鍙︿竴涓浉鍏虫兂娉曪紝澶ц偁浜х敓姘㈡皵澶鏄?/font>IBS鐨勫師鍥犲悧锛岀湅鏉ヤ緷闈?font size="4">澶ц偁浜х敓姘㈡皵娌荤枟鐤剧梾涔熶笉涓€瀹氭槸涓€涓緢濂界殑鍔炴硶銆傚綋鐒跺彲浠ヤ粠鍙︿竴涓搴︾湅锛?/strong>IBS鏃㈢劧澶ц偁浜х敓姘㈡皵澶锛岃繖绉嶄汉鍙兘姣忓ぉ浜彈姘㈡皵鐨勫ソ澶勮€屼笉鐭ラ亾銆傚彲浠ヨ€冭檻璋冩煡杩欑鎮h€呭叾浠栫柧鐥呯殑鍙戠梾鐜囧浣曘€傚鐞嗚В姘㈡皵鐨勬晥搴旀湁甯姪銆傚彟澶栫編鍥界殑鐮旂┒鏃㈢劧鍙戠幇姘㈡皵鑳芥不鐤楄偁鐐庯紝IBS鐨勫師鍥犲彲鑳芥槸澶ц偁浜х敓姘㈡皵澶锛岃€屾阿姘旇兘娌荤枟鑲犵値锛岃嚜鐩哥煕鐩惧悧锛?/font>
Rifaximin(鍒╃鏄旀槑)鏈搧绯诲埄绂忛湁绱?/span>锛屾槸绗竴涓潪姘ㄥ熀绯栫敊绫昏偁閬?/span>銆傛湰鍝佷綔鐢ㄥ己锛屾姉鑿岃氨骞裤€傛湰鍝佸闈╁叞姘忛槼鎬ч渶姘ц弻涓殑閲戦粍鑹查吙鑴?/span>銆?/span>鍙?/span>锛?/span> 瀵归潻鍏版皬闃存€т笉瑙勫垯姘ц弻涓殑銆?/span>銆?/span>銆佸皬鑲犵粨鑲犵値鑰跺皵妫皬鑿屻€?/span>锛涢潻鍏版皬闃存€у帉姘ц弻涓殑鏈夐珮搴︽椿鎬с€?/span>
涓ら」鐢?/span>Cedars-Sinai鐨勭爺绌惰€呰繘琛岀殑鈪?/span>鏈熶复搴婅瘯楠岀粨鏋滆〃鏄庯紝涓€绉嶉澏鍚戞姉鐢熺礌鑳藉鏈夋晥鎸佷箙鍦扮紦瑙h偁婵€鎯圭患鍚堝緛锛?/span>IBS锛夈€?/span>Rifaximin鏄涓€涓笉浠呭湪鏈嶈嵂鏈熼棿锛岃€屼笖鍋滄鐢ㄨ嵂鍚庤兘鎸佺画缂撹ВIBS鐥囩姸鐨勮嵂鐗┿€?/span> 鐮旂┒鑰呭彂鐜版湇鐢?/span>Rifaximin鐨勬偅鑰呬笉浠呮湇鑽湡闂?/span>IBS鐥囩姸鍑忚交锛屽寘鎷壒娈婄棁鐘朵緥濡傦細鑳€姘斻€佽吂鐥涘拰绮究纭害鏀瑰彉锛屽苟涓斿綋浠栦滑鍋滆嵂鍚?/span>10鍛ㄥ唴锛岀棁鐘舵寔缁紦瑙c€?/span> 璇ョ爺绌剁殑缁撴灉浜?/span>5鏈?/span>3鏃?/span>鍦ㄦ柊濂ュ皵鑹殑娑堝寲鐤剧梾鍛ㄤ細璁笂琚叕甯冦€?/span>Cedars-Sinai鍏徃鐨勮儍鑲犲姩鍔涢」鐩€荤洃锛屼复搴婅瘯楠屼富瑕佺爺绌惰€?/span>Mark Pimentel鍗氬+璇达細“杩欎簺鐮旂┒璇佸疄浜嗗彉寮傜殑娑堝寲閬撶粏鑿屽湪IBS鎵紨鐨勮鑹层€傝繖浜涘彂鐜拌〃鏄庨澏鍚戞姉鐢熺礌瀹夊叏鎸佷箙鏀瑰杽IBS銆?/span>” IBS鏄編鍥芥渶甯歌鐨勮儍鑲犻亾绱婁贡鐤剧梾锛岃秴杩?/span>20%鐨勭編鍥戒汉鍙楃柧鐥呭奖鍝嶃€?/span>IBS鎮h€呴€氬父琚弿杩颁负“渚跨涓轰富瑕佺棁鐘?/span>”“鑵规郴涓轰富瑕佺棁鐘?/span>”鎴?/span>“鑵规郴渚跨浜ゆ浛”銆傞櫎杩欎簺鐥囩姸澶栵紝IBS鎮h€呭父甯歌吂鐥涙垨鐥夋寷锛屾皵浣撹繃澶氭垨鑳€姘旓紝姣旀甯稿ぇ渚跨‖鎴栨澗鏁o紝浠ュ強鑲夌溂鍙鐨勮吂閮ㄨ啫鑳€銆?/span> 鍥犱负IBS鐥呭洜涓嶆槑锛屼互寰€鐨勬不鐤椾富瑕侀泦涓湪鍑忚交鐥囩姸锛屽噺缂撴垨鍔犻€熸秷鍖栬繃绋嬨€?/span>Pimentel鍜屽悓浜嬫棭鏈熺殑鐮旂┒锛岀粰鍙楄瘯鑰呰繘琛屼钩鏋滅硸姘㈠懠鍚稿疄楠岋紝鎻ず浜?/span>IBS鏈€甯歌鐥囩姸——鑳€姘旓紝鍜岀粏鑿屽彂閰典箣闂村彲鑳藉瓨鍦ㄥ叧鑱斻€傚疄楠岀洃娴嬩簡鍛煎惛涓阿鍜岀敳鐑凤紙鍙戦叺缁嗚弻浜х敓鐨勬皵浣擄級鐨勬祿搴︺€傚疄楠屾樉绀鸿繖浜涙皵浣撴祿搴﹀崌楂橈紝琛ㄦ槑灏忚偁缁嗚弻杩囧害鐢熼暱锛屾垨SIBO锛屽彲鑳藉鑷?/span>IBS銆?/span> 瓒呰繃1200鍚嶆偅鑰呭弬鍔犱簡rifaximin鍙岀洸銆佸涓績銆?/span>鈪?/span>鏈熶复搴婄爺绌讹紝杩欐槸涓€绉嶈儍鑲犻亾鍐呬笉鍙惛鏀剁殑鎶楃敓绱狅紝FDA宸叉壒鍑嗘不鐤楁梾琛岃吂娉诲拰鑲濇€ц剳鐥呫€傝交鍒颁腑搴﹁吂娉诲拰鑳€姘旂殑IBS鎮h€呰闅忔満鎸戦€夛紝鏈嶇敤550mg rifaximin鎴栧畨鎱板墏涓ゅ懆銆傜劧鍚庡鐥呬汉杩涜璺熻釜璋冩煡鍗佸懆銆?/span>鈪?/span>鏈熶复搴婃槸鏈€鍚庨槓鏄庢柊鑽畨鍏ㄦ湁鏁堢殑澶ц妯¢殢鏈哄疄楠屻€?/span> 杩欎竴鍙戠幇鏀寔浜?/span>Pimentel浠ュ墠鐨勭爺绌讹紝鏄剧ずIBS鐢辨秷鍖栭亾缁嗚弻杩囧害鐢熼暱寮曡捣銆?/span> “鍗充娇浣犲仠鐢ㄨ繖绉嶆姉鐢熺礌锛岀梾浜轰細涓€鐩存劅瑙夎壇濂斤紝杩欒鏄庢垜浠墦鍑讳簡鐥呭洜銆?/span>”Pimentel璇淬€?/span> 闄や簡Cedars-Sinai鍏徃锛屽叾瀹冨弬涓庤涓村簥璇曢獙鐨勪腑蹇冨寘鎷尝澹】Beth Israel Deaconess鍖诲涓績锛屽畨闃夸集鐨勫瘑姝囨牴澶у鍖诲涓績锛屾煡鐝€灏斿笇灏旂殑鍖楀崱缃楁潵绾冲ぇ瀛︼紝甯冮噷鏂墭灏旂殑Connecticut Gastroenterology Institute. Rifaximin(鍒╃鏄旀槑)鐢?/span>Salix鍒惰嵂鏈夐檺鍏徃鐢熶骇銆?/span>Salix涔熸彁渚涚爺绌跺熀閲戙€?/span>Pimentel鍙戠幇rifaximin瀵?/span>IBS鐨勪綔鐢紝Cedars-Sinai鎷ユ湁璇ュ彂鐜扮殑涓撳埄鏉冿紝骞跺凡鎺堟潈缁?/span>Salix銆?/span>Pimentel鍗氬+鏄?/span>Salix鍏徃鐨勯【闂紝鏄畠鐨勭瀛﹂【闂細鎴愬憳銆?/span> 锛堥儴鍒嗗紩鑷?/span>DXY锛?/span>
A targeted antibiotic provides effective and long-lasting relief of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms, according to the results of two multisite Phase III clinical trials designed by Cedars-Sinai researchers. Rifaximin is the first drug treatment for IBS that relieves symptoms while it's being administered and continues to benefit patients after they stop taking the drug. Researchers found that patients who took rifaximin not only experienced relief of their IBS symptoms, including specific symptoms of bloating, abdominal pain and stool consistency, while they were taking the antibiotic, but also that their relief was sustained over the 10 week follow-up period when no antibiotic was administered.The results of the studies were presented at the Digestive Disease Week conference in New Orleans on May 3. "These studies validate the role of altered gut bacteria in IBS," said Mark Pimentel, M.D., GI Motility Program director at Cedars-Sinai and the principal investigator of the clinical trail at Cedars. "These findings show that targeted antibiotics provide safe and long-lasting improvement for IBS patients." IBS is the most common gastrointestinal disorder in the United States, affecting more than 20 percent of the population. Traditionally, patients with IBS have been described as having "constipation predominant," "diarrhea-predominant" or an alternating pattern of diarrhea and constipation. In addition to these symptoms, IBS patients often experience abdominal pain or cramps, excess gas or bloating, harder or looser stools than normal and visible abdominal distension. Because the cause of IBS has been elusive, treatments for the disease have historically focused on relieving its symptoms through medications that either slow or speed up the digestive process. Earlier research conducted by Pimentel and colleagues documents a possible link between bloating, the most common IBS symptom, and bacterial fermentation by giving participants lactulose breath tests. The test monitors the level of hydrogen and methane -- the gases emitted by fermented bacteria -- on the breath. Those tests show elevated levels of those gases, indicating that small intestine bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO, may be a cause of IBS.More than 1,200 patients participated in the Phase III, double-blind, multi-center studies of rifaximin, a nonabsorbable antibiotic that stays in the gut and is currently FDA-approved to treat traveler's diarrhea and hepatic encephalopathy. IBS patients with mild to moderate diarrhea and bloating were randomized to receive 550 milligrams of rifaximin or placebo for two weeks. Patients were then followed for an additional 10 weeks. Phase III trials are randomized studies on large patient groups to definitively demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of a new drug. The findings support previous research by Pimentel indicating that IBS is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the gut. "Even after you stop the antibiotic, the patients continue to feel better, which indicates that we did something to strike at what causes the condition," Pimentel said.In addition to Cedars-Sinai, other centers participating in the clinical trials included Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Connecticut Gastroenterology Institute in Bristol, Conn. Rifaximin is marketed by Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Salix also provided funding for the studies. Pimentel discovered the use of rifaximin for IBS, and Cedars-Sinai holds patent rights to this discovery and has licensed rights to the invention to Salix. Dr. Pimentel is a consultant to Salix, Inc, and serves on its scientific advisory board.