怀念一代宗师- casper的日志- 网易博客


2010-05-11 22:03:36 阅读84 评论5 字号:

今天上班,突然电脑中传来“嘟嘟”声!是我的msn有新消息,我的原来幻想的同事selenia发出的消息:只有几个单词,但是却足够让人震惊!“FRANK FRAZETTA, Dies at 82!"
{dy}次见到大师的插图的情景还历历在目,那好象是在88年或是90年,富春江画报封底,整版的插图,名为“银武士”,虽然那时的杂志印刷粗糙,但仍然令我震惊不已!于是只那一张图看了半月,临摹了数张。后来看到一本打开本的杂志以3个版面的篇幅介绍大师,这才知道了大师的名字,于是FRANK FRAZETTA这个名字便深深的植入心田。这也成就了后来[幻想]时期我与大师的直接联络!想不到我们的email发出去后,隔日就收到了大师的回复,虽然是由其子代笔,仍令我们心底热血喷涌!但那时大师已经搁笔了,这大约是6年前的事了。

FRANK FRAZETTA (1928-2010)

Frank Frazetta Self-portrait

Frazetta self-portrait

Frank Frazetta

Frank Frazetta





It is with great sadness that we note the passing of Grand Master Frank Frazetta.

His health had not been good for the last decade, and this past year (with the death of Ellie and the sad events surrounding the museum) had been extremely stressful; the cause of death has been reported as a stroke.

We will be posting a much longer appreciation of Frank in the near future.




Frank Frazetta

Bran Mak Morn

Frank Frazetta Egyptian Queen

Egyptian Queen

Frank Frazetta Buck Rogers

Buck Rogers

Frank Frazetta Flashing Swords

Flashing Swords


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