2010南非世界杯主题曲:自由飘扬的旗帜- TA小王子的日志- 网易博客


2010-05-11 00:02:06 阅读26 评论0 字号:


  2010年南非世界杯官方主题歌出炉,索马里裔xx柯南(KNaan)创作并演唱的《旗 帜飘扬(Wavin Flag)》入选。


  k’naan 中文名:柯兰

  生于1978年,原籍索马里的摩加迪沙 ,13岁离开索马里,他的姑姑, Magool ,是索马里最有名的xx。 K’naan的祖父,哈吉穆罕默德,是一个诗人。 K’naan也是一个穆斯林。 后来随着内战的继续和索马里的局势继续恶化,移民加拿大。




  风格:他的声音和风格已经比较阿姆,但他的题材有很大的不同!K’naan 的音乐是谈论索马里的局势,因为索马里是他的祖国,他在歌曲中呼吁停止暴力和流血。他特别试图避免一般说唱陈词滥调的姿态。


  when i get older i will be

  stronger they’ll call me freedom just

  like a wavin flag

  when i get older i will be

  stronger they’ll call me freedom just

  like a waving flag

  and then it goes back (3x)

  ahhho ahhho ahhho

  born to a throne

  stronger than rome

  but violent prone

  poor people zone

  but its my home

  all i have known

  where i got grown

  streets we would roam

  out of the darkness

  i came the farthest

  among the hardest survive

  learn form these streets

  it can be bleak

  accept no defeet

  surrender retreat

  (so we struggling)

  fighting to eat

  (and we wondering)

  when we will be free

  so we patiently wait

  for that faithful day

  its not far away

  but for now we say

  when i get older i will be

  stronger they’ll call me freedom just

  like a waving flag

  and then it goes back (3x)

  ahhho ahhho ahhho

  so many wars

  settling scores

  bring us promises

  leaving us poor

  i heard them say

  love is the way

  love is the answer

  thats what they say

  but look how they treat us

  make us believers

  we fight there battles

  then they deceive us

  try to control us

  they couldn’t hold us

  cause we just move forward

  like buffalo soldiers

  (but we strugglin)

  fighting to eat

  (and we wondering)

  when we will be free

  so we patiently wait

  for that faithfully day

  its not far away

  but for now we say

  when i get older i will be

  stronger they’ll call me freedom just

  like a waving flag

  and then it goes back (3x)

  and then it goes when i get older i will be

  stronger they’ll call me freedom just

  like a wavin flag

  and then it goes back (3x)

  ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo

  and everybody will be singing it

  and you and i will be singing it

  and we all will be singing it

  wo wah wo ah wo ah

  when i get older i will be

  stronger they’ll call me freedom just

  like a wavin flag

  and then it goes back (3x)

  and then it goes when i get older i will be

  stronger they’ll call me freedom just

  like a wavin flag

  and then it goes back (3x)

  a oh a oh a oh

  when i get older

  when i get older

  i will be stronger

  just like a wavin flag (3x)

  flag flag

  just like a wavin flag

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