state-owned enterprises. In 2001 the county completed the restructuring of the work of ceramic factory. May 2005, the Quartet Ceramics Co., Ltd. drunkard from Hunan restructuring reforms obtained legal personality. The two ceramic production of the core business success after the reform, ceramic products to an annual production capacity of 30 million, accounting for half the output of the county to revive Baojing ceramics played an important role. The second is to increase scientific and technological innovation and cooperation. Since 2002, the entire industry invested 15 million yuan investment to implement a constant temperature furnace firing technology, greatly improve the passing rate of the product. June 6 this year, the Quartet CHITEC ceramic company sign a contract with the Hong Kong investment 25 million yuan, the joint venture to build melamine-type porcelain items, the project is expected to hit 570 million yuan profits and taxes to address the employment of 400 people, is under construction. Three industry self-regulation efforts are intensified. August 2005, Baojing set up a ceramics industry associations, the establishment of the association benefits the maintenance of industry, control of vicious competition has played a good role.
Baojing county party committee secretary of Liuzhou Ching said that the county will set up a Ceramics Industrial Park, playing a unified brand ceramics, the Tujia and Miao into the characteristics and culture of ceramic products, ceramic products so as to enhance the cultural quality, internal quality. Ceramic production is expected this year, the county will exceed 50 million (sets), the output value amounting to billions of dollars. After 5-10 years of carefully building a 500 million yuan output value, profits and taxes 50 million yuan of the big “Pottery” will be displayed in front of the world. (06-8-24)

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