目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
{dy}章 绪 论 1
1.2 系统开发目的及意义 1
1.3 目前系统开发的国内外现状研究 2
1.3.1 国内 2
3.3.6 施工单位申请施工 31
1.3.3 目前存在的问题 3
1.4 系统开发相关理论基础 3
1.4.1 工程项目管理系统 3
参考文献 39
1.5 系统开发工具选择 5
第二章 系统规划与需求分析 7
2.1 问题描述 7
2.2 建模方法选择 7
2.3 需求模型 9
2.4 用例图 10
15.James A Senn Analysis Design of Information Systems Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company .1989
2.6 业务流程图 12
2.7 数据流程图 13
2.8 功能结构图 15
4.3.4有效性测试 35
3.3 系统界面设计 26
3.1 系统功能模块设计 17
3.2 数据库设计 19
3.2.1 概念结构设计 21
4.2 程序设计 34
4.3.5系统测试 35
3.3.1 系统主界面设计 26
3.4 系统配置方案与设计 32
3.3.3设计院页面 28
3.3.4 施工单位页面 29
3.3.5 设计院申请设计 30
13.[美]Reed Jacob.SQL Server 2000Analysis Services 学习指南.机械工业出版社.2001
3.3.7 合同页面 32
3.4.1 软件环境 32
3.4.2 硬件环境 33
第四章 系统的实现与维护 34
4.1 物理系统的实现 34
4.1.1 计算机系统的实现 34
4.1.2 网络系统的实现 34
4.2.1 程序设计目标 34
3.2.2 逻辑结构设计 23

2.5 活动图 11
2.9 E—R图 16
6.黄梯云.管理信息系统.修订版.高等教育出版社. 1999

4.4 系统运行与维护 36

致 谢 38
1.4.2 统计整理 5

4.3.6系统调试与修改 36

3.3.2 管理员页面 27
4.3.1系统测试 35

结  论 37

第三章 系统设计 17
The implementation of weak electricity network project outsourcing management information system is a complex systems engineering , which not only involving the various factors of management, people, technology s, but also involving the various aspects of project management and some project management organizations in the sector of the design and construction of projects. Many problems are faced in the implementation course of projects management system in the different stages and different aspects. The desired goals will be not reached in the absence of an effective management information system. The vast facts of failures of the domestic weak electricity network project outsourcing management information system fully show the difficulty of MIS system developing, and the application implement is more difficult. a set project management standard is established which can satisfy the need of the crucial handling of traffic and to have the unified, implement business processing and the data processing of integrity, standard and integrated, promote management standardization, and straightens out the relation of each management level interior and between each other. PMS is designed to meet the need of practice application, including system programming and analysis, system design, system implement and maintenance.
Key word: project management outsourcing; Management information system ;ASP(Active Server Page)

摘 要
3.罗鸿,王忠民编著.ERP 原理设计实施(第2版).电子工业出版社出版,2000
1.1 系统背景 1
4.3 程序和系统测试与调试 35
4.3.2模块测试 35
1.3.2 国外 2
14.Tridas Mukhopadhyay、Sunder kekre.Business Value of Information Technogy:A case study of edi.MIS Quartely.1995
16.Phillip Ein-dor, Eli seger. Mamaging Management Information Systems.D .C :Heath and Company.1999

19. --管理信息系统

4.5 系统评价 36
4.3.3集成测试 35
[关键词]工程外包管理;管理信息系统;ASP(Active Server Page)

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